Wasn't it just yesterday morning we said to expect the announcement about the new Spitzer/Parker hour very soon? Well today's the day:
In case you don't have time to watch the video the premiere is Monday October 4th at 8PM.
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Wasn't it just yesterday morning we said to expect the announcement about the new Spitzer/Parker hour very soon? Well today's the day:
Posted by
3:14 PM
Labels: Eliot Sptizer, Kathleen Parker
Maybe I'm losing my hearing, but I didn't understand one thing the two of them said. Not one thing.
Can you say DOA. What is CNN thinking ?
Nobody will be watching and you can see
the ratings are going down for all of the
news channels. People are growing tired
of boring talk and if this show does not
say boring I don't know what does.
Another bad show for CNN. Even Keith
is joking about the name of the new show.
Is this really the best that CNN can do. Why
even bother. I won't be watching.CNN keeps
giving me a reason to turn the channel.I think
CNN is trying to get a Morning Joe type show
going but the ratings really are not that good
for MJ as Spud over at ICN likes to point out.
CNN will drop below 300,00 for the hour and
the demo will be very low.CNN will be 5th for
sure. Jon Klein can leave now so someone can
clean up the disaster that is this show.
We had better hope that nothing really seriously
happens and we need vital information. There is
no legitimate news network and that is not a
good thing at all. I am looking forward to Google
TV. This gives me the chance to watch real news,
something CNN is not doing. Right now people
will not turn to CNN for breaking news because
they know CNN is not permitting journalists to
be a major part of their prime time lineup.CNN
has turned it's back on news and now viewers
will turn on CNN.At some point someone at
CNN has to realize lowering your standards
will only make things worst. When it comes
to CNN just tune out.
If CNN was really forward thinking, they would
go with a show based on the Newsfeed from
Time's website. It is the coolest thing. My fav
from them today, the item comparing rappers
to literary giants and it is gaining popularity.
I think I visit the Newsfeed more that CNN.com.
CNN needs shows that will compliment 360
not bring it down. Sadly, for CNN this is being
meant with laughter but lets not forget this is
the same management team who thinks Rick
Sanchez should be in prime time.Is there
anyone with a brain in the decision making.
Marketwatch has a great article with regards to
this show. It will be a complete failure and he
lists all of the major reason why this should
never have happened in the first place.It is
clear that Spitzer is getting the gig because
he is connected, not qualified to have a job
in cable news because he has zero experience.
How did Spitzer get ahead of jouranlists and
others who deserve a shot. Also, this is nothing
more than a stunt. CNN management must
really think their viewers are stupid. Guess
what CNN, your viewers will get the last
laugh because people are not going to take
this insult. One of the first rules of business
is to respect your clients. Too bad CNN
missed that in class but they will get
schooled big time now.
It is official. i am done with CNN. Drew
Griffin just announced that Piers Morgan
is replacing Larry King. Good riddance CNN.
You have just lost another viewer and you
are well on your way to having none.
Surprisingly, I liked Parker and Spitzer on 360....all they need is a little more life and they might have a good show.
Spitzer has his fans from NY. He was an excellent Govenor and will probably use this as a stepping stone to get back into the political arena. He's not looking to be an anchor.
I predict they will do better than Piers if only because they don't act as though they have a chip on their shoulder, knock it off.
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