We don't usually do a 'Views on the News' midweek but I found this Q & A that Piers Morgan and Jon Klein did with the Hollywood Reporter and thought it a must read for CNN viewers.
Q&A: Piers Morgan on replacing Larry King, Fox News and Reality TV
by James Hibberd & Matt Belloni | September 8, 2010
Finally confirmed as replacing veteran talk show host Larry King, CNN's new primetime talent Piers Morgan spoke to THR after last month's Emmys and again Wednesday morning, along with CNN president Jonathan Klein, about what viewers can expect from their new show. Along the way, Morgan declared his intention to get CNN back to No. 1 in the ratings, praised and criticized Fox News and revealed who he wants as his first guest.
THR: You have a tougher interviewing reputation than Larry King. Do you plan to bring that to CNN?
Morgan: I've always disputed that Larry is in any way a softball interviewer. In his very stylish crafty way, he's always been brilliant at getting stuff out of people, so I've always admired him hugely. Although I'm a different kind of interviewer, we share the same thing -- a fascination about people, and that's what I want to replicate, a love of the guests and enthusiasm for what they do. Unlike Larry, who comes from a radio background, I come from a newspaper background. So I bring a journalistic rigor to the way I do things that will be a little bit different and hopefully quite surprising and exciting for an American audience.
THR: “Larry King Live" is also known as a friendly forum for people to tell their stories.
Morgan: I still would like to do that. I’d like to be myself. To me, Larry King is irreplaceable, he really is. He's a one in a million that has interviewed every president, every leader. The guy’s a legend. I'm not going to try and replace Larry King. I’m about trying to just do my thing, and I think that’s the reason I got the job, at least in my view.
THR: Who would you like to be your first guest?
Morgan: Well, I would like to interview the president. I think Obama is someone who is going through a pretty tough time. Outside of America, people love him … I think he's an amazing charismatic figure who's going through a tough time at the moment, and the midterm elections are coming. It’s going to be a tough period for him and I'd love to sit down with him an have a frank interview. Having said that, there's all sorts of people in the world of entertainment. I'd love to be the first to interview Mel Gibson or Lindsay Lohan or whoever is in the news who is relevant and current. Today CNN had the first interview with [Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man behind the proposed Islamic community center and mosque near Ground Zero], I would love to do that interview. I have no problem doing him one day, and Mel Gibson the next.
THR: What about Simon Cowell?
Morgan: I did Simon in Britain for "Life Stories" and he said it was the best interview he's ever given. I've already reached out to him for the CNN show and I'm getting pretty positive feedback. I think Simon sees it as like the old feudal days, when you'd have two guys on horseback jousting.
THR: CNN has ratings challenges, what do you think of top-rated Fox News and their hosts, like Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly?
Morgan: I've watched them, they're incredibly watchable, that's why they're proving to be popular. They're obviously very right wing, much more than I am. They're very messianic in the way they go about what they do. What I find really amusing about all those cable hosts in the 8-9 p.m. hours is the level of self indulgence, the way they talk about themselves and their rivals hosts ad nauseam. I'm not entirely sure that serves the viewer very well. Nor am I convinced that it's right for CNN to go down that path. If I sat with you for a drink I'd have lots of opinions about lots of things. But when it comes to my TV interviews, I don't like to be part of them. I like to be journalistically rigorous and get the truth out of them, not force my opinions down the viewers' throat. I want them to be electrified by the combat between me and the guest.
THR: So if CNN shouldn't have more pointed opinions like CNN and MSNBC, what should it do to be more competitive?
Morgan: You're never going to be more left wing than Rachel Maddow; you're never going to be more right wing than Glenn Beck -- I don't think there's ever been anyone in history more right wing than him. You need to be aware when you join a network like CNN they may have a short-term ratings concern, but look at the brand, look at the reputation. “Larry King Live” aired in 212 countries, it's not just about America for me. I want this to be the most credible and popular interview program in the world. I want to create headlines and get ratings up -- particularly in America. I'd like to get CNN back to No. 1. Everything else I've done on television has been No. 1.
THR: There's a quote of you saying it’s irritating when celebrities are doing interviews just to plug products, but that's a big part of landing names in the U.S.
Morgan: You're going to get people who are on the circuit. What I find irritating is the programs themselves that pander to just being a plug-a-thon. It doesn't matter if they're promoting a book as long as the interview itself is really good. What I don't like is watching boring pat interviews with people who've done 30 interviews that week and they're just going through the motions.
THR: John, what's the theme that we should be taking from all the recent primetime lineup changes on CNN?
Jonathan Klein: Fearlessness. It's about primetime anchors, weighing right in there with tough questions for public figures. That's true of Eliot Spitzer, Kathleen Parker, Anderson Cooper and now Piers Morgan. Viewers deserve that, they want answers to the questions. They want an equal opportunity offender, if you will, holding everybody's feet to the fire, and viewers sense they get a stacked deck at the other networks.
THR: You say "this is what viewers want," but what are you basing that on? When you look at the numbers, [opinionated pundits] is what it seems that people want.
Klein : That's what a couple million people want, but this is a nation of 300 million. Why aren't they watching? We want to get them.
THR: Was there any concern that most Americans associate Morgan with reality TV?
Klein: Never had a doubt from the moment we met Piers that he was a perfect fit for CNN. He's one of us. He's a journalist through and through. He's got an appetite for life and for what's going on in the world and he loves nothing better than to talk to people and surprise us with the revelations that he can unearth.
Morgan: By the way, being responsible for finding great undiscovered American talent [on NBC's "America's Got Talent"] or winning a business competition run by Donald Trump [on NBC's "Celebrity Apprentice"] are hardly badges of dishonor, are they? Both shows I took part in have great qualities. The qualities I bring as a judge for that -- wanting to get the best out of people, to find the best -- well those are exactly the sort of things I'll bring to my TV show.
Klein: Brutal honesty makes for a great TV show.
THR: Speaking of reality, as the judge of the summer's top-rated reality show, what do you think of Fox apparently picking Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez as new "Idol" judges?
Morgan: Well, I guess they couldn't afford me.
THR: Is that a joke or did Fox really go after you?
Morgan: Obviously, if you're losing the snarky Brit it's no great secret there's another one on "America's Got Talent," the No. 1-rated show in the summer. If I was "Idol" I'd certainly put a few calls in, but I think they realized CNN beat them to it.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Your Views on the News, September 8, 2010
Posted by
4:05 PM
Labels: CNN, Jon Klein, Piers Morgan
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Is it me or is it too easy to get a job
at CNN these days. Unfortunately
CNN there are clips all over Youtube.
He did not interview one person that
I care about. Nor were they hard
interviews. GIve me a break.CNN
nobody is buying this.
RIP CNN 2010.
Jon Klein seems to be backing Piers more
than Spitzer. Is Klein admitting Spitzer is
not going to work ? So in an effort to save
his job he is banking on Piers Morgan. I say
start looking for a job. CNN's new slogan
is we were just joking journalism does not
Gee, and here I thought Klein WASN'T concerned about why MILLIONS aren't watching....and so now he is????
MILLIONS aren't watching because KLEIN is choosing the wrong people to ask the questions.
Right, we need a Brit to ask the right questions, a snobbish Brit at that who belongs on the Real Housewives of DC, not replacing LKL and don't tell me what I WANT MR.KLEIN. If you knew what I wanted you would have NUMBERS LIKE FOX!
CNN is headed for self destruction. This is
not a good prime time lineup. You know
both of these shows will flop because Jon
Klein picks failure after failure. No matter
how CNN tries to sale this it won't work.
CNN has fallen and they will not be getting up.
I predict there will be more Piers Morgan backlash, than the duo of Parker and Spitzer.
Larry was king and we will always be comparing the two and Morgan is just NOT likeable. He's an import and has this superior attitude which is utterly offensive. He's demeaning every time he opens his mouth.
With the duo, we really have no one to compare them to. Everyone was a failure in that spot, so they have no history and no big shoes to fill and they're starting with a clean slate. The hour is theirs....to mess with.
CNN did something right and it has nothing to
do with the latest trio they decided to give shows.
It is the hiring of an amazing reporter named Kaj
Larsen. Smartest thing CNN has done in ages. Now
CNN hire the rest of the Vanguard correspondents.
Add Adam Yamaguchi,Christof Putzel and Mariana
Van Zeller. These new breed of journalists will
save CNN.If CNN wanted people who can point
out the absurdity of cable news. go to the people
at Infomania. Mainly Conor Knighton who is the
host and he has some people like Brett Erlich and
others poking fun at the media. This is a much
better fit for 360 not turning into the FNC.
If they make 360 a panel show I will remove
it from my dvr.At some point CNN will get that
the world has changed. People sitting on the
butts and offering opinions is not news.So what
you are on CNN. I can get my own news/onfo
channel on Youtube and people watch daily
because more than a billion visit Youtube.
There are 500 million people to reach out
to worldwide on Facebook.CNN you better
do some news or you will be gone real
soon. CNN will not get viewers with this
prime time lineup.CNN has fallen asleep
in the 90's and is afraid of the 21st
century. The revolution was not televised.
It happened via the internet and digital
media.If I wanted FNC, I would be watching
them. Obviously, I am not watching them
because I would like to see some news
during the day.
It will be interesting to see the ratings for CNN
later today. Soledad is awesome and nearly 900
people were on the 360 blog.I am not feeling
Piers Morgan. He will be the lowest rated show
for the hour as well as Elliot Spitzer. CNN had
better hope they don't slip to 5th. That is a real
possibility with network television coming back.
Has Jon Klein ever seen Rachel Maddow ? Rachel
is the best at breaking things down and does
not insult your intelligence. I don't need Piers
In the words of Jon Stewart. You are CNN.
A freshman business major knows you don't
replace an American icon with a British snob.
This is right up there with the Coke debacle.
I don't even know who this guy is and I don't
care and won't be watching. SInce CNN is now
hiring reality tv people I guess we can look
forward to Snooki & the Situation having shows
on CNN. What kind of hiring standards does
CNN have.
Seriously CNN get help.CNN can't hide Piers
Morgan's past, He is a tabloid jerk. CNN
latest effort to spread the ignorance virus
will be a failure. Like people won't know
the lows to which Morgan will go.No wonder
CNN is in trouble, they think the slimes in
tabloid journalism are legit news people.
Klein clearly doesn't know what news is and
he never will at this point. All around the web
CNN is being taken to the woodshed for trying
to hide the fact that Morgan is a tabloid
journalist and not even liked in Britain.
Americans will revolt against this Brit.
MSNBC passed CNN because CNN has lousy
programming. Rick Sanchez is a turn off as
well as John King , USA and Larry King is just
repeats these days. The ratings are out for
Wednesday and CNN only had 518,000 viewers
in prime time. It is about the content baby
and an anchor who I like inviting into my home
via tv. I can say without a doubt that none of
these people will be appearing on my tv. I
would feel the need to shower from the dirt
and trash that is coming from CNN for 2 hrs.
Hmmm I will watch Piers's interview with Mel Gibson or Lindsay Lohan. For serious news, big interviews and a bit of a lighter side, I have my favourite anchor to watch at 4 am (local time) :)
CNN missed a golden opportunity. The should
stand up for the news. Last night CNN blew it
big time. Soledad O'brien scored a huge interview
with the Imam building the Islamic Center and
it was great. However, the hour that followed
was a complete circus and should not have
been on 360. Why is the FNC construction guy
on 360 for the past 2 nights? Come on Anderson
you are better than this. CNN don't go there.
CNN turned it's back on it's viewers and now
they wont' have any.
When this all falls apart, CNN should go
for Whoopi Goldberg. She does a great
job on The View with hot topics and asks
some really good questions. If not her
go with Bill Maher or Conor Knighton.
CNN has just created a problem for 360.
If i change from CNN from 8-10 pm ,
there is a possibility that I wont' come
back for 360.CNN had better have a back
up plan that they can implement rather
quickly. if both these shows drop lower
from John King 360 can't make that up.
We are witnessing a complete collapse
of CNN that did not have to happen and
someone at the network should have
stopped this from happening.
You want to know how old media survives
I have the answer. People want stuff for
free they will not pay for news. So CNN
has content and TW properties it can use
to fill 24 hrs. Instead of offering the extended
director's cut on the web offer it on television
and have the condensed version on the web.
Use tv for in depth long version clips. You
have 4 and 20 hrs.CNN offer me something
I can't get elsewhere.TW not only owns many
magazines they own a lot of websites. Ever
hear of Endgadget, Can someone explain
to me how come their content is not on
CNN.I agree about Kaj, I say that on AM.
Kaj is the best, he is a former navy seal
and a excellent reporter. Ironically, Kaj
does the style of reporting that Anderson
Cooper pioneered and that is a fit for
360. They just added Isha as the achor
for the news updates. Now how about
original reports from Kaj Larsen and Amber
Lyon and all of the remarkable journalists
who work for CNN. CNN could learn a
lot from Current and do their stories
like mini docs. Current calls them pods.
Congrats Kaj. You deserve it and so do
the rest of your Vanguard buds.
This is off topic, but does anyone know why John Roberts called out Kiran Chetry on air yesterday? He was getting ready to interview Robert Gibbs, then turns to his left (Kiran is not shown in the shot) and says something like " would you please not do that while I'm talking, I'd appreciate it, if you wouldn't mind." Kiran had just ended her shot, and the toss went back to her as soon as John's interview was over, so I would assume that he was talking to her. Someone tweeted Kiran's husband, Chris yesterday, asking him about this, and he simply replied "noticed and no comment."
Anyone know what happened? Do Kiran and John have problems getting along?
CNN no longer has any credibility on anything.
This will be remembered as the year of the
crazies when it comes to cable news. The
minister in Florida is the latest to whip up a
media frenzy and CNN is going to start going
crazy for 2 hours each night. This is a shame
and a disgrace.
Jon Stewart called out Rick Sanchez tonite. In a clip, Sanchez said he had gotten a tweet and Jon's reply was "The Twit got a Tweet." How right on was that!!
CNN needs to change the game. Instead of
pundits getting shows for 1 hour each day
let the viewers put together a newscast. It
must be real news or something interesting.
This is the only way for old media to stay in
the game. Facebook is now bigger than Google.
This is where CNN should set this up and have
a team that decides what is news worthy and
what is not, Make it globally and worldwide.
Digg, Reddit, Twitter and Facebook get this.
The only people who have not figured this
out are profit media.It is time for CNN to
give at least one hour a day to it;s viewers
in prime time Monday-Sunday. That is
what people do worldwide now. The world
is a small place to us. The ideological
universe that cable news lives in is not
what is on main street and that is why there
is this disconnect. Are you telling me that
Digg, Reddit,etc. can get millions to do
this and CNN can't CNN is not progressing
and that is the issue.Google waited too
long to realize Facebook and Twitter were
advancing the game more than they were
and now Facebook is the media monster
that will become a major source for news
and everything else. The sooner management
at CNN realizes this the better. You have
got to hand things over to your journalists
and let them do their jobs.CNN is failing to
connect with viewers and the public . C'mon
in this day and time it is so simple.CNN
needs to get out in the real world and stop
trying to cover all of the bases with the
ideologues. You don't have to spend a
lot of money on satellite shots. The new
Ipod touch has face to face. Cable news
does not exist in the modern world and
it shows big time.In this day and time
for profit media does not realize that they
need a social media executive, a digital
executive, a team of people who search
the internet from around the globe to
keep things current and fresh. There has
to be coming together of old and new.
It is a no brainer. I you don't give me the
news, I will make sure I find news some
where else. I know lately, cable news is
not always my first source because they
are not telling me anything important.
It is the same ol same ol from CNN. No
matter how they try and package it. CNN
can't fool a media savvy generation. They
know bs when they see it and they are
getting parents and grandparents hip
to the Digital Age.CNN has to connect
with viewers. CNN is leaving their viewers
out of the equation and that is a mistake.
This is desperation and ratings stunts
usually don't work they turn people off.
Maybe try someone like Don Lemon as
the anchor and make sure it is about the
that viewers are putting together and not
Rick's List. The show is a great example
of how CNN is so clueless about social
media. A few years ago Time magazine
named you person of the year and why
was this. It was about the revolution that
was coming to age called the Digital Age.
Yes you need studio interviews and talk
some times but right now they segments
are too long.I know CNN has some great
photojournalists. Is there any reason we
can't see their work and journalistic skills.
Old media has been hijacked and they
did it to themselves all for ratings and
not thinking about the consequences.
You can't keep lying and making fake
topics into news items. Real time news,
live streaming and real news and interesting
topics not made up junk for a bogus
discussion about nothing of value. Let's
see more Fareed Zakaria,Peter Bergen
and people who know what they are talking
about instead of letting people come on
who just set out to mislead viewers, Keep
in mind that in this day and time. I already
have info and some details about the news.
So when I hear something that is not true,
I know it right away.
I am so disappointed by 360. Last night
there was breaking news on two fronts and
Anderson spent a lot of wasted time on the
Florida minister. Enough already. CNN you
are being played. There was this huge fire
in California and the ruling on DADT and
the publicity starved preacher is the lead
story and a airtime is wasted on this. Does
anyone know if CNN has a dept of ethics &
standards because they sure do need it.
Now Donald Trump is starving for attention.
At some point one brave executive at
CNN needs to put the brakes on the crazy
train and stop the silliness. CNN is a national
joke and the latest announcements make
that abundantly clear.
CNN is going down in flames and rather than
put out the fires CNN continues to let itself burn.
CNN is making the same mistake as the networks.
The major networks got too heavily involved in
reality tv and they are losing viewers to cable,
While the were not working on programming,
cable came up with better scripted shows and
now cable is outperforming the major networks.
The networks forgot their bread and butter and
what makes them relevant. It is called original
series instead of reality tv. Heck they are
now getting back to shows on Friday.CNN's
strength is news not opinion. Hey CNN try
coming up with new ideas for the news
industry instead of the same tired and
worn out formulas that is divisive and
downright stupid. Stop giving the pundits
their 15 minutes of fame and send the packing.
Something is clearly wrong when CNN takes
this route.CNN is poorly managed.
If 360 needs to cover politics why not bring
back they packages they used to have from
Tom Foreman, Candy Crowley and Joe Johns.
Jon Stewart is right, does CNN even know the
crap they are asking people to watch. Looking
at the latest rating for 360, Anderson picked
up more than 200,00 viewers. It is clear 360
is the show of choice for viewers on CNN.So
IMHO this is the show CNN should give all
it needs and consider making the show live
for 2 hours again. Anderson is a journalist
with a following invest heavily in 360 and
definitely not shows like this that will end
up being canceled,
CNN is too afraid to hire a Mark Zuckerberg or a
Steve Jobs type because they highlight that CNN
and other news outlets lack creativity & innovation.
Most media executives are boomers and don't the
changing media landscape. Name one thing new
that CNN has done in the last 20 years. CNN has
just shown the world they have no new ideas or
vision. Would you work for this company? A
viewer generated news show might be a smart
move because they is what social media does
and we are know that MSNBC and FNC are
heavy in opinion so CNN the field is wide
open for news. They are afraid that Mark
Zuckerberg and they should be.
I was just on TV by the Numbers and I have
a feeling the ratings for last night will be low
due to the NFL that 22 million people watched.
I also noticed that CNN's dayside ratings are
in trouble as well and it all starts with AM.
Could it be that the latest announcements
are the last straw ? Can you say backlash.
@sept10,11:12AM: I think you are absolutely wrong. I don't usually comment this way on ATC...if only to acknowledge, agreement, but I must jump in now.
"Investing heavily in 360," was already DONE. This is why Klein is failing right now. In case you are unaware of 360 history, allow me to refresh your memory.
Aaron Brown, a fine anchor, was fired right after Katrina so AC could take over the show for two hours. Two hours didn't work so PIP I&II was invented. When that failed to inspire, we got Heroes and AC intros for EVERYONE'S show. Anderson Cooper has been OVER PROMOTED to the point that the ONLY CNN star is Anderson Cooper.
The Wrap touched on this, but was stiffled some, by AC who we learned does not always get along with his executive producer.
You can't and shouldn't put ALL your eggs in one basket. No one is saying AC is not talented, but don't give him millions and let the rest of CNN fall into decline.
FOX made EVERYONE A STAR. Not just one person. CNN must now CREATE another person/persons they can lean heavily on and let Anderson do his thing...for one hour.
Those 200,000 viewers, the other nite, belong IMHO to two people, Andy Sullivan and Rosalind. FOX found Andy and he gave them ratings...not AC.
These are the facts.
Jason Linkins has an important article on the
media and the joke that is cable news. This
is symbolic of what Linkins is talking about.
The quality of news on CNN is tumbling. It
makes no sense why they are not live for
24 hours and I doubt very serious that any
of these people could handle breaking news.
People come to CNN for news plain and simple.
There is a major fire going on in San Bruno.
How is it that CNN missed the significance of
this major news story. This will lead to CNN's
ratings decreasing. CNN has increasingly been
doing talk, talk and more talk and it makes
me turn the channel. Look at the ratings
for 360 they dropped from Larry King.
The damage is irreversible and CNN will
be in ruins.CNN tries to turn everything into
a political story and some news clearly is
not.I can tell you this when you see this
so widespread at CNN, it comes from the
top. Yes that is management. This is not
a good look for CNN.CNN has just slapped
all of their journalists and employees in
the face. People need news and good
reliable credible information based on
facts.If CNN had the attitude of Bloomberg
and not put ratings above good solid
journalism people would respect that
more. Millions of people want a real news
channel, a station you can turn to and see
what is going on.CNN is peddling crap and
not dong their job. In 24 hours you get no
news. People have a totally different standards
for CNN. The network is suppose to be real
news, serious journalism and factually
based.TV news is nothing but reality tv.
Since CNN is not living up to it's responsibility
and I hope some young news savvy kid
starts a real news organization to wipe
CNN off the map. CNN's ratings show that
viewers don't like what CNN is doing.I
am willing the suits don't watch the junk
they are broadcasting and CNN's wounds
are self inflicted and they created their
own downfall.I can't believe no one in
management is asking what are we doing
here. Jon Klein has completed his mission
he destroyed CNN and with his bosses
CNN has to stop using pundits for serious
news discussions and only have them on
John King, TSR and SOU. CNN needs to put
up a firewall between the two. There is a
big difference between a journalist and a
pundit. CNN should not force their reporters
to share the stage with pundits. One person
I am increasingly fond of is Fareed Zakaria.
He does not play the game and his smarts
shows. You can tell Zakaria knows what he
is talking about and that is what CNN needs.
Get a way from the foolishness that is too
rampant on CNN these days.
Anderson Cooper is the main anchor at CNN
and he should be. Aaron Brown is ancient history.
The safest anchor at CNN is Anderson Cooper.
Anderson Cooper is not the problem for CNN .
Last I checked he is not on at 7,8 or 9 but looking
at the data on this site and others 360 is the
top show on CNN. Anon 9:20 you just don't like
Anderson and we all know that.
We come here because we really care about CNN
and if 360 gets it wrong we always point that
out.CNN needs to apologize to it's viewers
and change course. CNN does not have to
go with these plans, there are people at
Time Warner who could end this in a NY
minute.CNN management is making all of
the wrong choices. Jan 1st 2011, launch
the new CNN and be honest with your viewers.
Don't be afraid to say you failed viewers and
won't stop until you repair the damage. Say
priority # 1 is to see that viewers are given
accurate, correct and reliable news and the
topics are newsworthy and not an entire
segment on someone's tweet.We are not
here to bash people we don't like. We judge
everything on the quality of journalism
and content and whether or not things
could be done better.
Bring in professors to constantly teach
the latest to your employees and it should
be required classes.
CNN has to fundamentally get back to
basics. Reporters should not be getting
their facts from blogs but digging and
finding out the truth. There are plenty
or journalistic tools out there, just visit
Mashable. There is no excuse for the news
being void of facts.A recent poll showed
that only 25 % trust the news. When
three quarters of the public, don't trust
their news you have a problem.
CNN does not have to let the craziness play out
over the airwaves. They make choices about who
to book for shows and most of that is done just
to get people to come on and argue and that is
why Jon Stewart has more credibility than the
news. Stewart points out just how bad and the
circus that has become cable news. I hope there
is some soul searching going on at CNN and
that they are having an honest discussion about
what they are doing. The recent hires do not
give me any confidence in CNN getting it's
act together anytime soon. It is like Einstein
said "insanity is doing the same thing over
and over again and expecting different
results". That is where CNN is now. Another
political show at 8 is the last thing CNN
needs and a tabloid journalist replacing
Larry King is a bad reflection on CNN.
What happens if there is a major breaking
news story ?
@1:20:pm "You just don't like anderson and WE ALL know that."
Who's We???
ATC is far as I know is for the review of ALL CNN programing. NAME one thing that was said by 9:20PM, that was incorrect?
If you want to make suggestions, please be OBJECTIVE.
No one is bashing anybody. Everything that was stated was true...it was not opinion.
If you can't be objective in your reasoning, no matter what suggestions you make, none are crediable and this is NOT the AC fan site. Plese get that straight.
@1:20PM: You need to read between the lines. If you over promote someone to the detrement of the other people, you ultimately have a problem...with the other people.
It has nothing to do with liking or not liking.
CNN could learn a thing or two from Fox News without copying it.
Bill O'Reilly isn't the only "STAR." And if you have a "main anchor" you should have other lead-ins which are capable of helping the "main anchor." CNN has none, because it never planned for it.
Fox was able to incorporate O'Reilly's talent with those around him.
Yes, I know YOU don't watch Fox News, but it would do you and CNN well, to listen and learn without pointing fingers.
That is why I was hoping that CNN would go
with a women's news show at 8. It might not
be a bad idea to go with a Conor Knighton or
Tosh right before 360. A nightly program that
calls out some of the silliness in news/media
each day right before 360. The latest additions
that CNN is announced will not find an audience.
My question is who are these 2 shows aimed at,
it definitely is not at viewers who can grow your
viewership numbers. A return of Crossfire with
different players still makes it non news and
a ridiculous hour of back and forth between
left and right and so-called debate. Been there
done that.I don't know what management
thinks is so exciting about Piers Morgan. These
people really need to get out more. This is
bad news for CNN.
Give me a break. This just means that we are
going to get more crappy stories like the
pyrotechnic preacher in Florida, Now CNN is
trying to justify their coverage by saying this
is what everybody was talking about , Wrong,
wrong and wrong. This was too much time
spent on a preacher starving for publicity.
Did we need to see everything he did live.
No. This guy was not heavy on Twitter or
Google. A simple search proves that. It came
from the blogs and that is the problem with
CNN. We are a nation of 310 million. This is
were the news is ,the people, and the sooner
CNN understands this the better. The news
does not come from the studio with taking
heads. In fact it is not even news.CNN is
the worldwide misinformer and the people
will not be fooled again.It aint gonna work.
No Joke. CNN made a really bad decision.
Totally true. Just as CNN has decided to
give Elliot Spitzer a show, a documentary
is shown at the Toronto Film Festival about
his downfall. Seriously CNN, the timing could
not be worse.It will be released this fall. Can
you say duh.
CNN should develop a Facebook for news
junkies. Reach out to freelancers and writers
as well as high school/college journalism
majors filmmakers,poets and musicians.
Artists, etc. The key is not to let it be taken
over by the extremists and they are easy to
find out because of the rhetoric. If you can't
stay on topic, your comment won;t be posted
and don't permit rumors to overrun the site.
Personally, I think that is exactly why FB is
taking over, you have to power to reject the
junk you don't care about and no one can
force you to watch. The power is given to
the people and CNN needs to understand
this. CNN has to offer something for the
people. We all know right now some kid is
making apps for all of these things on a
college campus. Find these kids and hire
them CNN. This would be a great overhaul
for the 360 blog there is virtually not activity
on the blog on a daily basis. Heck even
have music playing when you go on the web
for the latest news and info.
CNN needs to take a look at Nightline. If a
news show that has been around for 30 yrs
can stay competitive against entertainment
shows a 24 hr news channel should be able
to figure things out.
CNN should have thought out of the box and
go with someone like Toure. The man does it
all news,sports & music. Toure is a gifted writer
and one heck of an interviewer. Everyone seems
to open up to him on Fuse. Dude is even on the
Tennis Channel.
Well, well. Let's see how long it takes for CNN
and other news organizations to report a very
interesting fact about the controversy surrounding
the WTC. It turns out there was already a Ground
Zero mosque/prayer room located on the 17th
floor of the WTC. It was destroyed in the 9/11
attacks. The story is in the NYT and I can't
believe anyone has yet to notice this. Oh yeah
that's right. It is obvious that people on cable
don't read newspapers and that helps keep
them clueless. Do some actual reporting folks.
@5:11PM: That's very interesting if it's true. I read the NYT most days. What section is it in? Real Estate, Business...etc? What's the date on the mosque formerly located in the WTC?
You guys should really keep in mind the term
mass media. Media is no just televisions. It is
one of several mediums. Look now days 60 %
of people view tv on their dvrs. Everything is
gong mobile. Television is only a small slice
of the pie. That is exactly why Nielsen is set
to change the ratings system. You can't ignore
mobile devices. That is why content is king and
CNN needs to wake up to this and live streaming.
Now Youtube will be permitting people to live
stream their programs. It is no secret that TW
is always considered to be tops here along with
Disney and CBS. The internet gets virtually all
of it' content from traditional media sources.
TW and others had better get with the program.
CNN and the others have been losing viewers.
The big problem for CNN is their numbers are
more dramatic/ Right now cable news is
for partisans and not for the public at large.
CNN has to figure out how to distribute it's
news content on television. CNN has the
tools they just don't know how to work them.
This line up is moving backwards with no
women or minorities with their own shows.
The partisans who are currently watching
cable news is less that 6 million collectively.
That is not a huge chunk of the public.
You can't grow that audience. The goal
for CNN should be how can we get at least
1 million viewers each hour. You know that
you can't get them by doing the same thing
over and over again. You must change your
content constantly and be live to show you
are there.If all of the cablers are dropping
in number that means CNN is not losing
their viewers o FNC or MSNBC. It has got
to be something else. I think that something
else is the content and CNN's shows.
CNN has got to improve it's programming
and this is not step forward or improvement.
It is a major league yawner.
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