Here's the headline may of you have been waiting for:
Piers Morgan and CNN Plan End to His Prime-Time Show
to read the details follow this link to today's media page of the New York Times.
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Here's the headline may of you have been waiting for:
Posted by
8:58 PM
All I can say is YES!
Now let's hope it's not another
Brit with attitude.
The only thing I did like about Piers was his stand on the NRA, but when he compared the British
way of life to ours, and kept saying we are a society obsessed with violence, this did not go over well with anyone, including me.
As long as Piers Morgan is leaving CNN, why can't we have a two
for one....and take Erin Burnett
with him.
No one would no the difference.
She's a mommy now and she can do what Hillary never got to do: Bake cookies.
Here's one person I will miss:
Brooke Burke on DWTS.
Brooke was a class act, and she wasn't an "interchangeable blonde." She wore clothes like no other, and no one else can replace her.
What was ABC thinking when they decided to do this switch....that
Brooke was "over the hill," at 42
and Harold Wheeler, the great band
leader that had so much zest and
vitality, were both the cause of lost ratings?
Here's an idea for Cable news and Broadcast: ASK VIEWERS FIRST...DON'T JUST ASSUME YOU KNOW HOW TO FIX THINGS. YOU DON'T.
Next thing you know, the new and improved co-host for Dancing will be Miley Cyrus.
I rest my case.
The one thing I did like about Piers Morgan was how he spoke out strongly for gun control and how the country is destroying itself by being more concerned with owning guns than people.
Another vote for the departure of Erin Burnett. I've disliked her since the early days on CNN when she derided Occupy Wall Street. She's just gotten worse over the years. She should dye her hair blonde and try for Fox, she'd fit right in over there.
Anon 10:04pm - I'll second that motion!
I think PMT is the 1st show to drop and that Erin
Burnett and Crossfire have to be next. CNN is in
a huge ratings dive. Today MSNBC starts a brand
new lineup. Piers Morgan has been doing badly
for quit some time. What took CNN so long ? It's
no secret that CNN is in big trouble. The big
question is how do you fix CNN ? Are we going to
start seeing docs at 9PM on CNN ? I think many
CNN viewers have gone to MSNBC. Somebody had
better start fixing CNN. However, it might already
be too late. Too many talking heads and so much
useless blah blah blah and the worst content ever.
Wow. this only highlights how outdated CNN really is on a day when the NYT s also reporting that MSMBC is partnering with Vocativ for news. It is a digital news room that uses data mining. This means that when it comes to news MSNBC just 100 % better. It's as if the NYT is contrasting a 21st century news org vs the old thinking of CNN. Vocativ is similar to VIce. This move gives MSNBC some original reporting. Journalism is dying on CNN. Jeff Zucker's job s on the line.
Variety saw this coming. They posted an article
last week on the bad ratings for Piers Morgan.
Hire Isha Tyler for a 9 PM show on CNN. She is
smart,funny, makes the Talk watchable. Don't
now if CBS would let it happen.
Erin Burnett must be worried.
Cancel Crossfire but keep SE Cupp and Van Jones as commentators on CNN. Get rid of Newt Gingrich and Stephanie Cutter. Where has she been anyway?
A good CNN Primetime to test out would be:
5:00PM - Jake Tapper
6:00PM - Wolf Blitzer
7:00PM - Wolf Blitzer
8:00PM - Anderson Cooper
9:00PM - Christiane Amanpour
9:30PM - Bill Weir
10:00PM - CNN Films & Documentaries with Bill Weir doing live News Headlines during commercial breaks, prepared to cover any major Breaking News.
CNN needs to hire more likable show hosts. Jeff
Zucker has yet to do anything right for CNN. Did
anyone think Crossfire would work. Pundits and
talking heads hurt CNN.
I'm not crazy about Van Jones or SE Cupp, they can go too. What exactly is Bill Weir doing at CNN? I rarely see him reporting, maybe he's on the morning/afternoon shows I don't watch. Zucker will probably hire Jay Leno for 9 pm. He's an Obama basher and that's what they LOVE on CNN.
I remember when Piers came on board, he was bragging that he'd single-handedly turn CNN around. I knew that wasn't going to happen and it hasn't.
Anon 7:03pm... Haha! You are so right, I forgot about that! What a trainwreck. Yeah, Burnett was supposed to save CNN primetime and that has been a disaster. Now he brings in Cuomo to save the morning. Nope. Big fat miss. Now what? Maybe CNN needs to quit obessessing about shiny personalities and fix their NEWS CONTENT problems. I say this as Ted Nugent has once again appeared on CNN. Seriously? Will they never learn?
WOW a lot of happenings. Hadnt cked site for couple of days. Agree Piers Morgan & Erin Burnett would not be missed. Would like to see Anderson Cooper do news add segment like AC360Later was alsi get him out in the world doing somd of his good 1on 1 interviews stories etc he is talented with more intelligence/ability than sitting at a desk readkng news.Ever notice how he changes &is so much more alive when doing these. Agree with above Jeff Zucker hss done nothing to raise CNN ratings maybe time he goes too.
"Erin Burnett must worried."
Yes, if she were a thinking man's woman or a real woman with a mind, she would be worried.
But unfortunately, in order to be worried you have to be able to reason, and she has an inability to do no, if there's nothing upstairs but straw instead of brains, like the scare crow Dorothy spoke to, she's not worried.
Good for Gus Kenworthy...not because he won a metal at Sochi,
but because he gave 5 puppies an
American home.
Hopefully, all five will have a much better life in the United States. Now that's the true animal lover. He put 'his money where his mouth is,' and didn't make excuses and say, "But I'm never home."
According to TVN, Alec Baldwin called Rachel Maddow a "toxic little queen," and no he was not fired over that comment, but he should have been.
Rachel Maddow was right when she said he had no news experience and was "aghast" at MSNBC's hiring of him. (He has subsequently been fired from MSNBC.)
Alec Baldwin is a good actor, and that is where he belongs, not in the business of giving his opinion on the news.
Personally, I don't care for his public rants or his views on anything.
According to the NYPost, which HE uses for his own purposes, he is done with NYC because it too, has become "toxic."
Apparently, Toxic must be his new favorite word, but neither the NYPost or Rachel Maddow is as TOXIC, as he.
anon 8:59 is correct. CNN's biggest problem is content. Until they improve that, they'll continue to languish in last place. No respectable network wants anything to do with the repulsive Ted Nugent, but he's been on Burnett's show SEVERAL times already and that is simply shameful.
Will somebody please, PLEASE, tell CNN to stop putting Ted Nugent on TV. I avoided the EB interview and now they insist on rehashing it on New Day! Kate is right - they need to stop giving this guy a megaphone. Shame on Erin Burnett and whatever producer wanted to show it again on New Day. Clearly, Kate Bolduan thinks it is a bad idea but she was over-ruled.
CNN forgot that television is a visual medium. Just having people sit on their butts and offer opinions won't work. That's why CNN is failing to connect with viewers. Viewers should see video,video and more video along with original in depth reporting. Viewers should see more video and less anchor shots or talking heads and pundits. Instagram has been a great news source for Ukraine and Venezuela and for goodness sakes what is up with the tory selection of CNN. It's all fake made up news. CNN is not talking to viewers but insulting their intelligence. Also, the clutter on the screen has got to go. Get away from the anchor desk and focus on the news room in an effort to present real time news. Good news content is no problem these days. CNN has taken the lazy route leading to a crappy on air product not worth watching. CNN is one hot mess. Definitely do not put Jake Tapper, Wolf Blitzer, Don Lemon, Brooke Baldwin or any other anchor on CNN already not getting viewers.
Freshness,innovation and creativity is what CNN news like yesterday. IMHO Zucker should be fired for Crossfire alone.
MSNBC is getting smart. They are going into social
TV & forming partnerships with Vocativ for deep web story-telling. MSNBC is a becoming a hybrid of AJAM & PIVOT the motto for Take Part Live is do something with the news. While The Stream is all about news on social media. You have to invest in the news. AJAM has a very strong presence in social media. Ronan Farrow Daily is no where near The Stream or Take Part Live. AJAM is really breaking barriers with the show Borderland coming in April. This is awesome. Call it news reality. Get viewers to experiment and live the news firsthand. This is groundbreaking. Right now PIVOT & AJAM are the only ones who are viewer oriented. Not sure is MSNBC can pull this off. CNN is finished.
In the next couple of days, the ratings will be
released for Feb 2014. Expect really bad news
for CNN. There are so many press rumors about
CNN and Jeff Zucker looking or scapegoats. CNN
has never been this bad all at once. Prime time
morning and day are all underperforming. Jeff
Zucker's vision is bad for CNN. Any chance Ted
Turner can come back to save CNN ? In fairness
Piers Morgan and Erin Burnett are problems he
inherited but Crossfire and New Day are his
MSNBC will fail with RFD. It's the same tired old type of recycled news formulas. There is nothing new or fresh period. All they did was to put in a younger show host/ That's it.
AJAM is missing a gold opportunity with The Stream. Expand the show to more topics and make the show longer. How about 90 minutes of your news show. Put it on from 6 PM-730 PM and also make Hermela Aregawi, she is being wasted on Consider This. Former CNNer Ali Velshi can be on at 730 PM.
Also, give that Rob guy his own daily sports highlight show. Dude has a fun way of bringing us sports news.
AJAM is great at content, story-telling and informing us about what is going on in America and the world. I am pulling for AJAM. I have completely given up on CNN. Jon Stewart is right about CNN being terrible.
CNN seems to have developed an awful habit of
turning off viewers. It's simple : give viewers the
news and don't waste our time with Ted Nugent.
IMHO CNN needs news faces and shows at 7. 9
& 10 PM, not anyone already anchoring on CNN.
Rumor has it this is the last week of PMT. The
Stream is cool because the APP lets viewers get
involved in the show. It's smart TV and really
constructive conversation. I DVR the Stream &
America Tonight. I used to DVR 360 but CNN
ruined the show.
Is my vision failing me or does Ronan Farrow really look tiny?
No matter what photo I see of him, he looks like a small child.
OK, or a really small adult.
And have no fear Ronan. We're not that interested in your personal life or who your father least I'm not, and according to MSNBC
ratings, no one else cares either.
MSNBC id trying to lower it's average age. I don't get
why AJAM does not have Richelle Carey in one of the
daily anchor spots. From 12-730 PM it is all male anchors. Yes they have Joie Chen in prime time at 9 PM but come on. Dayside has millions of female viewers. They have Tony Harris and Del Waters anchoring for multiple hours but no Richelle Carey. AJam could at least put on a group of ethnically diverse group of female journalists for a couple of hours. They have Richelle Carey, Stephanie Sy an many other female journalists. How about a 4 or 5 PM news show for women.
Take Part LIve and The Stream are way better
than Ronan Farrow. TPL & Stream really let
you be a part of the show. MSNBC is trying to
do a knockoff of these 2 shows. Not working.
The UKraine situation is shaping up as an interesting competition between CNN and AJA. The footage on AJA has been fascinating.. AJA's reporter came up close and personal with what are believed to be Russian troops. Right now I give the edge to AJA , which has been covering Ukraine long before any of the other networks. Now that AJA is available more widely for a big international story, what does this mean for CNN when it comes to a major international news story ? This is going to be big. CNN needs to walk back the world leader pretend segments. President Obama will decide what the Untied States does not John McCain or others. Talk is cheap.
Just viewed Chicagoland.
Well, let's say I just TRIED to view Chicagoland....and I give it an F.
Fitst, the narrator sounds like someone who is the head of some street gang, with a deep, heavy, penetrating voice. This was terribly distracting and I kept wondering if Jeff Zucker honestly made this call, or someone told him, let's sound "hip."
Right, like all the hipsters and hip-hop gangs are tuning to CNN.
Then they showed a Principal, who was written up in one of the major trade publications, who did not impress me one bit, and I'm a former educator. She was half my age, ethnic, and spoke like one of the gang members, so she could do what, relate better?
Children are supposed to have role models. As far as I could tell, she "wouldn't have my back in a dispute, either with a child or a parent."
The only interesting portion was a scene of Ron Emanuel, the Now Mayor of Chicagoland, and former Obama spokes person.
He was speaking to an elite group of youngsters about the decisions he had to make in his years at the White House. He recalled going from one meeting to the next, with no prior knowledge of what to expect at any of the meetings, which could be on any subject. The class seemed engaged
and so was I, for about one minute.
Note to Jeff Zucker: Not everyone in Chicago is in a "gang" or is ethnic and their Mayor is white, raised in LA, from Jewish parents.
Chicagoland is not worth the hour's time a viewer would have to devote to it. We know about the "gangs" and nobody wants to see a debris littered city filled with crime. Hello, we've been there. Now tell us something we don't know, Jeff.
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