Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
Here's also an article we received on CNN's viewership:
CNN Reaches 10 Million More Viewers Than Fox News and 13 Million More Than MSNBC in 2010
HLN’s Morning Express Has Best Year Ever;
Beats MSNBC’s Morning Joe for the Year 2010
CNN is the No. 1 TV News Brand Online, in Mobile and in Social Media
In 2010, CNN reached more viewers than any other cable news network, averaging 96.4 million monthly viewers -- 10 million more than Fox News Channel (85.7 million) and 13 million more than MSNBC (83.3 million).[Data through Nov.]
CNN continues to demonstrate the strength of its breaking news coverage, attracting cable news’ largest P25-54 audience during the first 24 hours of the Chilean Miner Rescue and registering the most growth of any cable news network during continuing coverage of the Haiti Earthquake and BP oil spill in the Gulf.
Throughout 2010, CNN topped MSNBC in daytime non-opinion programming (9a-5p) by 71% among total viewers (502k vs. 294k) and 64% among adults 25-54 (133k vs. 81k). Each hour from 9a-4p, MSNBC ranked either fourth or fifth among its cable news competitors in the key P25-54 demographic. [Data through Dec. 12.]
CNN Heroes, an All-Star Tribute to Everyday People Changing the World, reached a cumulative audience of nearly 16 million viewers over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Traffic to CNN Heroes content on CNN.com achieved more than 10.3 million page views, and more than 1.2 million video streams. (Source: Omniture SiteCatalyst, 10/04/10 – 11/28/10 and 10/05/09 – 11/29/09)
HLN’s Morning Express with Robin Meade increased its audience in 2010 to its highest year on record and out-delivered MSNBC’s Morning Joeby 51% among 25-54 viewers (178k vs. 118k). This is the first time in HLN’s history that Morning Express has topped MSNBC’s Morning Joe for 12 consecutive months. Morning Express delivered HLN’s best year ever from 6a-10a among both total viewers (315k) and P25-54 (178k).
HLN’s The Joy Behar Show is the only cable news program at 9pm to grow its audience in 2010, up 7% in total viewers (P2+).
Among P25-54, HLN enjoyed a substantial advantage over MSNBC’s non-opinion weekday program block (9am-5pm), topping the network by 28% (104k vs. 81k). HLN ranked above MSNBC all hours from 9am to 4pm in the demographic.
In 2010, the CNN Digital Network was No. 1 in unique audience, usage minutes, page views, mobile and other key metrics, beating Fox News and MSNBC Digital.
The CNN Network Placed No. 1 among all TV News Sites in several key metrics in 2010:
- No. 1 in Unique Audience: With 66 million monthly unique visitors, the CNN Network is six times greater than Fox News Online, five times greater than ABC News Digital’s audience, more than three times greater than CBS News Online and beat MSNBC Digital by 33%.
- No. 1 in Usage Minutes and Page Views: With more than 2.1 billion usage minutes per month and 2.3 billion page views, the CNN Network was far and away the most used TV News Site, beating out MSNBC Digital’s time spent by 58% and more than doubling their page views. Total time spent and page views for the CNN Network were also more than 20 times larger than that for Fox News Online, CBS News Online and ABC News Digital.
(Source: comScore Media Metrix, May-November 2010. See Source Note Below.)
CNN Digital is No. 1 in Mobile in News and Current Events for 2010 and has been for the past 47 months.
- With 14.6 million monthly unique visitors to its mobile site in 2010, CNN Digital beat the nearest competitor, Fox News Digital, by 90%. (Source: Nielsen Mobile MediaView – Jan – Oct. 2010)
- CNN App Downloads: Prior to launching the CNN App for iPad, CNN had nearly 2 million downloads for the CNN App for iPhone and iPod Touch worldwide. Additionally, the average monthly usage for the CNN App available in the U.S. has been 96%. (Oct. 09-Nov. 10)
Social Media
CNN was the Most-Followed News Brand in Social Media in 2010
· iReport: iReport increased its registered users base to 715,000, with nearly 238,000 new registered users signing up in 2010. There were also 149,000 submissions in 2010 the most popular of which was “Searching For Loved Ones In Haiti” generating 8,000 submissions. To date iReporters have submitted over 520,000 stories.
- On Facebook: With more than 1.5 million fans to date, CNN topped the two closest competitors: Fox News by 47,000 fans and NPR by more than 136,000 fans. (Source: Facebook Insights through Dec. 13.)
- On Twitter: @CNN and @CNNBRK have a combined 5.3 million followers, 96% greater than New York Times 2.7 million, more than twice MSNBC’s 2.1 million followers and more than 12 times greater than Fox New’s followers. (Source: Twitter.com Analytics 01/01/10 – 12/13/10. MSNBC includes @MSNBC, @MSNBCBRK, @Breakingnews; Fox News includes: @foxnews, Foxnewsbrk)
- More Users Turn to CNN During Breaking News: During the week of the Chilean Miners Rescue, CNN had nearly 48,000 likes/comments on it’s official fan page, a 129% increase over a typical week; during the week of the Midterm Elections, CNN saw 35,000 likes/recommends, a 68% increase.(Source: Facebook Insights through December 13. Benchmark week based on weeks of 4/12/10-10/10/10)
** NOTE - CNN Digital Source: comScore Media Metrix, May-November 2010. Note that comScore changed their methodology in 2010 to allow properties to pass their Omniture census level data through to comScore to be included as part of the accountancy of their official published usage data. The May-November 2010 data used in the above claims reflects a time period when all properties referenced were switched over to the new methodology, except ABC News Digital, which switched over in October. Only October and November were used for ABC News Digital’s comparisons. Fox News has not switched over to the new methodology.
After reading this promotional release, if anyone actually believes this bull ----, I have wetlands in Jersey I'd like to sell you, and I'm being polite.
CNN is having a 21st century breakdown. Due
to mobile devices people are now spending more
time online than watching tv, Hint CNN start live
streaming CNN,HLN & CNN I , develop half hr
webcasts that is fast paced. Provide full episodes
of 360 right after they air on CNN.com. Let's
drop the pundits and add more news and real
time news.CNN does not offer fresh news or
a unique style of journalism or storytelling and
they are fading away fast.I really don't understand
why CNN misuses all of the TW resources.
CNN could be the world's largest information,
content source. From the data it is clear that
CNN digital is thriving. Drop the crawl & annoying
gigantic graphics that obstruct video and don't
have anything on the screen with graphics.
Please use modern music. The AM music theme
is bad and boring. Even commercials use music
that is modern to connect with people.In the
morning, where are the sports scores ,CNN
needs to be fresh. Instead of the crawl, use
the news as you are going in and out of breaks
with songs like Reckoner from Radiohead or
All The Young Dudes.CNN whenever you air
video or packages use a media bar a simple
banner in the middle of the screen and just
the CNN logo.
TVNewser has already condemned this CNN release saying that the only positive info CNN can tout on its own behalf is "their metric reach." While they may have the ability to reach and a positive projection, how many viewers actually view them is an entirely different matter.
Last night on the Daily Show, Jon Stewart had
a message for CNN. In a nutshell, you are now
the subject of much ridicule.CNN is just awful.
JS really picked apart the promo for Piers
Morgan. This guy has no business replacing
Larry King and is a huge blunder for the suits
at CNN. Ironically, JS ran the clip featuring Ted
Turner announcing the launch of a 24 hour
news channel. I won't even talk about the Dumb
& Dumber clip that aired during Ali Velshi. It was
tasteless. It is an embarrassment and a new
low for CNN. The suits had better fix the first
2 hours of prime time in CNN by canceling
Parker Spitzer & Piers Morgan. The have
severely damage a once great cable news
channel that was committed to bringing
you the news and keeping you informed.
Now CNN is silliness and political opinion.
Don't even bother watching the Crappy
News Network.
Odd how Larry King has really made a friend of Ryan Seacrest. If left up to "the king," he would have much preferred HIM to this ego maniac that Cnn management persued.
I'm not a fan of Ryan Seacrest, and he seems to be doing quite well without this CNN gig, but my guess is, Larry's pick was a whole lot better.
Jon Stewart slammed CNN last nite for picking this pompous -ss.
What is especially offensive is Morgan's promo about "television theater." Accoridng to Jon, TV is "not theater."
If ONLY Jon and Larry had had, their say.
I am sick of seeing the face of Piers Morgan.
This is the straw that breaks the camel's back
for me. Goodbye CNN. Keith said it best on
Countdown tonight, CNN will realize how
badly they will miss Larry King.CNN is about
to feel the heat from the press with regards
to the ratings for Parker Spitzer. The show
is performing worst than Campbell and she
was let go. Check out Mediaite.360 is going
to be really hurt by Piers Morgan. It is the
wrong show to have on right before CNN's
highest rated show. The combo of Parker
Spitzer and Piers Morgan is ratings repellent.
Now CNN has another promo airing saying
journalism maters. People are not stupid
CNN like we don't know Eliot Spitzer,
Kathleen Parker and Piers Morgan are not
journalists. None of them know anything
about news and reporting.
AC may help the ego maniac Piers, transition into Larry's seat, because it seems, Morgan wouldn't be ready until mid-January and AC is taking over the 9PM show.
If AC had wanted that spot permanently, he could have had it.
Why he chose to go to daytime is a myster to me.
TVNewser is reporting that syndication and the money behind it, is NOT what it used to be and Katie Couric may be the next person looking for a syndicated talk show.
Soon they'll be sooo many talk shows they'll be no one left, to talk to.
My guess is they can ALL speak to each other.
Jon Stewart devoted his whole show, in a serious tone, to the 9/11 responders, who were present.
He was outraged that Congress failed to pass health care for first responders, that was a separate bill from the tax bill, but part of the entire package.
How inept they all are and the entire time I kept wondering why Stewart wasn't a REAL ANCHOR.
Yes, he usually likes to have fun with politics, but this wasn't funny and he wasn't joking and cable could really use someone as skillful as he, doing REAL NEWS.
Instead we have people like Ali Velchi, and Spitzer and Parker and a whole list of inadequate boob tubes, substituting for what....ANCHORS??
They are as inept as Congress!
CNN does not know what journalism is either.
That is why they have the most ridiculous promos.
None of their promos make any sense. Jon Stewart
stated what others have said about the Morgan
promo on this blog.I really don't understand the
logic at CNN anymore. If you fire Jon Klein, why
in the world would you continue with his plans ?
Once CNN decided to give Klein the boot they
should have nixed any plans he had for prime
time. Given his track record, why keep his plans
in place,no alternatives.CNN will loose viewers in
big numbers for replacing Larry King with
a British jerk. What's wrong with CNN.
Larry King is an American legend. Piers Morgan
is a fired tabloid journalist, who can't get a
job in British news. What the heck is he
doing on CNN.CNN just keeps insults the
few viewers they have left. I guess they really
want to ruin CNN. Their goal has been achieved.
@7:09AM: Couldn't have said it better. Nailed it!
Haiti didn't do it, reporting from the Gulf didn't do it, honoring the annual Heroes didn't do it either, BUT, Thursday's final tribute to Larry King, Did finally give AC 360, over a million plus viewers. The LONG good-bye was finally over.
If only CNN could find a way to resuscitate Larry every time they needed and didn't get a million viewers, which is EVERY NITE.
And Larry and all his well wishers didn't do badly either, with over 2
million viewers looking to say their good-byes.
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