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FOX won all of the prime time slots Monday - Friday and comes in first in all of the prime time weekly averages.
CNN remained in fourth place for the week at 8PM in the Adults 25 - 54 demographic after coming in fourth place four times and third place once. They came in second place during both the 9PM and 10PM hours. At 9PM, they came in second place all five nights. At 10PM, they came in second place four night and fourth place once (Tuesday night).
MSNBC came in second place at 8PM with three second place and two third place finishes. At 9PM, they were consistently in third place. During the 10PM hour, they came in third place for the week after four third place finishes and one fourth place finish (Monday night).
HLN was all over the place during the 8PM hour with two second place finishes (Monday & Tuesday), two third place finishes (Wednesday & Thursday) and one fourth place finish (Friday). In the end, their average put them in third place for the week. The 9PM and 10PM hours left them in fourth place after five nights in fourth place during the 9PM hour and one second place (Tuesday), one third place (Monday), and three fourth place finishes during the 10PM hour.
1 4 night average used. Friday night FOX aired special programming at 9PM ET.
^ Courtesy Nielsen Media Research; Demographics where noted; Live + Same Day (LS) Fast Track Nationals.

Programming note for Wednesday, September 9, 2009:
CNN Plans Live Coverage of President’s Address to Joint Session of Congress and GOP Response CNN anchors Wolf Blitzer, Campbell Brown and John King will lead the network’s live, comprehensive coverage of President Barack Obama’s 8 p.m. address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, Sept. 9. Before the president takes the podium to discuss health care reform, members of the Best Political Team on Television will preview his remarks. After Pres. Obama’s address, coverage will continue with the Republican response, followed by analysis and opinions from across the ideological spectrum. Larry King Live is scheduled to air following the joint session,and Anderson Cooper 360 will continue coverage, with Anderson Cooper reporting from Afghanistan.
While Anderson Cooper may be reporting from Afghanistan, with some of the brightest in the business,according to TVNewser's ratings, no one really is that interested in the war or battle on the front lines. This is not new. By and large, CNN knows this is a ratings downer so they'd rather go with what works and report on tabloid issues or who the last kiddnapped victim was. Remember: Never underestimate the "stupidity" of the American public.
CNN is in trouble because it is covering the
right wing fringe and not news.CNN turned
off it's viewers by focusing on the town hall
craziness and now tea party overload. Their
on air look and content is bad and there is
no need to watch CNN. Until they drop Dobbs,
Brown and the useless twitter hour and do
something to make the Sit Room what they
said it was new and old means of journalism,
and drop the mindless chatter they are doomed.
And should be. The anger at Obama needs to
be dropped like hot potato.Do some news and
focus on the facts. People are switching to
MSNBC because CNN is stuck in the 90's and
has no new ideas.
Keith said it best tonight on Countdown.CNN is
too busy focusing on stupid stuff to realize what
the real story is. Ratings for CNN was not go good
last night.CNN is in trouble until they fire Lou
Dobbs and Campbell Brown and Rick Sanchez.
CNN needs to show they are serious and quit
dumbing down the news.Do some news CNN.
One problem with 360 this week is they don't
start with the news from Afghanistan.360 is
wasting the first 15-20 minutes on talking heads.
CNN is now the cable nonsense network. What
channel wants to turn off it's viewers.
I turned the channel tonight because 360
had an annoying panel going blah blah blah.
360 was once a cool news show unlike no
other now it is not as good and has turned
into just another cable news show. Yet again
another slogan for Campbell's show. Now it
is issues and opinions.I am afraid CNN is
just going deeper and deeper with talk. Last
I checked television was a visual medium.
It is like just constantly walking into a brick
wall,eventually you realize you have to go
around the wall.I really don't get the logic
of management at CNN. Jeff Bewkes do
something, one of your TW jewels is losing
it's shine and getting dull.
I really wish American Morning would add more
people> Perhaps Kyra and Jack Gray, who a think
would be great in the morning. Also the show
needs less repeats during 3 hours. One person
I think who should be on CNN a lot is Joe Klein.
The man knows his politics and CNN needs a new
approach to how it covers politics. Also CNN should
use a lot of the stuff from Time and SI.I really think
they should do an evening newscast with John
Robert or Don Lemon. But not your typical news
show. Perhaps CNN needs to hire the NBT. The
up and comers from Current TV. The network
is getting a lot of buzz for doing some great
news that you do not see anywhere else.
And they understand the new medium and
how to use technology more than anyone
that is out there on tv toda. Because they
shoot,write,edit and upload their own stuff.
By uploading stuff you save a ton of money.
Besides you could likely hire some 20 plus
people from current and it will not be too
expensive and cheaper than Dobbs or Brown.
There also needs to be an evening news show
with John Roberts or Don Lemon, but not
what you just saw on TSR.I wish CNN would
do a user-generated viewer news program
in conjunction with CNN. None of the junk
from blog impostors,which is a problem on
the 360 blog these days.Be for real people
no silliness. Perhaps the newsrooms at CNN
need to turn off Fox and MSNBC as well as
stuff from the political blogs.CNN's own
reporters needs to do some original reporting.
The writing is on the wall the shows airing
and 7 and 8 need to be replaced.CNN needs
to return to it's roots. People expect news
from CNN not opinion. The same with 360
get back to the coolness factor.I agree CNN
needs to upgrade for HD.CBS and even Today
have upgraded the look to lessen the clutter
on the screen.I think they should drop the
crawl and use the bumps in and out of
the breaks to show more news. Sort of like
a :15-30 second bump depending upon
if the items are 1 or three. Have music and
a simple banner that explains the video
being watched. Also, use the latest headlines
from CNN.com or CNN Newswire.Or even
Bing,Yahoo, Mashable , Google and AOL
and others. Now that Leno is coming on
at 10 perhaps it is time to make hour 2
of 360 live again, Finally please get new
sets for NY and ATL. The set in ATl looks
so lame and old. Each hour of live programs
please give us some brand new stories and
not the same old stuff over and over again.
I think CNN needs to pick up the pace of
the Newsroom during the hours from 9 to
TSR.I think the Twitter hour is the reason
why CNN is in trouble when breaking news
happens during the show.The format just
does not work for tv and during Brown's show
why is material from other networks used
instead of the reporters at CNN. Either bring
in some people at CNN to take the focus
off of Campbell by adding about 2 or 3
more people to be with her on set to give
the show some energy.At this point it
should be clear it was wrong to give Brown
the first hour of prime time.
Boycott CNN.An the anniversary of 9/11 American
Morning is giving way too much time to the Tea
Party. This is an outrage. Why is CNN aligning
itself with hatred and bigotry? It is an insult to
focus on this on the anniversary on 9/11. It
is a shame that CNN wants to have the Tea Party
on the network when even Morning Joe calls them
right wing extremists who do not need to the on
national tv. I guess it is the blind leading the
Heads need to roll at CNN. How could a
national news channel be so irresponsible
with regards to the USCG training exercise?
Rule one in journalism is : do not go on the
air with something unless you know it is true.
Jim Walton, Jim Klein or whomever needs to go
on CNN and apologize to viewers and make the
commitment to doing real journalism. Obviously,
CNN is a broken news organization. Frank Sesno
said it best. There is no way around this, CNN
got it wrong.CNN is a laughing stock. Once
Morning Joe tops American Morning.CNN is
toast and that day is fast approaching.CNN
the least trusted name in news.
I was just on TV by the Numbers and the low
ratings for CNN doesn't surprise me one bit.
There were times yesterday when CNN seemed
like it was defending the crazy Cong. Wilson.
AC360 was just plain bad last night. The show
started with chatter from Roland Martin,a tea
party dude and Candy Crowley. The fact that
Candy had to be on the air with this was an
outright disgrace.CNN has not caught on that
the tea party 9/12 rally is a Glen Beck thing.
It has nothing to do with Americans are upset
at government.It was already 9/11 in
Afghanistan and they wasted the first 20
minutes on Wilson. Anderson should have
lead with Afghanistan not some stupid
politician. It is simple MSNBC looks like
they are the smart network that does it's
homework. Keith and Rachel are well-
informed and have command of the facts.
CNN looks dumb, stupid and crazy.
OMG.It gets worse for CNN this day.A banner
with the title 9/1 why no sequel aired and the
photo is spreading on the internet.It is on Digg
and it is tasteless.
Hire Conor Knighton and the entire
Infomania crew.
Edward Murrow is right television news will
destroy itself.CNN is symbolic of a broken
news media.CNN's downfall should be expected.
There has long been talk of only 3 24/7 cable
news channels making it into the 21st century.
I can not believe increasingly it looks like the
one that will not make it is CNN. Once Joy
Behar show starts CNN will be # 4 and falling.
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