1 - Special programming was shown on one night during the week
Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
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Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
Posted by
10:08 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
July 19,2011. Remember this day as the day
when the news died on CNN.On this day CNN
sunk to new lows with Piers Morgan. Veteran
journalist, Wolf Blitzer was made to look oh so
ridiculous having been forced to participate in
what was obviously a publicity stunt by Piers
Morgan. Have you no shame ? Is CNN really so
desperate for ratings that they have chosen to
sink to new lows ? The network bosses were
complacent in permitting Piers Morgan to
literally hijack CNN and basically take CNN
down the toilet and to gutter status. CNN
has abandoned it's principles and standards.
The brand has been destroyed and is beyond
repair. We all witnessed this live on CNN. We
all saw a classic meltdown in motion. CNN is
in serious trouble and nobody at the network
seems to understand this. If they truly did,
the circus would never have happened.
Seems like Totals count folks, at least according to TVN.
There's an entire chart dedicated to Total day scores with HLN falling out of 7th and 8th place with the winding down of the Casey Anthony verdict.
Joy Behar however, seems to still be doing business with lingering discussions about the case. She too, has had a big drop of viewership.
Demos is how all of the networks make money.
Thats is what advertisers care about the most.
In CNN's case it won't matter, viewers will just
keep turning the channel.CNN show your viewers
some respect. Oh wait a minute. That is why you
don't have them.I guess this is what Jim Walton
wants for the image of CNN. Seems like it is the
Jerry Springer model and viewers will be more
and more turned off and just skip CNN.
It will be interesting to see how much the
ratings will go up at 8 PM once 360 is in
play. That seems like the weakest hour
for MSNBC. Is CNN going for those former
Countdown viewers, who have not followed
Keith to Current.360 better come with it's
A game,I saw the 1st promo today. The Last
Word seems to skew older than Countdown.
Moving 360 might just be the best decision
for CNN in awhile. CNN might just be going
for the best demo percentage. If 360 would
have 50 % or more viewers in the demo that
would be a winner for CNN.18-49 yr olds
are abandoning the big 4 networks. If 360
wants a piece of the pie, the content has
to improve big time. I don't understand way
for the last 2 days 360 kicks things off with
pundits. BORING. Once they move to 8 PM,
360 will have to pick up the pace ,shortening
interviews. The interviews drag on way too
long .
Could CNN actually end up being 4th this quarter ?
I an really disappointed that 360 is ignoring Somalia. CNN does need to learn from CNN
International, Even running clips from CNN I
all day long on CNN as well as highlights from
their shows. Wether it is News Stream , CNN GO,
etc.CNN is moving in the right direction with
live streaming but they need to add fresh
material more and more. Remember CNN is
competing with full episodes of shows that are
not the same thing over and over again.
CNN is not the only news network worldwide who
now live streaming their shows. Yes they are the
first in America but the CBC has been streaming
Connect With Mark Kelley live each night at 8 since
the show started.
It might be time for CNN to go north to Canada
for some fresh faces and new shows. Mark Kelly
would be a wonderful addition. I know there are
some Strombo fans out there and I have no
problem with him either.
I don't know but I get the feeling that CNN is
doubling down on blah blah blah. It is not a
pleasant viewing experience. CNN has to realize
the same basic rules apply to both old and new
media. You have to have shows that people care
to watch. Until CNN fixes those issues, nothing
will change on TV or the web, You are not
going to get the digital generation with talk.
Of course when there is breaking news, CNN
will be the big winner being they are now
beyond home and accessible.
Of course CNN missed the boat on Wendi
Murdoch, She was the talk of the hearing.
In China bloggers are calling her smackdown
CNN must understand it is not about them
it is the news.
Count me in as another CNN channel changer.
Fix the content and reporting. I will check out
360 but it will be on a case by case basis. I'm
protesting with my remote and DVR. It is simple
don't watch the crappy shows on CNN. Judging
from these ratings it is fair to say CNN 's prime
time line up is not exactly bringing in viewers.
CNN can't continue to diss their customers.
Maybe after they end up with lower ratings than
CNBC or even Current, which is moving towards
3 hrs of live programming in prime time, CNN
will finally wake up but don't hold your breath.
360 works perfectly with the new CNN Live
on the web. Younger viewers watch 360 &
Rachel Maddow. If I am not mistaken, Nielsen
will start counting online viewing later this
year. For once CNN is ahead of the game.
So it will be a combo of TV, DVR & CNN Live.
It is all about multiple platforms. Did you see
how many I-phones and I-pads sold lately.
I predict more changes in CNN prime time.
Stay tuned. In The Arena is just the beginning.
CNN has to do something about morning and
dayside as well. I think down the line CNN will
be announcing new shows. The question is
what will they be.
360 at 8PM will not attract Countdown viewers.
AC is anything but a liberal. He never mentioned labor, not once, when MSNBC was all over it, and showing support and this will count against him and CNN.
Like voters, we remember.
Even Brian Williams on NBC gave time to show support for labor.
So now, CNN will suffer because they didn't support the "working class," and MSNBC did.
Hardball wasn't named Hardball for nothing. Game on
I know I'll be DWTS come September.
Erin Burnette has about as much chance of saving CNN as Campbell Brown.
CNN looks like they want the debt default to
happen. What is with the smirks and laughs.
Not funny.CNN can't be taken seriously these
days.CNN is doing nothing but boring talk for
3 hours. Who wants to watch that. CNN is so
out of touch and with out a doubt outdated.
CNN needs fresh blood in prime time. 360
can't be the only show CNN has going for it
all day long. Too much pointless talking.
Before Jon Klein came along. CNN did air
some programming from CNN I on weekends.
They just don't get it. Instead of tech stories
being stand alone CNN makes it a part of
business. Tech is a whole different segment.
Who cares about hourly entertainment and
political reports. Don't even get me started
on pundits who are no longer relevant and
haven't be in a decade. Old media is so far
behind the times.You don't relate to CNN
these days.
You also used to have academia on CNN and
people who understood what they were talking
about and knew their stuff. You can't say that
anymore about CNN. Ted Turner wanted the
best and the brightest to work for CNN. Is
that the goal of CNN anymore. CNN has
nothing but political bickering for talk.
CNN is lost for sure. Piers is not news and
definitely not world news. The starving in
Somalia is a news story. CNN.dot.com is
confused about what is news. CNN has
decided that a middled aged brit is the
future. They don't have a clue.
CNN relies too heavily on the talking heads.
How about coming up with better ways to
present the news. CNN puts zero effort into
all of their shows and it is obvious when you
watch. Go with the BBC or NPR. The are very
news oriented and know the difference. CNN
apparently is confused.
anon 6:32 is correct. 360's lack of coverage during the Wisconsin union fight was disgusting and no, Anderson is nowhere near liberal. He pays lip service to being balanced and neutral but it has become quite clear where he actually stands politically and it's reflected in the show.
CNN needs to be on a plane now and don't come
back until you hire Mark Kelley & Strombo. Look,
CNN just shuttling around shows will not work.
CNN needs some brand new news themed shows.
Connect With Mark Kelley & Stormbo are great
shows. Oh Canada is the answer for CNN. 360
needs some help in prime time. These are shows
that will turn viewers on and not off.
If CNN lets Erin Burnett go on solo,it will flop.
The women's news show commonly mentioned
here could work right before 360. I agree they
should be ethnically diverse.
Think of all of the success Peter Jennings had
and he came from CBC.
Back in the day Anderson Cooper would be
live all week n Somalia. I am hoping that
360 will be live from Africa all next week.
News is what gave 360 those ratings and
lately CNN has seen to forgotten that. I
thought CNN was suppose to be worldwide.
CNN needs an evening and prime time news
show just like the big 3. There is virtually no
news on CNN. Sadly, CNN is the talking head
channel. Stupid questions and pundits get
more air time than actual news. Where is the
news on the massive heat wave. Yes the
debt ceiling is important but CNN needs to
be focusing on news stories and not opinion.
CNN blew it. MSNBC is making a very strong
play for women and minorities. I don't know
if CNN will go with the women's news show
but they need to do it before it is too late.
It does not matter if CNN goes with a woman's show if the content of the show is lacking.
MSNBC backed the labor movement 200% and the middle class when it was in important to do so, this past spring.
Ed backed labor in Wisconsin and now he's reaping the rewards...big time. And good for him.
We as a people need a network dedicated to the working class and MSNBC is that network.
They have found their identity.
CNN did nothing to support labor this past spring. They hardly showed what was happening in Wisconsin and AC360 acted as though this state was a third world country. In fact, if it had been a third world country, AC would have reported on it!!
The viewing public will remember because there are plenty of working stiffs out there that still support unions.
We will remember by voting with our remotes. It has just begun.
Teachers, firemen, policmen, Ed and Rachel spoke to us and we will remember them with very high ratings. Ratings they deserve.
CNN can keep their Emmys.
MSNBC will tell you what to do with them.
Piers Moron is finding it ever so hard to crack a smile lately.
He used to be humorous at times, or at least tried to be.
Today he interviewed Frank Brandis from the NYTimes who used to be the food editor.
While Brandis tried to insert humor, every once in a while into the interview, Piers remained stiff.
Is the scandal getting to him??
He did ask Brandis what he thought of the News Corp scandal, but it was really hard for him to listen to his answer.
A while back someone on this blog very perceptively said that AC360 was leading Piers Morgan in at 9PM and then backing him again with a repeat at the 10PM hour.
I believe the writter said "like a pair of bookends."
Since the British scandal broke, I was thinking about this, and I think Old Piers Morgan may be the reason AC360 was moved to 8PM.
It just makes sense.
He was given a lot of promotion and his show is NOT paying great dividends and maybe he has complained that HIS LEAD IN, isn't strong and BINGO....360 is moved.
This is entirely speculative, but one thing we know to be true, AC didn't ask to be moved to 8PM.
So WHO was it that wanted him there? Just asking.
I am curious how AC360 will do at 8:00 p.m. when it is so low in the ratings at the current time slot. That and the fact that international news is barely mentioned on a normal news night, and instead we have a lot of people who think they know what they are talking about 'pontificating' on their views ad nauseum. The 'Ridiculist' and the 'Shot' on AC360 are cute, but hardly necessary if the show is supposed to be news oriented. Sorry CNN and particularly sorry AC360, whom I have watched for years very faithfully. Rachel Maddow and Jon Stewart are now my sources for news and entertainment.
CNN might be looking to make a change at 9
really soon. Check out the Huffington Post.CNN
just can't keep ignoring the situation. There is
going to be pressure on CNN. Judging from the
comments nobody would miss Piers Morgan.
CNN does need to use more stories from CNN I,
Time & CNN.dot.com.
3 words : content , content & content.
CNN International reported the terror attacks in
Oslo some 15 minutes before CNN. How is that
possible with both operations being in the same
building in Atlanta. :Yes sometimes CNN I is in
London & Hong Kong CNN needs to coordinate
the news much better with CNN I. Show off the
international presence.CNN could look different
every hour by simply adding some of the reports
from CNN I. I noticed that people were searching
for CNN on Google. Too bad if you have DirecTV.
CNN was able to steam their news live on the
internet. It is good that you could still watch on
CNN.dot.com. Without a doubt CNN should be
streaming CNN I for free. Try and get something
going like a Face Book for news. Get millions to
sign up and then the ads will come in big
numbers.C'mon CNN give us something, It
really annoys me that DirecTV does not have
CNN International. You have to have multiple
business models. It is not like most Americans
have access to CNN I. CNN is already being
ripped off by 3rd parties. Why not offer it
for free , building a base and than make $$$$
off of ad displays.
July is coming to and end and soon we'll have
numbers for CNN this month. It won't be pretty.
The ratings are out for Thursday and there are
troubling signs for CNN.AM was 5th in the demo.
Dead last behind Squawk Box. CNN is being hit
hard right from the start. With ratings like that
for your morning show, how do you expect the
dayside situation to improve. Same thing goes
for prime time. Good to see the bump at 8 for
Tom Foreman and Don Lemon. September is
going to be too late for CNN to fix the morning
show. Maybe the women's show needs to
come to CNN now in the mornings. The ratings
woes are too widespread for CNN. Now that
CNN is live streaming their shows they have
to offer more. CNN could do the same thing
for weekends when there is no new CNN
Presents. It is a reason why Netflix is going
for more shows. You have to constantly add
new shows for online viewers. Stop showing
repeats of shows that people don't watch in
the 1st place. With DVR's , you don't miss
shows unless you want to.
I agree about CNN I. It is hands down the best
cable news channel. I also, think that 1 way
for CNN to look like a 24/7 news channel is
to try a new approach overnight. All day long
collect clips of best picks on CNN for the day,
throw in material from CNN's website and
shows on CNN I. From midnight to 5 in the
morning just use clips without anchors. Just
have 5 second animated graphics for a wide
range of topics like the website. For example,
tech. If you need to have the reporter and
others track audio if needed. Yes use music.
A wide eclectic mix. Make it look like you
are watching video on CNN's website with
media bar and times included. Have the times
when viewers can see particular stories all
night long. ABC & CBS get some decent ratings
for their overnight news shows. Isn't CNN
suppose to be a 24/7 network. From all of
the repeats you could have fooled me.TV is
just a part of the puzzle. CNN has to make
their product work on multiple platforms.
The last thing I better see on CNN are pundits.
It is that type of divisiveness that has created
this debt ceiling fiasco. This is manmade and
CNN and other media outlets share the blame
as well. Speaker Boehner thinks it is not too
serious. He walking around singing and not
answering phone calls. The last 3 words that
Americans want to hear right now are tea party
and pundits. Be grownups here CNN and act
responsibly. This is insane and CNN needs to
stop feeding the beast. Drop the pundits CNN.
These times call for serious journalism.
@9:49AM: Couldn't agree with you more and you're so right.
If 360 can't show decent ratings or beat the competion at 10PM, why in the world would it do better at 8PM?
That is why I believe Piers Morgan's influence was working here. It would be just like him to try and save himself by shuffling the deck, so to speak and management will go out of their way to make him a happy camper after spending so much on his promotion.
It is interesting to note that John King did surprisingly well in the demos coming in at 285 Thursday nite.
In fact, both he and Sanjay Gupta are only off about 100,000 viewers in AC's absense on 360.
The 10PM hour might be a better place for John King.
Randi Kaye had a very interesting guest this noon time.
The former governor of Ohio, Ted Strickland was on telling it like it is, for a change.
His question to her was, "When did seniors and the working class, cause the recession, and why in the world should they have to pay for something they "didn't cause."
Exactly, and this was one of the first times CNN has put someone on who was ultimately defending seniors and the working class.
Good for Randi for pursuing it.
I think she is far more effective as an anchor than Drew Griffin.
Griffin, though hard working, is very very dry.
CNN has the worst political team on television.
John King thinks the possibility of a U.S. default
is fascinating. Like hell it is. it is a possible
economic disaster that can ruin the lives of
millions Americans. Tell that to folks who need
Social Security checks or vets. Default & Downgrade
are not fascinating. How about frightening. How
can CNN ignore regular folks ? Screw the politics.
There is something seriously wrong with CNN.
Politicians and the political connects are all CNN
cares about. The ordinary folks are not news on
CNN and you wonder why their ratings stink.
CNN always leaves out too much of the story.
Thanks for MSNBC. Good riddance to CNN.
They can't cover the full story because they
signed contracts with the tea party and even
have them on the payroll.
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