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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Field of Dreams

This week was all about Iowa, which has been well-covered here, but I wanted to point out one tech item that was quite fun...

Here is Tom Foreman working it old-school as he tries to explain how the Democratic caucuses work in Iowa...

And here is Jeffrey Toobin showing off the new Magic Board: they start with all the candidates listed at the top and 100 question marks representing the caucus-goers...

...then, after using the touch-screen technology to slide the 'people' into one camp or another, which automatically changed the question marks to that candidate's logo. At the same time, the percentages are being calculated so that their viability can be ascertained.

Wolf and Jack, together again! On Wednesday, while Wolf was in NYC Jack joined him on the set during 'The Situation Room' for The Cafferty File.


Where in the World...?

Hard to believe that Monday was New Year's Eve, it already seems like ages ago! But on that day, Zain Verjee and senior business correspondent Ali Velshi (above) were in Islamabad, Pakistan, reporting on the still-echoing ramifications of Benazir Bhutto's assassination. (No one has yet figured out why Ali went; he reported on the assassination itself, not any kind of financial issues. Perhaps he simply volunteered for it -- at any rate, he did great work over there.)

Also, Miles O'Brien was on the Newsroom set in Atlanta for a segment on Monday, while Dana Bash and Suzanne Malveaux were preparing for things in Des Moines.

By Wednesday, it seemed like the CNN folks were fairly evenly divided between New York and Iowa. John Roberts was in Iowa City, while Candy Crowley and Tom Foreman were in Des Moines; Wolf Blitzer hosted 'The Sit Room' from NYC, Ali Velshi was back in NYC, and Soledad O'Brien and Anderson Cooper were there in the spiffy Election Center as well. Meanwhile, Fredericka Whitfield and Rob Marciano were holding down the Newsroom fort in Atlanta.

The Thursday caucus saw all the great technology put to use, and with Election Center nearly full to bursting with reporters, anchors, and pundits it was a well-spent evening.

Friday, John Roberts was back to NY, and American Morning kicked off an hour early to accommodate all the caucus news.

Saturday, John King hosted the New Hampshire version of Ballot Bowl from Bedford, NH, while Dana Bash and Suzanne Malveaux reported from various sites around the state. Tuesday should be very interesting to watch!


Sapphire said...

That touch board is so cool.....I want one :)

Wow "where in the world" was jam packed this week. Thanks for keeping us updated Cyn

Delie said...

I want a touch screen too! lol! We are so "touch"- addicted!

Thanks for the update, Cyn!

Phebe said...

I love your where in the world. I know I say that every week but it's true.

J in LA said...

The Sunday morning (Jan 6) coverage on CNN after last night's ABC/Facebook debate is great - considering the West Coast got a "Time Shifted" debate at our 7PM rather than a live debate like the East Coast and Central time zone of the US. Any analysis of the debate Saturday night by CNN was done by the time the West Coast feed of the debate ended.

Facebook didn't stream it at 7PM East coast time - disappointing.

Also concerned how tired these candidates are - I don't know how they are keeping up these marathon events - it just doesn't seem to give the voters the best answers and thoughts from the candidates - they are too tired! You can see it so plainly.

CNN will be replaying the ABC debates tonite - which is a very smart move - very low audiences for the networks on Saturday night - I fear their tiredness might not be rewarded very much with high ratings.
J in LA

Anonymous said...

Has the Sit Room moved to New York though
the aftermath of Super Tuesday.

Cyn said...

Sapphire, I actually had so many names in the post this week that I had to remove some from the tags! (I had no idea there was a 200-character limit!)