This week CNN was dominated by two events: the mall shooting in Omaha on Thursday and the Heroes special on Thursday.
CNN had several reporters on the ground when the story broke, because of the president's visit and the campaigns going on in nearby states. On Thursday, John Roberts co-hosted American Morning from there, broken neck and all.
Thursday night was the very impressive Heroes award show, hosted by Anderson Cooper and Christiane Amanpour. If you haven't already seen it, catch the repeats this weekend, and check out the several posts over on ATA with photos from the event, including Sapphire's Friday post with pics of all the award winners and info about their causes.
A couple of quick program notes: There will be a special report from Dr. Sanjay Gupta next weekend about the story of Youssif, the young Iraqi boy that Arwa Damon profiled several months ago. He was doused with gasoline and set on fire by sectarian forces. CNN viewers took him to their hearts and helped fund travel to the US for him and his family so that he can get the desperately needed medical treatments needed to restore his life to normal.
Also, it was announced on Friday that Anderson Cooper will be doing the New Year's Eve special again this year.
And on Friday, Michael Ware had an incredible exclusive report that aired on The Situation Room: much like the Sunni tribes have risen up against al Qaeda, Shia civilians have now banded together to rise up against their own sects' death squads. The US Army is helping to fund their work, and this is a true hope for peace in Iraq... if the politicians won't work towards reconciliation, then the people themselves will.
And finally, this quick moment between Wolf Blitzer and John King, the latter reporting on the political scene from the snows of New Hampshire. (Wolf and I grew up in the same town, even graduated from the same high school, although many years apart. When I get back there now, it's all "Buffalo's own Wolf Blitzer...") But John has still got his cold-weather blood, clearly!
Enjoy your week!
LOL You'd think these guys would have enough sense to come in out of the snow! (Or at least put on a coat!)
Great post, Cyn! Welcome to ATC!
Fantastic post Cyn, welcome to ATC!!!
oh to campaigne from November thru March must stink.....I wouldn't want to be out in the cold.
For a man with a broken neck JR is doing an amazing job. JR is always everywhere and I love it.
I loved that John King clip. Thank you Cyn and good to have you at ATC.
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