Jeffrey Toobin, who examined the inner workings of the U.S. Supreme Court in his best seller "The Nine," probes the court under the Obama administration in his new book.
William Thomas, senior vice president, publisher and editor in chief at Doubleday, announced Monday that Toobin's "The Oath: The Secret Struggle for the Supreme Court," will be published in 2012.
"The battle between a conservative court and a liberal president will be one of the central behind-the-scenes dramas of the Obama years," said Toobin, a staff writer for The New Yorker and a senior analyst for CNN.
"The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court" remained on The New York Times list of best sellers for more than four months.
Source: Associated Press via Yahoo News
Have you guys noticed that Richard Lui,
Thomas Roberts and Veronica De La Cruz
now work for MSNBC. Translation MSNBC
is getting serious about the news and CNN
is becoming a boring talk channel with some
really bad shows.MsNBC sees the writing on
the wall there is no growth in left vs right
and is making the transition because CNN
decided to get out of the news biz.
That's too funny CNN is not hiring journalists and
MSNBC have added more journalists than CNN.
Phil Griffin knows that CNN is about to take a huge
dive with the hiring of Elliot Spitzer and Piers Morgan.
The only question to be answered is just how low
will the ratings go for CNN.I have a feeling that
Richard Lui & Thomas Roberts will eventually end
up against Ali Velshi & Rick Sanchez. It is a great
way for MSNBC to go at some CNN viewers who
are expressing disappointment in CNN's direction.
Mediaite says it best. That is exactly why
it makes no sense for CNN to go with 3 white
males in prime time. Don Lemon got better
ratings than John King on Friday.
Saw Kyra Philips sitting in for Larry King tonite and she was a breath of fresh air. Why not a woman I kept asking myself?
Her enthusiasm about Chelsea Clinton's wedding was sparkling. Made you really want to watch.
She asked all the questions viewers at home were thinking and she didn't need cards to know who she was speaking with.
It will be interesting to see the ratings
later for CNN on Monday. kyra filled in for
Larry King last night and I must say she
brought a lot of energy for the hour. 360
was not that good last night. Anderson was
talking about the 14th amendment but not
with a historian or Constitution specialist
relying on talking heads instead.CNN is so
clueless and continues to dumb down the
news. There really was not any news on 360
last night and that is the problem for CNN.
I am looking forward to the Amber Lyon
story on Craigslist on 360 tonight. 360
has to get back to making the news cool
again and not turn into just another cable
news show with people going back and forth
all of the time.
Anon 1:35 AM I was thinking the same thing.
Kyra Phillips had the most viewers in prime time
on CNN last night. So far according to TV by the
Nubmers Rick Sanchez is doing worst than Campbell.
If CNN does not get that they had better have a
female in prime time they never will. Maybe Krya
Phillips should have replaced Campbell Brown.
kyra was so much fun last night. The phone interview
with Bill Cosby was classic. All of the guests seemed
to be enjoying talking with Kyra. I wonder will she
be on again tonight.
360 had a different look all around tonight.
There seems to be new graphics and music.
There also seemed to be changes with the
set and AC moved around during the show.
I must say I like the new look and music.
Tonight's 360 was good and I hope they
continue working on the content.
While I like the faster paced graphics on 360, I could do without the hip music. Yes, some subjects could use a little wake up call, but when disaster strikes, do we really need the music??
And someone needs to paint the red step, infront of the main screen in the NYC studio. I know we're trying to mimic Atlanta, but take a paint brush, and start to paint.
Everything appears fresher with a fresh coat of paint.
I think the set might have gone through some
renovations on 360.CNN should have Jeffrey
Toobin on to talk about the 14th amendment
story. This highlights the dumbness in the
media yet again. People just say stuff and they
go all out and put people on tv to argue about
something that is not going to happen because
it is not that easy to change the Constitution
and that is being forgotten every time CNN
covers this story.CNN always follows the noise.
You need overwhelming passage in the House
and Senate as well as the states. Yet again
CNN has set up another fake issue to debate
rather than have people come on and talk
about issues who know what it all means .
The pundits should not be used if you want
credibility on the news. All people are getting
is opinion and no facts about the 14th
amendment. It just shows how easy it is
to get the national media to jump all over
a story that is just nothing but the latest
political noise.
I really like the new music and wish they would
play the music during bumps like 360 once did.
I don't think they would use the music during a
major disaster. The pace definitely picked up &
the interview segments were shorter.I dig the
new graphics and banners.360 had a good mix
of stories last night from Gary Tuchman and
Amber Lyon. I would not have minded hearing
'Born in the USA' coming back from commercial
with the immigration story it is okay if the
music ties into the story. You just have to
use the right verse in the song you choose.
I also would not have been bother by the
song Jim Cain from Bill Callahan was used
for the oil spill with the line I started writing
the story without knowing the end simply
because we have been watching this story
for more than 100 days. Heck I would even
use 'All The Young Dudes' to tell more
news going to commercial just video or
a picture with one simple sentence.
They have to find a way to make viewers
hang around for an hour and have a list
of the songs featured on 360 at the 360
blog once 360 ends for the hour. I say this
because that is the case with HBO's 'Hung'.
People always want to know the name of
the songs featured on the program.
I like the new and improved 360 let;s hope
they increase the story count and bring us
new and original reports. I think the camera
angles and studio shots were well worked out
for 360, they need to work on this in ATL.
I am wondering if Amber Lyon will now become
a regular on 360 ,she could replace Erica Hill.
I have also noticed that CNN is beginning to
feature the work of their photojournalists as
well it would be nice to see the faces of the
people behind the camera. You are airing
a beautiful piece of journalism with a
different style of story-telling, it would be
nice to see a photo of the person who is
responsible for the story.
Looks like the new and improved "hip bump music" turned a whole lot of people off on 360.
According to TVN, AC got one of his lowest total ratings yet, Tuesday nite.
One itsey bitsey point here: Those that often watch 360, are not all nine years old, including myself.
I liked the bump music on 360 last nite and the new set and graphics. I think the problem with 360 is its to stuffy. They need to lighten up a bit. I know it'll never be like red 360 but they could incorporate some of the funner lighter elements into the current 360. I think that would help alot.
@ACanderFan: "Stuffy" people watch 360, a whole lot more than you know.
@Anonymous I never said the people who watch 360 are stuff. I just said the show was. I think maybe if 360 lightened up and wasn't so serious, and uptight and stuffy ratings might improve some.
@ACanderFan: Lighten Up. I was kidding!
anon: Stuffy Person l:19AM
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