Empowerment seminars with Donna Brazile, Roland Martin, Soledad O’Brien & others

Kyra Phillips to host awards banquet July 18

Paul Begala to be keynote speaker July 24

David Gergen to speak at leadership summit August 6-7
Better Late Then Never

John King speaks at Cleveland Jewish News Event June 18

Tweet from Don Lemon today (6/25) " Flying to chicago. Hosting black in america 2 event.

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Kyra Phillips to host awards banquet July 18

Paul Begala to be keynote speaker July 24

David Gergen to speak at leadership summit August 6-7
Better Late Then Never

Alina Cho attends Gigi Levangie Grazer Book Party

Christiane Amanpour and Candy Crowley honored at Women in Media awards June 17
Christiane Amanpour and Candy Crowley honored at Women in Media awards June 17

John King speaks at Cleveland Jewish News Event June 18

Tweet from Don Lemon today (6/25) " Flying to chicago. Hosting black in america 2 event.

"Tweet from Soledad O'Brien (6/24) " Just landed in puerto rico for the natl assn of hispanic journalists conference. Technically, I'm working."
That's it for this week. Much thanks to Julie. Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian readers. See you next week ~ Sapphire
Please tell me who's sick idea it was to send Anderson Cooper on 360to LA in order to promote Bubbles the Chimp, and then say "If you were wondering where Bubbles the Chimp was?" I wasn't and neither was anyone else.
Good for the Colbert Report for calling Anderson Cooper on his ridiculous interview, or intro to it, with Michael Jackson's chimpanzee. You mean to say, that he doesn't have enough clout to stop such nonsense! I for one, don't believe that for a minute.
Can't wait for Soledad O'Brien's second edition, of "Black In America." She is an exceptional anchor/journalist, and should be valued much more than she is. I'm certain this will be a ratings hit, much like the last one.
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