1 - Special programming was aired on one night during the week
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Posted by
11:29 PM
OK 360. I know your ratings are high, but it's time to come down off your perch and show us what is happening elsewhere other than Libya.
CNN, you do this all the time.
If it works, give them MORE.
No, if it works, give us diversity and stop treating us like we're studying international law.
Before there was no mention of any foreign countries, and now there are no domestic issues worth discussing. NONE!
Let's all wait for the nose dive because AC, it's coming!
Awesome..360 is the best cable news show
hands down these days. I like the mini docs
on stories filed by reporters, the original reports,
the natural sound and being able to hear a lot
of what is being said on video without chatter
while the video is rolling.CNN needs to be the
viewers largest source for content. It is the 3
R's : resources, reach and reporting. Let your
reporters,photogs, producers, etc get out
there and give us some great stories. Enjoyed
Rob's nascar story this morning and the
peanut allergy story.I will take that over
pundits any day Looks like someone visited
a university to see how modern journalism
is being taught and why it is important to
give viewers the news experience.
What is amazing is that AC does not ;have
anyone building up an advantage for him.
CNN is behind at 8 & 9 PM and then all of
a sudden 360 soars in the demo. That is
not normal. You can vote with your remote
and apparently viewers like what they are
getting with 360 . AC would not be topping
Greta at 10 PM if viewers were turned off
by 360. Congrats to all of the people at 360.
@anonymous 1:33am, I have to agree that eventually 360's ratings will fall. 360 has a real problem with getting stuck on one subject. They do this all the time. It comes back to their biggest problem, not knowing when to move on. There are countless examples of this...Michael Jackson, the BP oil spill last summer, Anna Nicole. I understand that Libya is important but 360 has to see that other things are happening in the world too.
CNN needs to do something about the 1st
2hrs in prime time if 360 is gong to grow.
Eventually it will switch back to MSNBC
during those hours and it will be interesting
to see what that means for 360. That said,
there has been some talk about FNC being
down at 10 PM. If it is good tv Anderson will
beat FNC if not people won't watch.
TV By The Numbers has the ratings for last
night. I think CNN took a hit for all of the
political talk. Morning Joe has been doing
that all week long and because of that MJ
is losing to American Morning. Who wants
to tune in for the politics. That is why most
people don't watch cable news they are more
political than news and that is boring 24/7.
CNN hire George Strombo.
CNN needs to have a news show anchored
by women of all ethnic backgrounds on in
prime time. No pundits. Just the wonderful
female journalists who work for CNN. It is
time for this. Given the Census data. Cable
news need to become more diverse in prime
time. It is a huge mistake for CNN to have
3 white males in prime time.
Do you understand now CNN ? in 5,
thats right 5 days, the Obama administration
helped stop a massacre, enforced a no fly
zone and has now formed a Nato no fly
coalition and now no fly plus. CNN needs
to understand they can't control the events.
Their job is to report them. All those dumb
questions and politics made CNN look stupid
and not credible because they got it all wrong.
Some people here have tunnel vision or they're not checking the latest TVN ratings.
Greta beat 360 last nite, demos included.
Yes, 360 has been doing well, but they DO get stuck on a subject like a dog with a bone and will not let it go.
Libya does not effect our crude or its price and if by chance it does, then why not have a report on domestic crude.
Greta will regain her stance because FOX KNOWS when to move on.
I fully expected 360's ratings to eventually get back to their usual levels. But I also think that adding in a variety of stories will significantly raise the ratings either - they've done that before and they still were struggling in the ratings.
I have long been saying CNN should have
a news show aimed at women on at 8 PM.
Women are the majority population in a
already diverse country. Female journalists
from CNN,HLN CNN I & CNN Espanol. It
is long overdo. Rotate the hosts and give
the show a snappy title and have music
open the show and play in and out of
commercial breaks and the end of the
Being curious about this George S. guy,
I checked him out on the internet. This is
a guy that women will like , he is very
cute and smart. Cap things off with 360.
Originally, when CNN announced this
prime time lineup, people were saying
CNN is moving backwards. This morning
they are talking about those Census figures.
America is already a diverse country and
cable news had better wake up. They
can't grow or survive without getting women,
minorities and people under 50 to watch.
CNN is full of hypocrites.At first they were
all over the network bashing Obama for
not acting. Now they are complaining. CNN
is still having that tired old talk about the
whining members of Congress. Presidents
have done this and will continue to do this.
The story has progressed and CNN seems
to not be following the news anymore and
they will suffer a big ratings hit. CNN is
trying to ignore the facts as if we won't
see what they are trying to pull off. Won't
work, on to you. That is why old media is
dying they can't handle the fact that they
can't control the information.If CNN can't
see that the era of politics, ideology an
opinion has to end, they won't be around
much longer. The news is saving them
and they don't even get the message. It
is the blind leading the blind. Richard
Haas said it best on 360 the other night,
we are were we are. Stop focusing on
something that is a moot point. Last
night on 360 Nicholas Burns called what
the Obama administration has done brilliant.
It is funny because people have been watching
CNN in big numbers during the breaking news.
Now we are not suppose to remember what
we saw prior to the nonsense that is now
on CNN. Quit staging the news. That makes
you look fake.
CNN thinks the tea party is the face of America.
They are so disconnected from reality. Don't
hold your breath. Look at all of the women who
have left CNN. Yet this morning they are talking
about how diverse America is and how 90 % of
the US population growth is minorities.CNN has
a problem with a black president in this country.
If they are so disrespectful of Obama, they will
never have minorities in prime time. CNN could
have done that instead of hiring Eliot Spitzer
and Piers Morgan.
I saw an interesting article about how CNN appears to be pushing and promoting the Tea Party more and more to the point of writing blog posts that sound like they're trying to rally conservatives to protest "a government they feel has run amok and too high taxes" on April 15 - so far CNN's efforts in trying to rile up Republicans aren't very successful. Aren't they suppose to just REPORT the news and not try to CREATE it? Their anti-Obama stance continues to show. CNN needs to learn that they don't need to mirror Fox in order to get good ratings. I'd like to believe that Ken Jautz is going to put less emphasis on politics, but since he's the person who brought Glenn Beck to tv, I don't have much faith in what he says.
Is it possible that Katie Couric could be
coming to CNN. Rumors have been around
for a long time and now TVN says she is
leaving in June. CNN is the only one who
needs talent.
If CNN were to do a women's news show,
Katie Couric would be a great host but
still have a diverse group of females but
Couric would be the permanent host.
CNN had better step up it's game and add
more stories and less talk. The questions
and pundits make no sense. Come Monday
BBC World News will be on public television.
BBC is more serious than CNN and I give them
a slight edge.
Fareed Zakaria will be talking about an
AL Quaeda women's magazine. Strombo
mention that last week.
Jon Stewart did a wondeful interview with Fox's Bret Baier.
I know no one watches him on this blog, but I make it a habit of seeing what the competition is "up to," and obviously, so does Jon.
Baier refused to admit that the news portions of Fox, was in fact, bias. Even after he was shown clips of interviews he did with both President Bush and Obama.
One was friendly and the other contentious and disrespectful.
While I personally don't mind Bret Baier, to show disrespect to the POTUS is unforgiveable no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall.
The interview in full, is now on TVN and is worth a look if only to see a person in denial of what he is actually representing: FOX NEWS.
Great job 360 and CNN in general the last few months. Its sad to say it, but tragedy is what brings out this networks best quality and resources. And Anderson Cooper willing to take himself and the show anywhere there is a crisis proves that people DO respond when you have real on the ground journalism and not simply reading a teleprompter behind a desk in a studio all the time.
Why does CNN insist on torturing viewers.
Please no more in the morning. Big mistake.
Is this the new morning team. Ratings dive.
Ali Velshi voice is annoying.
It comes down to this final week of ratings for
the month at 10 PM. If CNN makes it about the
news and not boring talk, they will be fine.
People go on Euro News and find channels on
You Tube that cuts through the chatter. So CNN
had better focus on what their people out in the
field are capturing and not opinion. People tune
in when there is something to see and it has to
be quality journalism. People know who the real
journalists are and you can't fool the people. If
CNN wants to beat Fox, they should study new
media and stop trying to copy Fox. There is a
reason people are tuned to CNN and not Fox.
The questions do make CNN look dated. There
is so much that is mobile these days. I can
use my phone to go to certain websites to see
CNN for free. Stop assuming people are just
sitting in front of a computer. Ever hear about
the death of the PC.
Karen & TJ were starting to grow the ratings
for American Morning. Bringing on Ali Velshi
& Christine Romans to anchor the news is the
latest misstep from CNN. Don't care to watch
the lame financial show those two are on the
weekends sure as heck not interested in
seeing them for 3 hours in the morning.
We all know CNN never met a pundit it did
not like so CNN will soon let the pundits
replace the journalists. That is why In The
Arena will never fly. It is all pundits.
Isn't asking question all day long what HLN does
and aren't their ratings falling fast. I think Ted
Koppel is right. These times call for serious
journalism and conversation. CNN needs to realize
these are serious times. How can you ask a
question about war and then laugh like it is not
serious ? CNN seems to have a high school
bathroom mentality.
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