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Everyone had their place this week in the ratings. FOX swept first place in the Adults 25 - 54 demographic during all three time slots Monday - Friday.
Coming in second place this week was MSNBC. They held second place in all timeslots except for 10PM on Tuesday and Friday.
CNN found themselves mostly in third place. At 8PM, they came in third place three nights out of five, but the average for the week dropped them to fourth. At 9PM, they came in third place all five days (note: only four days were used in the average- Amanpour Reports special programming on Thursday night was excluded from the weekly average). At 10PM, two second place finishes, two third place finishes and one fourth place finish averaged out to a third place finish for the week. (Again, only four days were used in the average- Thursday was excluded).
HLN stayed mostly in fourth place this week. Although, even after coming in fourth place three times and third place only twice during the 8PM hour, their average for the week pulled them up to third place. At 9PM, they were consistently in fourth place all five days. At 10PM, they came in third place once and fourth place the other four nights (averaging out to put them in fourth place for the week.)
1 4 night average used. CNN special programming on Thursday night at 9PM and 10PM excluded. (Amanpour Reports)
^ Courtesy Nielsen Media Research; Demographics where noted; Live + Same Day (LS) Fast Track Nationals.
I have one non-ratings extra for you tonight. CNN may be the most trusted name in news, but would you trust them to answer questions on a game show for you? Last week, two of CNN's best political team appeared on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire as the "Ask the Expert". The first clip shows Wolf Blitzer and the second features Candy Crowley.
We are sad to report the passing of Robert Novak today. Novak was with CNN from the its inception and hosted the popular 'Crossfire', in addition to his reporting duties. He left CNN in 2005, after 25 years with the network. CNN has posted this tribute, narrated by Tom Foreman, for Robert Novak:
CNN is in a downward spiral. How long can
this go on before someone sees that the
current lineup of programs can't go on.
CNN is doing a horrible job when it comes
to reporting on health care. Last week Klein
decided to not use radio hosts, well the pundits
should only be limited to TSR and SOU.
Also, story selection and on air product is
really really bad.CNN needs to do original
reporting and stories that people care about.
Nobody trusts CNN on health care.
Finally looking at the data on TV by the
Numbers people are turning to MSNBC
earlier in the day . Drop the twitter dumb
hour and do some news to build up your
audience numbers before TSR. Drop Lou
and Campbell like yesterday.
I would say Jon Klein's days are numbered.
I jut hope the next CNN president has a vision.
Maybe Ted Turner can come back.
Morale has to be pretty low at CNN these days.
I wish 360 would lose the panels.It makes the
show another boring talking head spectacle and
boring and then some. Every time health care
comes up I turn the channel.CNN should just
stick with David Gergen and Donna Brazille.
Oh boy. I just saw yesterday's numbers for
CNN and they are really bad.CNN needs to stop
turning off viewers. I have to 2 words for AC360:
open source. 360 blog needs to become a news
hub with people exchanging news stories of
interest to CNN and the visitors to the blog. Let
viewers have an actual competition to win the
t-shirt by actually submitting news items that
can air on the show. Real news and interesting
items only, nothing from any of the political
blogs. 360 staff should make the call on what
actually makes it to air. The same goes for the
shot. Also,permit viewers and freelancers to
become contributors to 360. Maybe there is
someone out there who has an amazing doc
or cool photos. Finally. podcasts are good,but
how about this: after 360 airs have the full
episode on the blog.It takes 2 minutes or less
to upload a show to a server.
Just pure speculation on my part but I think
there will be a change in shows on CNN. Has
anyone noticed that Erica no longer anchors
the download for Brown.It is now the Prime
News guy. Something is up.
LKL is the highest rated CNN show for a reason. Everyone who has a story to tell, STILL wants to be interviewed by Larry. Tonite he had Elizabeth Edwards on speaking about the health care debate and she looks great....happy to report this, and I bet his lead in, will be much higher than 360....something that AC seems to have trouble holding on to.
Hire Conor Knighton and all of the Vanguard
team to work with Michael Ware now that he
is based in NY. CNN needs an upgrade. There
is too much crap and the screen.Anon 7:41
you might be on to something but this should
go beyond 360.If you are at work you can not
watch a podcast but you can watch full episodes
of shows. People watch tv shows on the web all
of the time. Most companies don't want podcast
software on their computers but you can visit
Youtube and others with no sweat.
Who is in charge of CNN. Today they are airing
town halls on health care. Really, are they that
desperate for programs? Spud at Inside Cable
says this in not hot. Get a clue CNN.
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