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Friday, September 11, 2009

Saturday's Scoop for 9/12/09

John Roberts was interviewed by Mediaite Office Hours on 8/27. Here is the interview from

James Carville and his wife Mary Matalin are co-chairing a committee to bring the Superbowl to New Orleans in 2013. Click here for the article from

Ladies' Home Journal's October edition talks with Jill Dougherty on her fight against breast cancer. Here is TVNewser's post with a summary of the article.

Jamie Kraft has been named the new executive producer of American Morning. Previously Jamie had been American Morning's senior broadcast producer and has also worked on AC360. Prior to that Jamie was with CBS and 60 Minutes. Here is the article from Broadcasting & Cable.

Ali Velshi spoke with TVNewser about his trip on the CNN Express. Click here for their full article.

Ali Velshi also spoke with the Wisconsin State Journal about speaking with students at UW - Madison.

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@sanjayguptacnn and @daniellecnn from Afghanistan

@sanjayguptacnn reporting from Afghanistan

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