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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Where Can I See Them This Week?

CNN journalists and contributors are popping up all over the place this week. Here are a few of the scheduled non-CNN appearances.

You can see Jack Cafferty on more than just The Situation Room this week.

Monday, October 1, 2007- The Daily Show.

Thursday, October 4, 2007- The View.

Peter Bergen delivered a speech titled "Six Years After 9/11: Are We Winning the War on Terrorism?" at North Iowa Area Community College on September 13, 2007. His speech will be aired on Iowa Public Television (IPTV Plus) on Intelligent Talk TV on Thursday, October 4, 2007 at 9:00PM. IPTV posts many of their programs on their website, so if you don't live in their viewing area, but are interested in the seeing the program, it might appear on their website a few days after the initial airing.

Larry King will be the featured moderator at the Cleveland Clinic's 5th Annual Medical Innovation Summit at the InterContinental Hotel & Conference Center in Cleveland, Ohio on October 1, 2007. He will moderate a session from 2:10 - 3:40 P.M. on the State of Cardiovascular Medicine.


Mystery Journalist

This week's Mystery Journalist was Chris Lawrence.


Evelyn said...

I was able to see Peter Bergen give that same lecture at Des Moines Area Community College on September 12. It was really great, he did a wonderful job. He signed books and took pictures afterwards. Really nice guy, complemented me on my name and signed my book :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah I finally got one of the mystery guest correct.