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Monday, May 4, 2009

Still Fighting the Cosmic War

So Reza Aslan has a new (amazing) book out, and has been doing the rounds of TV talk shows. Saturday on The Situation Room, an interview he taped last Tuesday aired. (If you follow Reza on Twitter, you know he was psyched that he was going to be in DC and would finally get to meet Wolf Blitzer after years of speaking to him only via satellite. Well, "psych" was right -- Wolf was in NYC that day in preparation for the 100 Days coverage.) Anyway... another great interview:

Heidi Collins introduces a piece from Ivan Watson about an anti-Taliban protest in Islamabad:

Saturday, Fredricka Whitfield showed Ivan's piece again and then spoke with Peter Bergen about the most effective ways to fight the Taliban:

A couple of television reminders: Anderson Cooper in on The Tonight Show tonight; Tuesday Fareed Zakaria is on The Colbert Report, and Dr. Sanjay Gupta is on The Late Show with David Letterman.

Quiet week so far... see you all on Thursday!

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