Seems some of you have a lot to say of late so here's the place.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Your Views on the News 11/14/13
Seems some of you have a lot to say of late so here's the place.
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12:11 AM
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Just recently I have stopped feeling sorry for President Obama and his botched insurance healthcare website.
There are only so many issues you can blame on the Republicans and the website is not one of them.
President Obama seems to be less of an innovator and more of a delegator of responsiblities.
Why didn't HE try the application first, give it a run through for possible errors, and see how quickly the website processed incoming data?
I'm not one who is technologically
capable of trying new and difficult things, but we all know that ALL websites require repeated use and are prone to error. Even signing on to a new Google account can be troublesome.
Did it not occur to this Harvard educated, articulate, man that all new websites and applications can be tedious? It was HIS JOB to give it a try and make believe HE was applying for health insurance, and not leave it to those who serve him.
So yes, the Republicans are justified as well as the American public, in their frustration with our "commander in chief" and his inability to accept responsibility when it is his fault and his fault alone.
I have a question that the media is not considering :
would the working poor or uninsured have high
speed internet ? There is this thing called internet
disparity. I'm disappointed in CBS News and CNN.
Neither network is living up to it's legacy. Some
people need to lose jobs at both networks.
@12:13AM: That is a very good question and concern.
But the answer is, yes, the "working poor" can have access to high speed internet service by going to their local library.
Most up to date public libraries
not only have computers, they have tablets and ipads available on loan and tech support.
Republicans have no room to criticize the president on ACA considering they have done ZERO. Even with whatever problems ACA has, the president has taken a step to help Americans, the Republicans continue to block, obstruct and offer NOTHING. ACA will be fixed, the GOP, not so much.
I wrote this on an earlier blogpost but want to repost my comment here:
Did anyone watch New Day this morning? I caught the first 30 minutes and it was all so uncomfortable! Kate, Chris, and Michaela all looked so sleepy and had this "I'm already bored of this show" vibe. I could definitely tell there was tension between Kate and Chris. It's obvious that Chris and Michaela are friends in real life as anyone can see from social media, but it's unfortunate that those rumors last month might be true that Chris may want Kate out. It seemed like Kate was double speaking at times, attacking Chris. Indra Petersons was giving the weather and Chris said he hated the cold and kate said she liked it. Here is the transcript after Chris said he didn't like the cold:
PETERSONS: I thought you thought good news was cold.
BOLDUAN: Good come back. I welcome the cold.
CUOMO: It's easy to say a side against me. Supporting me is what's difficult.
BOLDUAN: Thanks, Indra.
PETERSONS: You're welcome.
BOLDUAN: We'll fight this out again.
It was all said with smirks, but you could tell there was something behind it. It was just uncomfortable to watch. Have Michaela co-host with Chris or bring in Brooke Baldwin. Kate was much better hosting an hour with Wolf Blitzer in Washington.
CNN has never been committed to honest reporting on Obamacare. Do you ever hear the mention o the millions of people being denied healthcare because GOP governors will not expand medicaid. 4 million will be affected by canceled polices. Are we to believe that the insurance industry never canceled policies before or denied healthcare coverage. Every single horror story has been debunked. Those glitches likely affected the numbers.No doubt the glitches need to be fixed. It's no surprise that CNN's ratings took a real heard hit with the reporting on Obamacare.
The coverage of the ACA needs to really be put into perspective. CNN only talks about the numbers from the website but fails to mention the Medicaid portion, which many have chosen. Also, some 875,000 have created accounts but have yet to chose plans and this supposedly really 1.5 million. I put it all in the TBD . These numbers are going to chance daily ;and are likely a conservative estimate. The numbers released so far are a snapshot. No one can definitively reach any conclusions. There is also this, the media will never come down on the insurance industry. CNN airs insurance commercials. They can't be objective . Not going to happen.
Ironically, I spoke with someone who spent time in Asia and Europe. CNN is losing ground internationally too. There is movement towards BBC, AJ and even CCTV. There are those who will tell you that CNN is no different than North Korea and is a giant propaganda machine. You have huge media companies being run by men with Ivy League educations who set out to misinform Americans. It is going to have consequences. I'm more inclined to watch AJAM, BBC, PIVOT or LINK.
CNN is done. The backlash against CNN is global.
Watch in the not too distant future, it will come out that it was a coordinated effort to get teh media to destroy Obamacare. How did these people with canceled policies make their way to national television. Guarantee you there is a GOP political connection. Transparency is needed for the so-called
news media. Because of right wing media CNN is afraid to take republicans to task. They are afraid of the trolls.
I just wanted to say how great Anderson's coverage has been for the Phillipines. I once visited there so I am very interested to see what is going on. I tried watching AJAM, but CNN is far superior and no network has anyone like Anderson. He is the best.
I have noticed the tension between Kate and Chris. I wonder is she has been told that she will be replaced. She is extremely intelligent and he is a smart alec. Their personalities don't mix.
It is totally irresponsible for CNN to focus on 4 million insured people but ignoring 45 million uninsured. CNN is thinking the website is not going to eventually work. CNN is wrong. I think that you are right. Those 45 million viewers don't fit with their narrative. You know the fix is in when CNN and others just put people on the air without checking out their story first. CNN does not have credibility on anything.
Well, at least HBO has better news content than CNN. Jon Oliver is coming to HBO. They already have Bill Maher and VIce.
CNN messed up when they decided to go with a talk radio format for a visual medium called TV. Also, focusing on crime. CNN is doing very little reporting about what is going on in the United States or the world. I'm stunned that AJA does an outstanding job covering the news in the U.S. IMHO, that's their game plane, showing viewers the real America and telling the stories of Americans. I never knew that illegal ivory was a problem in the U.S. There is a news attitude that is refreshing. AJA is actually reaching out to Americans saying tell us your story.
"CNN has never been committed to
'honest' reporting on Obamacare."
Oh, yes they have. They finally got something right.
It is a real honest to goodness mess and our Prez just today tried to get infront of the mess He created.
He even went after the Press, not a good thing to do Mr President.
They kept asking him when he knew there were glitches in the website, and what did he intend to do about it since enrollment was so low.
Translation: Where were you when this process was in development and how do YOU plan to fix it?
The POTUS said something that really sounded like the Nixon era, that when things are going well, "you guys don't report it."
Haven't we heard this before, or is the bubble Obama's in, just getting larger?
CNN has been wrong on ACA from the beginning. The President once again outsmarts the naysayers and critics. Totally agree with the commenters who have laid out where CNN has been so wrong on ACA.
I stopped watching CNN because they are hoping for Obamacare to fail and for some 47 million Americans to not have healthcare. I'm blessed. I have great healthcare that saved my life via chemotherapy. I'm in the 86 % of Americans who is not affected at all. For me this is not politics. The words coming out of the mouths of Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper, Erin Burnett, Jim Acosta and all of CNN don't make sense. Obviously viewers take issue with CNN because their ratings are getting lower and lower.
CNN 's embrace of punditry has made the network
irrelevant. Facts don't matter to CNN and it's proving
to be costly. CNN does not have the swag it once did.
CNN has gotten too many stories wrong from the Boston Marathon, ACA SCOTUS ruling and Obamaacare. Viewers are a whole lot smarter than the people running CNN think they are. You can't insult viewers intelligence. If bad ratings don't cause a course correction, nothing will. It's arrogant to think we can do whatever we want, forget the viewers. Too bad for CNN that there is now so many alternatives like BBC, CCTV, AJAM,
Link, Pivot, etc.
I wish the Cable News Network would discontinue their scrolling ticker. It would help keep folks watching some of their programs much longer.
The daily political bloc shows on CNN are tanking.
Those diving ratings are hurting CNN badly if you
look at the ratings on TVN. CNN has problems. It's
called shrinking viewership.
Agreed @Mario500. Way TOO MUCH going on with their graphics.
Now that Bill Weir is with CNN, they should have him do a true interactive newscast. It is determined by the most popular stories and video and the stories that viewers want more ind depth coverage. Of course you would include the top stories os the day. GIve your viewers a chance to really engage with the news. Just have people post on FB or Twitter is not the best way to do this. It can be a part of it but not the main driving force. Twitter is too juvenile at times , which is why the recently hired a news editor.
CNN needs to get rid of all opinion and let viewers make up their minds on certain topics based on facts. That's so simple. Get rid of all pundits. Keep the professional correspondents. Get rid of shows like Crossfire and Piers Morgan. I think they are the only two programs with highly opinionated hosts. CNN needs to acknowledge that they aren't number one and they need to publicly say that they aren't competing with opinionated news channels like FOX or MSNBC. It will save them from humiliation in ways from what they used to be long ago.
Although Bill Maher's HBO panel fell flat tonite, all agreed that Obama should have gotten in front of the problem on HIS website, at the beginning, and HE should have been far more knowledgeable and transparent, about the process HE CREATED.
This will be his legacy. Not anyone elses and for those that have no healthcare or whose healthcare policies were canceled because of Obamacare, this is a dilema that will not go away quickly.
Obama's credibility is at stake along with the government's, and once credibility is lost, it is very difficult to get it back.
Having been one of the half million viewers who tuned into CNN's "Sixties" dedication for President Kennedy, there was something Lacking in this news clip docementary.
Let's just say, it had no heart, no base, no core.
It emphasized the forensic analysis portion of the assassination, rather than the transition of the Presidencies from Kennedy to Johnson.
Democracy worked, but you'd never know that from what CNN showed us.
How the bullet entered JFK's skull has been magnified and dissected so many times over the years, it was actually boring.
LBJ's transition and the policies he carried out, which included MEDICARE AND MEDICAID, should have been the empahsis, especially with the Affordable Helathcare debacle.
But CNN did do a good job enhancing the film digitally from the original analog broadcast which was rough and scratchy looking.
Oswald was just a blurr with slits for eyes back in the sities.
We actually were able to see intricate details in the that is commendable on CNN's behalf.
Bill Maher's panel was dominated by right wingers and Ezra Klein who has been highly critical of ACA. Not exactly a balanced look at the situation.
I liked CNN's JFK doc, but National Geographic had an even better one, IMO, not just focused on Dallas, but the entire Texas visit, with really moving recollections from people who attended the various JFK events leading up to the assassination.
I guess the bad ratings are getting to the New Day team.
Bill Weir was on 360 and seems to have a strong presence, he jumped right into it all immediately. I don't know what to think of him yet, but he sort of reminds me of Cuomo and I've never warmed up to him.
An amazing story unfolded out of San Francisco yesterday and CNN was nowhere to be found. The city became Gotham for a kid with leukemia. So many worked hard to see this happen. Why was this not a live event on CNN ? I learned about it this morning on ABC<CBS<NBC & AJAM. Hey CNN there are dozens of news stories than have more impact than pundits. How about giving Ted Tuner back his network.
The NYT reported yesterday, that Jackie Kennedy's pink blood stained dress will not be released for public viewing until the year 2103. It is now in the archives under glass, just as it was in November of 1963.
While I can see the historical value of preserving this garment just as it was on that fateful day, isn't that a bit long to have to wait?
I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be here, and I was alive when the assassination took place fifty years ago.
This was Caroline Kennedy's decision upon her mother's death.
There comes a time when everyone who was alive then, will no longer be around, and those yet to be born, will not recognize its value or appreciate it the way our generation would have liked.
Stop overhyping 39 democrats out of 200 voting with the GOP on the so-called ACA fix. It's not even close to a revolt. This bill will not make it to the Senate and
President Obama let it be known if it even makes it to his desk he will veto. Someone at CNN needs to really go back and watch Schoolhouse Rock. The legislative branch is just not the House of Representatives. Congress is both the House & Senate. Then you have executive, which is the President of the United States. 39 is not a revolt. When Democrates join Republicans to get 300 or more votes , that's a revolt. It's as if CNN requires us to leave our brains at the door and forget our ability to think and reason.
While Alec Baldwin needs to curb his entire manner and how he handles himself publically, MSNBC made a poor judgement call by canceling his show.
Aren't we getting a bit too sensitive about homophobic remarks?
A very large part of the country, except in certain portions of the North East, still finds homosexuality offensive, and this will not change.
You cannot legislate "acts of prejudice."
What he said was wrong, but should he really lose his job because of a minority that probably doesn't watch his show and never will?
Our political correctness is getting entrely out of hand.
CNN seems to be grooming Bill Weir for a prime time news programs. This means that CNN is likely to cancel PMT.
CNN's political shows are tanking because CNN uses political hacks. The back and forth is annoying. There is zero political analysis. There is zero intelligent and constructive conversation.
The overall reporting on CNN has credibility issues. In order for CNN win back viewers , they have to see that CNN is making tangible changes. I don't know how CNN gets back to being fact-based when no one with a very strong news background is a part of management.
Boys and girls Al Jazeera America has a very long way to go. AJA should bring back Vanguard. and the media bar. ALA will likely catch FBN or HLN before being competitive with CNN, MSNBC or FNC. It took Current, the network they replaced, 8 years just to get some 35,000 viewers in prime time. Huffington Post has an interesting article that shows there are so many ways to look at ratings.
Yes, justice is blind.
When are we going to stop hearing about Jorge Zimmerman or is it George Zimmerman?
When he is in jail, where he should have been after a jury defended the stand your ground rule over real justice in the grand state of Florida.
He has turned out to be one very lose cannon that is bound to erupt, and when he does, let us all hope it is in a state that does not have a stupid rule, called "stand your ground," AND a
much smarter, well informed jury.
I absolutely dislike the Cheneys,
BUT aleast they all are equally despicable in very different ways.
Unfortunately, for news consumers inaccurate news stories has gone mainstream. Let's see what AJAM does in 2014. I have a feeling that the network might be getting too close for comfort to FBN. Isn't it ironic that the NY POST, another Murcdoch media property is writing about the ratings of a news startup. I looked at the cable ranker on TVN and noticed that both networks had zero in prime time for the week of Nov 4. So FBN has been around for 5 years and had a zero in prime time ratings. The Post focused on total day to paint an incomplete picture. Glad Huff Post called them out. Sure AJAM averaged 13K to FBN 38K but AJAM is just starting. They all have data. You can bet that there is some data that FOX is seeing that they don;t like about AJAM. GUess : there are hours when AJAM is beating FBN. Keep in mind that FBN is in more homes too. There are so many stories that are upcoming in 2014. Will Jeff Zucker survive at CNN ? Will the ratings slide continue for CNN ? Will CNN, FOX,MSNBC & AJAM gain or lose viewers ? Will AJAM move past FBN ? If CNN gives Zucker the boot, who is the next boss at CNN ? Will more CNN talent depart CNN ? Is speculation that AJAM will cause problems for CNN accurate ? Which CNN shows will be canceled ? We will all find out next year.
Love AJA. The channel means I have a choice to skip CNN, MSNBC & FNC. TVN has an article on AJA and the Cable Network Ranker for 11-11-2013. Last week AJA averaged 18,000 in primetime. AJA does a fantastic job covering America. Watch the network to see for yourself. I have Direc TV so with the genie I can record multiple shows. America Tonight is 1 of them. 360 was once my DVR news show.. On Monday night, Christof Putzel had an unbelievable story on ice, the new meth. This was in Alabama and the people were open to telling their stories and the camera captured some amazing scenes. It included an interview with a 6 yr old who was burned while his dad cooked meth. He and his dad talked candidly. Had any other network done this, it would have been on Huffington Post, Business Insider, TV Newser,etc. Instead of re-airing Consider This at 9 AM in the morning the should feature America Tonight. The material for the most part on America Tonight is not outdated. At least put together an hour of the best of both America Tonight and Consider This. Also, on the homepage have the channel on which Direc TV, FIOS, DISH carry AJA.
AJA will pass FBN but you won't hear about it. Sure, AJA has a long hard road but CNN,FNC & MSNBC need to take them seriously.
OK get one more shot, and that's not a pun, tomorrow, airing the Kennedy assassination,
with Jackie in her pink suit, crawling out to
the end of the limo to save the
remains of JFK, and then show time ENDS. ENOUGH. Even Caroline wouldn't sit through the same reel
every nite. We know how it ends.
In fact, those of us who actually lived through the era, can retell
the tragedy better than you can.
It was the biggest story of the 20th Century and then the 21st Century came along, fifty years later, and 9/11 made this assassination look somewhat less vile. But that's a story for another time.
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