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Thursday, October 22, 2009
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Posted by
12:11 PM
I have something to say, but I did not get an answer last time I asked this question. What happened to Ratings AT A GLance?
I feel badly for Soledad. Latinos in America
is really good. Unfortunately, CNN was topped
by Maddow in viewers and the network did not
have more viewers in prime time than MSNBC.
That says to me that CNN has lost it's audience.
I am not so sure they are coming back even for
@7:28PM: Don't feel sorry for Soledad. Feel sorry for those Latinos who missed her special. It was outstanding and as informative as Black In America. CNN has a gem in Soledad and I feel she is under rated.
Can't watch CNN turned off by them trying
to be like Fox by going on air with the GOP
script. Watch BBC for real news.No longer
watch 360 just eliminated it from the dvr.
If the intro has something that I might care
about I watch a little but definitely not for
the full hour like I once did.
There is just way too much misinformation
on CNN.If AC decides to become a journalist
again and do stories like the famine in Africa,
the prediction that the world will end in 2012
or the mayor of Moscow saying he will make
sure it does not snow by attack clouds, News
from India and China or even the riots in Rio.
Brazil actually lets tourist visit the place
where the riots took place.CNN might get
me back as a viewer right now I am protesting.
Is Kyra now based in NYC. She has been
anchoring from there all week long. I wish
she and John Roberts would do the morning
show it was a riot and a joy to watch; the
chemistry was amazing.
Hey guys Mashable has an item about the new
and improved CNN.com set to launch Oct 26,
which is Monday. Sounds nice but I will wait
and see. Hopefully the news will still be the
major factor for the website since they are
adding opinion. Like one of the comments
says on Mashable let's hope the news is not
being sacrificed for opinion. Spud has more
on ICN.
Anon 8:18 I agree about Soledad . She is
actually doing some original reporting.
Television is a visual medium and CNN
seems to have forgotten this in a major
way.I would say that 70-80 % of what
you now see on CNN is either just talk
or opinion. The BBC is very popular with
young Americans and will soon make a
big splash on FaceBook.CNN needs to do
something to increase the news flow.
Perhaps hire digital journalists who
can be on the internet and tv. There is a
lack of news,international or national and
original reporting. Let's hope that someone
will notice CNN has a problem with viewers.
Even Meagan McCain tweeted that there is
a reason why CNN ratings are down. There
is a lot of discussion about this on the web
and Twitter. People just can't take CNN
anymore and are turning CNN off. The
general consensus is they are not doing
news and it is just not worth watching
until they actually do some news again.
CNN had better realize the threat from
BBC. BBC has a promo on how they are
a real news organization for American
audiences.CNN calls itself the world news
leader but I don't see it on television.
@anonymous 7:10, Sorry we've not given you an answer, but we really didn't know if 'Ratings at a Glance ' would continue. We finally have a plan in place and I'm pleased to tell you that 'Ratings at a Glance' will be back next week.
Thank you Phebe for bringing back Ratings AT A Glance. Quite a few of us looked forward to this segment and appreciate the work you guys put into it. Could you please include totals. I know that for promotion the demo is the one advertisers want, but older viewers make up a good portion of the cable audience and it changes the entire picture.
IMHO the Latino special failed to attract more of an audience, because Latinos never looked to CNN for their news in the first place. Naturally, I can't speak for everyone, but the Latino community generally watches Latino programming. I know this first hand from the person who works for me and is of that culture.
CNN failed to promote the Soledad's special on Latino websites and televised programming. Running full page adds in the NYT is just "old school."
There seems to be some grumbling about CNN
having opinion on a legit news site.I hope this
does not turn into what is on CNN television.
I don't think that old media gets it. It is about
the people that is why Youtube and Facebook
are so popular. I hope they let the public make
comments about the stories on CNN.com like
ABC does. Personally I will avoid the opinion
section at all cost. I will not go there.
Keep an eye on Morning Express,looking at the
numbers on TV by the Numbers. Robin & Co
have some pretty good numbers for October.
It looks like they will be # 2 in the demo for
the month. I am biased it is my morning news
show but they are sometimes challenging AM
and Morning Joe in viewers.I have a feeling that
HLN is about to explode. Although instead of
Joy Behar I wish they would have Rochelle
Carey do an actual news show for the hour.
I don't like the view so I can't watch the show
but it seems that going with an all female
lineup is working in prime time. Even though
you probably have to wait and see if this goes
on for the next couple of months. At this
rate Nancy could become a solid # 2 in the
8 pm hour.
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