Tonight was the CNN Democratic Debate from Las Vegas, NV. Wolf Blitzer moderated the debate along with John Roberts (birthday boy), Campbell Brown (first official onscreen duty), Suzanne Malveaux and the best political team in the business. Here are some pictures from the debate.


Last night, CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta moderated the network’s 2007 “Fit Nation Solution Summit,” a forum on public health and obesity at Time Warner Center in New York City, with featured guest former President Bill Clinton, business people, community activists, and other civic leaders. During the event, CNN presented KaBOOM!, a nonprofit organization that unites communities and corporations to build playgrounds in underprivileged areas, with a check for $75K to build a playground in New Orleans , La.
Way to go Fit Nation!!!!

As we reported on ATC last week, Nancy Grace gave birth to her twins. This past week Nancy was rushed to the hospital due to complications from the pregnancy. Nancy husband spoke with People magazine about Nancy's condition as well as the babies. We at ATC wish Nancy a speedy recovery so she can be with her beautiful new son and daughter.
1 comment:
I was glad that Wolf let them mix it up for the
first 15 minutes and was impresed by the solid questioning from Roberts and Brown. I am lookimg
foward to the youtube debate on Nov 28,
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