1 - Special programming was aired on one night during the week.
Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
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Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
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8:32 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
Ruh Roh. CNN is in big trouble on Tuesday
Parker Sptizer had an embarrassing 68,000
demo. Apparently viewers don't like either
of them. CNN needs to find 2 prime time
shows that fit with 360 to improve CNN's
ratings.CNN needs to cancel Parker Spitzer.
The show is not helping it is hurting.
CNN needs to go with a women's news show
at 8. I mean no yelling and talking over each
other. Real reporters from CNN and news and
interesting items , things you may not know
about ,no pundits or politics. Just hanging out
with the girls learning about what is going on.
Have a diverse ethnic mix and an wide range
of music from all genres. Never the same songs
each day and interviews. Women are 52 % of the
population. There was a huge conference this
week in California and CNN completely ignored
it. CNN needs to do this quickly and they don't
even have to hire any new people just go with
all of the ladies from CNN,HLN CNN I, CNN.com.
Even have sports on the show.It might be the
one thing that can possibly get a million
viewers for CNN as people learn about show
and know something is out there as a real
alternative to the all too familiar. GIve the
show a real cool name. Nothing like this is
on cable news and you go with 3 or 4 hosts
and rotate them,add a couple of guys
sometimes for fun..2 women/2 men.
Finally, we get to see Kaj Larsen. Now if
only CNN would hire the rest of the Vanguard
correspondents for a new show along with
Conor Knighton from Infomania to do a type
of daily media show about the news and yes
let Conor have the freedom just like TBS is
giving Conan.Infomania is as close as CNN
can get to the Daily Show. Just take a look
it is on the internet.
Is Suzanne Mealveaux's stock rising?
She was on this weekend with TJ and
she is in for Tony Harris today. Is she
moving to Atlanta.At this point CNN
needs to be experimenting. Women,
anchor free, Vanguard, Nightline
CNN.com, different shows at 8 from
Mon- Fri like the big 4 networks. At
this point CNN has nothing to lose.
Get away from talk and opinion with
self absorbed people.It is just not
good television.
According to You Tube Richard Nixon was
on Laugh In saying "sock it to me." It is a
comedy show.CNN needs to do better
research. At least hire kids who know how
to utilize the web to benefit CNN. Maybe
if CNN would put creativity and innovation
ahead of ideology their ratings would be
a whole lot better.It could improve TSR.
CNN totally ruined the show by taking away
an hr and giving it to Rick Sanchez and only
having Jack with Wolf. Treat Wolf better CNN.
Bring back the internet reporters to TSR.
What can you say when a sitting President such as Obama, would rather speak to a "fake" anchor, like Jon Stewart, than speak to any real anchor, on CNN, or elsewhere??
Jon Stewart has become the go to guy for news, and he allowed the POTUS to call him a pundit, instead of "comedian." We realize he's both, but he's also become the most trusted communicator we have. When Stewart speaks, he always speaks, "truth to power," and last nites interview was just that....Jon speaking the truth, and Obama having the power.
Lawrence O'Donnell seems to be living up to his own expectations.
He said he expected to come in second, after Greta, and he consistently IS.
It might very well take a few good women, like Jessica Yelin and Suzanne Malveaux to fix the primetime line up on CNN. It certainly can't hurt.
This comes from the heart.CNN was once a
great news network. It told you about the world,
brought live events into your home and was
intelligent conversion. Sometime in the last 5
years CNN dumbed down the news and it just
breaks your heart.CNN should be much better
than what viewers are being offered.It was all
women dayside yesterday on CNN. I agree that
is no accident but I think we are now at a point
and time when you need 3 or 4 hosts and not
about ideology.It was kyra, Suzanne, Kate &
Brooke. Put all of them together for a fast
paced news show and see what happens.
More news than you can handle and tons
of content in various categories and topics.
I also notice Kyra had Arrested Development
on yesterday. Music is another opportunity
for CNN. What if CNN featured music all
day long, wide ranging, and set it up so you
could to CNN's website and discover the
songs used for each show on CNN and
discover music that is out there. Heck even
commercials are using alternative music.
CNN needs to do the women's show now.
By CNN putting on a show like this they
would be getting a jump start on Rachel
Maddow. CNN has to fix the 7,8 & 9 pm
hours. I get the feeling CNN will have the
same problem with Piers Morgan that they
are having with Eliot Spitzer and Kathleen
Parker. Viewers aren't feeling these shows.
CNN and the rest of big media continues to
underestimate Jon Stewart. The man is the
most trusted source for news because he
is not a pawn and he knows how to make
you think. Stewart presents facts CNN does
not.CNN is not giving you the news and has
not idea what news is anymore Stewart does.
Stewart sees just how bad the news is and
cable news has on blinders.CNN repeats the
rhetoric. Stewart call it out. Trying to see old
media figure out Jon Stewart is laughable.
Does CNN and other media companies get
how ridiculous and useless they have become.
Jon Stewart is not misleading nor would he
ever let pundits control his show.
It has been quite some time when since I
actually watched 360 for the full hour.
Last night's 360 was the most compelling
television I have seen on the show in recent
memory.It is wonderful that 360 has now
discovered that Facebook & Youtube are
great resources for journalists.It was great
to see 360 not have pundits at the top of
the show. I agree about the women's show.
Just rotate the hosts.CNN has some very
smart female journalists. CNN needs to
really highlight this. Yes, a prime time
news show for women with civility and
zero politics and definitely music.It is
nothing like this out there.
Okay CNN don't blow this. The IED cartridge on
the UK plane is big news. Stay with this all day
long being this is continental and definitely Al
Qaeda. CNN can't have Parker Spitzer on at 8
or a repeat LKL or taped 360. Stick with this
all night long if you have to.CNN has to use
it's worldwide resources and get this right.
If Anderson has to be on for 3 hours so be it.
Jean Meserve rocks. Somehow she got exclusive
photos of the device that set off a bomb scare in
the US.CNN has brought in Hola. However, CNN
needs to drop the crawl. Good job CNN.
Well AC was not on for 3 hours and just repeated what had already been known about this most recent terror plot.
Yikes! Yemen has no cargo scanners for their cargo to the US! Unacceptable President Obama! Get on this ASAP.
Jean Measerve may rock, but when it comes to ordinary panel discussions, she is often over looked. Could it be female age bias CNN? This is also unacceptable. She's smart and completely capable. So what's the problem with giving her more air time?
As long as CNN continues to make dumb
decisions they will make things bad for
themselves.It matters who you put in the
chair on a major breaking news story.CNN
seems to think viewers will turn in and watch
Eliot Spitzer and Kathleen Parker , the all about
me show in which CNN has found another way
to diss viewers do breaking news. They have
no credibility . So that means they can't be
on with breaking news.If people would not
tune in to watch a clown like Rick Sanchez
do breaking news, what makes CNN think
people will watch these 2. Parker Spitzer
is the latest failure that CNN is not going
to correct before it is too late and MSNBC
is topping CNN more and more each day.
I think at this point FNC and MSNBC don't
consider CNN to be competition.
I guess CNN is not listening to Jon Stewart.
They will be sorry.I am watching the rally
today rather than CNN. Ballot Bowl is a
total waste of time. Parker Spitzer are 2
more reasons to not watch CNN Nov 2nd.
It is really sad if CNN doesn't value it's
female reporters. Women could actually
save CNN in prime time.CNN does plenty
of women segments on weekends. You
have to wonder why it is not the same all
week long.
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