Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Ratings For The Week of April 4th - 8th
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11:24 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
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I expect the ratings for CNN to go down this
week. Already I think it is not safe to watch
360 this week. Each night 360 has Dana Loesh
I won't watch.360 viewers deserve better.
Unfortunately CNN wants Dana Loesch around for election coverage so we're stuck with her. The only thing I "like" about her appearances are the grimaces, head-shaking and looks of disgust on Gergen's face when she speaks. I can't stomach hearing anything from her so she gets the mute button treatment. There should be full disclosure by CNN/360 on Loesch regarding her boss, the lying, scamming and widely discredited fraud Andrew Breitbart, but CNN/360 must be too ashamed to mention that. The real shame is that they felt she was worthy enough to hire in the first place.
I hope Anderson Cooper saw The Daily Show
last night. JS is right. It is pathetic how cable
news is covering the budget issues. Why do
they keep asking he dumb question, who won?
Where are the economists who are actually
qualified to talk about the complex issues
with the debt ceiling ? That is not something
to be played with. It could sink the dollar and
destroy the world economy. Besides CNN keeps
repeating the myth the cutting spending is the
top priority for Americans. Okay, we all know
that is not true. It's jobs and the economy.
CNN had fewer viewers than MSNBC on Friday.
Yes, CNN won the demo but when CNN is
topped by MSNBC in viewership on a story
of this significance, viewers has a problem
with CNN. IMHO CNN has lost credibility to
tackle serious subjects because of the pundits,
At some point CNN will realize this is beyond
ideology. I am starting to think that what you
hear in international circles is true. When it
comes to America, you are seeing the rise
of the stupids and it can be traced right
back to the media which repeats anything
but facts. The dumbing down of America.
Guess what, China, the EU and others love it
because a misinformed people are doomed
for failure. They will tell you that President
Obama is the grown up and sane one and
the media goes with the circus. Also, once
you knew Americans were well informed and
really understood complex issues. They don't
think that is true anymore.At the rate we
are going we won't be the world's largest
economy for long. All of these spending cuts
will shrink the U.S. economy, Just take a look
at what is happening in Great Britain. With
our trade deficit we need a deficit. Spending
has to be brought down gradually not
drastic cuts at once.It is time for cable news
to bring on the grown ups and stop the
craziness that is totally useless.Oh yeah
don't even get me started on treasuries.
The problem for 360 is that they don't know
when to end a segment. They did back 2 back
segments on the budget. What was the point ?
All they did was change a couple of people on
the panel. 360 had better bring their best game.
MSNBC is working on making Ed flow much
better and if 360 is giving several minutes to
talking heads, 360 will be a distant 3rd.It is
time for CNN to come up with a different way
to cover politics. CNN is now must turn away
from tv.
I look for CNN to have a rough 2nd quarter.
I am voting with my remote.
Besides CNN keeps
repeating the myth the cutting spending is the
top priority for Americans.
That is the top priority for the Tea Party and CNN's top priority appears to be appealing to them and them alone along with bringing in people who will push this idea that the Obama administration is destroying the future of this country. Who won or who lost is of no importance and it's only important to those with a narrative to push and an agenda. Facts don't seem to be a priority for cable news these days.
Somebody must fix CNN. It is all too easy
these days to find interesting news items.
There is Stumbled upon which had more
than 1 billion viewers recently. Also, Digg,
Reddit and the web for wide ranging news.
TW also owns several websites, one of them
is the Time Newsfeed. It is time for CNN to
come up with original programs they can
really market. For goodness sakes ever think
of asking the Oatmeal or some other animator
to come up with a segment for the deficit.
The problem for CNN is that the network is
out of ideas and it shows big time.
Personally I think we should start an "I don't want to see anymore of Dana Loesch," campaign and stick to it, when it comes to 360.
Maybe if all of us change our remotes the MINUTE she appears, and we ALL do it at the same time, CNN will get the message.
Management watches the ratings very carefully, and if a pattern starts to develop, it could work.
Hopefully someone there also reads this blog as well as ATA.
The woman is not only a conservative, she's snide, smirky, snarky, and treats other people on the panel with a sense of distain, that you can feel through your flatscreen.
She doesn't deserve our viewership.
There IS a pattern developing already.
Every time Dana Loesch is on 360,
AC's ratings are lower.
Last nite is just one example.
AC got a 630 something while Ed and Greta topped one million.
Even his demos are lower than Ed's when Loesch is on.
ED would NEVER put up with her and neither would Greta.
Loesch is a condescending b----, which ryhmes with witch.
We all need to just go cold turkey on 360.
They are doing the same thing that they
do each time the ratings go up. Someone
gets the idea, let's be lazy and go with
the pundits. Can you say yawn. Deleting
360 from my dvr. That makes 2 straight
days in which 360 has zero content.
I totally disagree that 360 had "zero content."
Yes, Snooki or however you spell that idiots name, should NEVER have been given air time, but check the ratings lately.
Greta and ED have beaten 360 by going back to politics and domestic issues, and that's the way it should be.
Yes, there should always be updates on Japan but enough already with the screaming woman who was raped, and I'm not being sarcastic or mean spirited.
There are plenty of senseless rapes in this country that go completely unnoticed every day.
WE can't change the world or every culture just because we don't agree with it.
I didn't have a problem with Anderson doing the Ridiculist on Snookie, it was very funny. What I didn't like was the Ron Paul interview. I've never heard him say anything that was worth listening to, but he's always treated as though he has all the answers - too much reverence for someone who doesn't offer much. I hope they continue to report when those teabagger types like Bachmann or other conservatives come up with their wild claims. Instead of courting the Tea Party, CNN needs to make sure what they say is held under a microscope and examined for accuracy. The same goes for Democrats. It is odd though that they readily point out Bachmann's lies, but they pay Dana Loesch to come on and lie to the public and not be challenged much.
I also hope 360 continues to keep us updated on Eman al-Obeidy's situation.
CNN shouldn't be giving Trump airtime, but they do it under the guise of asking "tough questions" when what they REALLY want to do is promote him and his fake campaign since it looks as though Palin won't run. The MSM wanted a matchup between Palin and Obama in the 2012 elections and since that doesn't look like it'll happen, they're all happy to jump on Trump because Romney's too boring and Palin's played out. It doesn't matter to the media that Trump would be a DISASTER for this nation, all they care about is sensation and ratings.
360 is down so far this week. Until CNN
comes up with decent programs that
are worth watching, the numbers won't
grow. Pundits are boring and you know
what they are going to say. So why would
you watch that ?
Yes CNN needs to hire a jon Stewart, Colbert
or George Strombo but we all know they will
not because the network is run by a group
of middle aged men who thinks viewers want
what they want.
CNN needs to come up with a new business
model that will develop news programs that
don't necessary fit the norm. The dynamics
are changing. Maybe we don't need to see
the same show in prime time at 8 or 9 PM.
Also, hire people who know how to get
you the most with your content and use
that content to your advantage.CNN could
easily make your tv the world's largest
source for news and information. Make it
so that it is accessible on all media platforms.
Give me that app that let's me watch CNN,
CNN I or HLN anywhere in my house. Just
a one time fee if you already have cable or
satellite. The race is on to build the world's
first digital news organization. CNN already
has the tools in place yet they are not even
considered to be a player. There is talk
that the Huffington Post will be the first
to do this once the AOL deal is finalized
and it is game on. Also, don't forget
Facebook , Google, Apple & Twitter.
Someone at CNN needs to wake up and
face the reality of what is really happening
before they end up like the music and
movie industry.
What makes Anderson Cooper think he knows ALL about women just because he has a large female following?
Any resonable woman doesn't want to talk about women's issues with "a news man."
His talkshow should have a variety of topics that is geared towards a general audience.
Jan Brewer, the Governor of AZ is an idiot for trying to introduce the birther issue into the state constitution.
The US Constitution, in her demented mind, isn't definitive enough on the subject. She's got to take this to the next level so this becomes a campaign issue for the voters in her state on Obama's legitimacy as President.
Why doesn't Arizona just secede from the nation, and take Donald Trump and the rest of the Birthers with him?
This is just an excuse for racism and every reasonable adult knows it.
John King USA should not be cancelled because of ratings and I'm glad that they've spiraled upward in April.
It takes time to find the right balance in a show and John is one can do most anything...in the field, anchoring, and analyzing politics.
But too much of one format leads to boredom and his producers are at fault if his show doesn't work.
CNN needs more John Kings, someone who can multi-task, especially on election nite where political interpretation in districts is badly needed.
With so many channels out there now. it is
not an easy task to hold on to viewers. It
would be great if CNN had someone to come
up with original programming like HBO. I
think during the summer CNN should experiment
with different types of show. Tech/Science & the
Environment one night. A women's show one
night. An international news show one night.
A music show and anchor free news show.
A viewer contributed news show that let's
viewers go to CNN dot com to choose the news.
A Vanguard or NIghtline doc and in depth
reporting show. Try this is 8 or 9 PM. It boils
down to wether or not the viewers will keep
coming to your network. CNN can't do that
with current programming. I say yes if CNN
can get George Strombo. I am not sure they
could get him away from the CBC IMHO,
he should be on a 8. That seems to be the
hour that is not much going on. Bill O'Reilly
is winning hands down but Strombo might
be able to change the hour for CNN. When
you look at In The Arena, Nancy Grace &
The Last Word, I don't see loyal viewers.
The Strombo show has DVR written all over
it and that is another avenue CNN needs
to think about more. DVR's are very popular
and I record plenty of shows and watch
them later and more than once.
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