My post tonight is going to be a bit more op ed than normal. This does not mean that the views expressed here reflect those of everyone who contributes to AllThingsCNN- these are mine.
Over the last year, I’ve started watching CNN’s American Morning on a regular basis. That alone is a credit to AM. I’m not exactly what you would call a morning person. Most people don’t attempt to approach me until after they’ve seen proof that I’ve started on my third cup of coffee.
I tend to highlight the lighter moments of the program in some of my posts but the program delivers a good balance of news, politics, weather, interviews, and information that you can use. John Roberts isn’t a stranger to the morning anchor chair. Add to that the time he spent as a White House correspondent and it’s not hard to see why he’s the right person for the program. Whether he’s interviewing an Washington insider, a person having breakfast in a diner on the day of a primary, or someone who just lost their home in a disaster he asks the right questions and provides the viewers with the information that they need for the day.
American Morning regulars like Ali Velshi, Lola Ogunnaike, Alina Cho, Sunny Hostin, Veronica De La Cruz, Sanjay Gupta, and Rob Marciano give the program depth and makes the morning a little bit more interesting.
While watching America Morning this week, there seemed to be something missing. I will admit, I’ve never been Kiran Chetry’s biggest fan, but up until this week there was never anything substantive that I could point to that would back my whining. My primary criticism is that she's just not the same caliber of journalist as John Roberts or the AM regulars. But did that really matter?
Kyra Phillips temporary assignment to the AM anchor chair answered my question on whether it mattered. Here’s a veteran journalist who is very capable not only at the anchor desk, but also with field reporting and long format programs like the Special Investigations Unit program about the Jena 6. Her credentials aside, for the eight weeks that she was there, American Morning was an overall better program. From her first week on AM, she looked like she belonged there and if you had never seen the program before, you could've easily have mistaken her for the regular anchor. Her absence this week was noticeable and for lack of a better word- the program seemed a bit bland in comparison.
So, my question to you tonight: Who’s the better co-anchor on American Morning? Kiran Chetry or Kyra Phillips?
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The poll is completely anonymous and I’ll leave it open through noon (ET) next Sunday. Cast your vote. Let me know what you think. I’ll post the final results in Sunday night’s poll.
I like Kiran better. I didn't like her at first, but she grows on you over time and I missed her while she was on maternity leave. There is just something about Kyra that I don't like.
I agree. Kiran Chetry is not a true reporter. She was chosen because Jon Klein said, "She lit up the screen." Kyra is a true journalist and it shows. She has traveled the world. Kiran came from Fox and Friends. Need I say more.
@ anonymous 11:15, I don't think Kiran's job is to be a reporter.....she's an anchor, there is a difference. Some like Kyra Phillips, John Roberts, and Anderson Cooper do both. While others like Lou Dobbs, Campbell Brown (since joining CNN) and Wolf seem to be limited to anchoring.
I never watch Fox, so I have no idea if Kiran was ever a reporter
there, but it's been clear since CNN hired her that she is to be an anchor.
I have mixed feelings about who does a better job co-hosting AM. I really did enjoy Kiran and Roberts chemistry before her maternity leave. She came across as a genuinely nice person and very good at reading the news. She still seems to be trying to find her stride since returning from her leave, but it will come back.
Kyra, on the other hand, is just a firecracker. She's quick on her feet, good in the field and can be very funny, when it's appropriate. The men love her, the women love her....she's got it all.
Both have their strengths, just depends on how you want your news in the morning.
In my opinion,AM has never been the same since CNN got rid of Soledad and Miles O' Brien from it,and I have no interest whatsoever in it at all now because of that.
I am with you on this one Phebe. I really like both Kiran and Kyra. Kiran, for reasons all my own is someone I really enjoy but Kyra is just Kyra and I always really looked forward to see what Kyra would do and say on AM.
I am hoping that Kiran is just getting her groove back. The good thing is now I get to watch Kyra with Don Lemon which I love too....Kyra just works well with everyone.
Can you find out if Kyra is now permanently based in NYC?
I stated a couple of weeks ago that I wished CNN would switch the two and leave Kyra on in the mornings. She and John just flow together better. Sometimes with Kiran it leaves you wondering what just happened. Kyra's interviews are more in depth. I enjoyed the 2 months that Kyra was on there, but now, ho hum......except for John. :)
I can not help but think something is up.
Kyra is now anchoring out of NY.
If someone at CNN is smart,they would do
a news program aimed at women,featuring
all of the female anchors and reporters on
CNN and HLN. Using the old 360 set that is
like a news loft, using cool bump music and
cool intro music like Fergie's "Big GIrls don't
Cry ". That would be great during the hour
with Campbell Brown, Kyra and Zain alone
would be a hoot. And I am not talking about
the pundits. I mean CNN reporter and anchors.
Having Campbell be the only one that is on all
of the time since she would be the headliner.
You've got Erica, Randi,Candy, Dana,Suzanne,
Alina and Veronica from AM.Heidi,Christianne
Carol,Betty, Fredericka and other reporters.
From HLN you've got Robin,Rochelle and Christi.
This would never get old because there are countless songs about women and relationships.
It would never get old. A format like this for
Campbell's program would be awesome.
I did not mean to leave off any names of women
since CNN has more female journalists than the
others and they really need to highlight that since
women are now 51 percent of the population.
Hello can you say majority.CNN needs to give us
more news so much info for the 8pm hour at
braking neck speed.There is way too much talk.
Oh yeah don't leave out the internet people like
Nicole and Melissa. Just having a story each night
from Candy would be awesome. The woman can
write on a whole level that no one can touch.
The reason I say change the cast except for the
mainstay anchor Campbell is so people won't
say I don't like this person or that person because
you are bound to like one or more of the people
on the air.
Also, have cool musical vignettes through out
the program. Take for example the Unity Tour
featuring Obama and HRC. How about a few
seconds of "Come Together" from the Beatles.
Every guy knows his wife or girlfriends favorite
song. Heck even invite viewers to come up with
a playlist like you do for your I-pod. Or even
permit viewers to come up with a name from
Campbell's program. I know people like myself
who do not care for BOR, KO or Nancy Grace.
CNN is missing a major league opportunity to
shake up the 8pm hour.
I used to see Kiran on Fox sometimes, and she looked so out of place and uncomfortable there. You had the very liberal Kiran sitting in between the two right wing neocons! She always looked like she wanted to puke when Kilmeade would start on his pro USA/Bush rants. Kiran is finally home at CNN, where she is respected. She makes better money, has a circle of more intellectual friends and can report truth instead of the lies that were put on the cue cards at Fox. I predict that Kiran will be with CNN for many years to come. And yes, I prefer Kiran over Kyra.
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