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Monday, September 26, 2011

Ratings for the week of September 19th - September 23rd

1 - Special programming shown on one night during the week

Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.

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Anonymous said...

With wall to wall coverage of the Conrad
Murray trial, HLN will get big numbers
this week. The NY Times has an article
about CNN in September. Mostly powered
by 360,However, it looks like 360 just had
a rough week.

Anonymous said...

Something must be done with CNN's daily schedule.
If you switch to Fox News, Megan Kelly had a very insiteful conversation about the straw poll in Orlando and how Cain is pulling ahead of Perry.
What CNN was doing, was having reruns of the day before.
Instead of hiring a firebrand like Kelly, they hire a whimpey Erin Burnett who will give them the same outcome as Campbell Brown. Why repeat your mistakes? Learn from them and look for talent that makes a difference.
Megan Kellly, like her or not, is compelling. Erin Burnett is the farthest thing from compelling even in her promos.
She speaks too quickly, mumbles and seems to lack confidence, and has only made a few appearances and she's supposed to be on next week.
Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

CNN is in trouble for trying to be just like FOX,
rather than coming up with a plan to beat FOX.
CNN viewers don't want FOX. If they did they
know where to find it.

CNN does need to book better guests and have
more wide ranging topics.CNN wastes too mush
time on the same stories being repetitive.CNN
has to offer their viewers something fresh and
new.CNN looks tired most days.

This happens all of the time with John King and
AC 360. King just got finished doing an hour
with pundits and AC 360 does the same darn
thing.It is repetition. Didn't we just see that.
What type of show Outfront will be remains to
be seen but if it is dramatically different from
John King it could improve things for CNN.

All day long CNN goes with 2 opposing talking
heads. Is the talent incapable of conducting a
strong 1 on 1 interview and are they trying to
hide that with a faux debate. That is laziness.
Try something new and take risks. CNN can't
keep ignoring the world or news. Pundits are
not compelling nor engaging. They are just a
reminder of how lazy CNN has become.No
fresh ideas and stale played out gimmicks.

Anonymous said...

CNN really should never use hip hop with their
current morning trio. Like they are hip and know
modern music or artists. Sure. Considering how
dull they are it does not work. When does the
brand new morning show start.

CNN will be heavy on the Murray trial too. 360
will have tonight. I have noticed that Randi Kaye.
& Don Lemon are in LA.

Anonymous said...

One thing is for sure : both HLN & CNN will be
going wall to wall with the Jackson trial. I wonder
if Don Lemon will do a recap each night at 11 PM.
Right now CNN is rerunning JK, USA.

Anonymous said...

360 needs to work on that demo. The dhow
needs to be getting 300,000 plus in the
demo. Right now all eyes are on October.
All 3 are taking huge hits on the weekends.
That is a pretty steep drop. It makes you
wonder if this will spill over into the week,
Nothing really much has changed. 360 is
still the most popular show but that is at
10. They have to do some work to grow
an 8 o'clock audience.

Anonymous said...

What happened with 360 on Monday ?
I hope that is not an ominous sign.
What turned people off ?

Anonymous said...

I for one, will miss Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes, but he had a very good run. He was after all, 92 and his children followed him into the biz.
I appreciated his humour and wisdom and insite as did the majority of the 60 Minute audience, over the years.
Another colleague of his, also called Andy, called people of his age "grizzled."
There will come a day, when others, who are younger will refer to that Andy, as "grizzled."
Until then, I hope all the 60 Minutes contributors live to the ripe old age of 92 with the same enthusiasm, spirit, and knowledge of Andy Rooney.
There is after all, only one.

Anonymous said...

360 seems to be alienating those younger demo
viewers. It seems like they are trying to turn the
show into In The Arena. The former press sec'y
for Bush & tea party members are the last thing
360 needs. Way to kill off the potential of 360
growing. Younger viewers don't like pundits and
no one is that much into politics to the level you
see on cable news. The public at large is more
interested in various topics. Who cares what the
pundits think about anything. For the last 2
nights, I have been a frustrated 360 viewer.
328,000 viewers should send a very strong
message from viewers. We don't like what
CNN is going to 360. Stop ruining your only
decent show.

Anonymous said...

TVN has the ever so smart replay of Jon Stewart's take on Nancy Grace's wardrobe malfunction.
After weeks of outrage over Chaz Bono's DWTS debut, Stewart goes after Fox & Friends saying, "For one shining moment they weren't the biggest Boobs on Television."
Sooo true.
A must watch clip of the Daily Show.

Anonymous said...

@9:32AM: CNN Management has a problem.
And the problem is they have a contractual obligation to air the pundits.
If you want a variety of topics, then watch Anderson, the daytime version of 360 lite , or so it would seem.
I'm beginning to believe this was all a contractual deal in AC's contract to keep him happy and on CNN. That is the reason Time Warner sold the afternoon show.
Of course this is all speculation on my part, but it does make sense.
And if this doesn't please the viewer, than you may in fact look elsewhere. CNN Management does not care.

Anonymous said...

I would hope that CNN management does care.
Actuallly, CNN does not have to put the pundits
on their network because they have contracts.
Networks can get rid of talent whenever they
want and they don't have to put you on the air.

360 was actually good tonight. Time Warner
needs for 360 & Anderson to be successful.
I will DVR Erin Burnett on Monday to see if the
show is any good. Don't know if it will work but
they can't keep John King on at 7.

Anonymous said...

Whoever released the press release about how great CNN is doing at 8PM better look again, at this weeks ratings.
360 was down and came in third in both slots.
No real breaking news to report OR, too much silliness from an anchor that was admired for his serious work.
Something is missing and it's beginning to show, negatively.
Journalism is serious reporting and when you find something or someone you like, you stick with it.
It is habit forming.
But if we're forced to, we will change our habits. Most of us don't like change, in fact, we resent it.

Anonymous said...

Candy Crowley sat in for John King tonite and I for one, did not care for her new and improved hair style.
I know management is trying to make Ms Crowley look younger, but this particular "do," looks good only on those young enough to wear it.

Anonymous said...

I have my doubts about Erin Burnett being
solo. I guarantee you she can't carry an hour.
CNN should go with a group of females . In
the future don't be too surprised to see CNN
make the change to save their latest blunder.
The odds are increasing that she will be lower
than John King.

Anonymous said...

11:21, you are so right.
The odds are that SHE will be lower than John King and John happens to be good at what he does and CNN should have LEFT him in his 7PM slot.
Why give the "new kid" the better seat?? She should PROVE herself first.
I can't understand CNN's thinking.
Management is behaving like a teacher that can't control a class.
Look at Anderson Cooper.
He was given so many EXCELLENTS it all went to his head and now he thinks he can do and say, anything!
He's like this kid in class that's completely out of control!!
I don't know about anybody else, but there are times you feel like slapping him in the face lately.
Sorry to be so blunt.

Anonymous said...

At least Erin Burnett is standing up straighter in her CNBC promos.
Someone at CNBC must have spoken to her about her posture, which was pathetic.
She's not tall to begin with, her promos on CNN were totally ineffective.
It's all perception. If you believe someone to be incompetent, they are.
It's all about marketing and presentation and Erin Burnett, being Donald Trump's buddy, MUST know something about marketing herself.
Has she forgotten how?

Anonymous said...

The sad thing about paying tribute to Andy Rooney from 60 Minutes, isn't that he is retiring from the show at 92.
It is that I can look back over the years, and I can actually remember where I was, when he said them.

Anonymous said...

For Erin Burnett's & CNN's sake, they had better
hope that viewers don't consider her to be Kiran
Chetry or Campbell Brown. Hiring female anchors
from other networks has never worked for CNN.
Will it be history repeating.

Anonymous said...

I'm finding the Blog over at ATA very depressing.
Not the comments mind you, the Blog.
Anderson Cooper, whom I've admired for so long is not the same person.
He has been bitten by the fame bug and it has changed him.
At least before, we knew he was working and reporting. In fact, he was always working, and now all we see is partying with the likes of "Fergie."
The Anderson I so admired, years ago, wouldn't be caught dead with a celebrity and now a total folks,
360....all in the name of promoting a talk show?? I think NOT.
I will not watch his talk show, mostly because the topics are not note worthy and I'm really considering not watching 360.
For me, he's lost his credibility and that IS SAD.
I hope this is posted.

Anonymous said...

CNN is having promo isuses again. In the promo
for Erin Burnett's new show , she says does cutting
defense spending make us less safe. Huh ?

2 wars. Bin Laden killed, more Al Qaeda members
killed and that is what she promos for the show.
So much for being out front of the big stories.
People care more about how do we get out of
America's longest wars. A drone war is being
conducted in areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Or how about how do you transform the US
military. The Taliban launching attacks at the
US embassy in Afghanistan. That is another
example of promos that just don't work on

Anonymous said...

CNN can't attract younger viewers because they
use the baby boomer formula for news. it is aimed
at the 60 plus crowd and their political/culture
clashes from the 60's. That is 50 years ago, So
how do you expect to get viewers 50 & under.

Anonymous said...

This is it. Outfront premieres tonight. Now
we will find out what the show is like and
if it is any good with regards to the host
and overall show.

Anonymous said...

ATC is like breath of fresh air.
At least the posters here speak intelligently about a variety of subjects and don't speculate on things they know little about.
I may not always agree with the comments, but they are intelligent and to the point, no may be this or may be that, or maybe the cow jumped over the moon and landed in Kansas to meet Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz.
Yes, it is true folks. There are some Blogs where people make stuff up and rationalize so much that it sounds like a fairytale.
Even when you present THEM with the facts, they will speculate and rationalize, all to convince naysers, that they actually "know the truth" about some CNN anchor's life.

Anonymous said...

Erin Burnett was speaking to Howard Kurtz on his Sunday morning show about ratings.
He asked her how she plans to compete in the cable arena and make a difference.
Well she answered him by saying the usual that "ratings don't bother her," in her itsey bitsey monotone voice.
Kurtz even challenged her and said How will you be different than Campbell Brown, who was forceful but finally acknowledged that she couldn't compete in the time slot.
Burnett's reply was she's been to Asia and thinks she knows what the markets are like and how they react to economic sensitivities.
That's a start, but what does that have to do with how she is different?
Campbell was well traveled.
And Campbell had a bellowing voice.
You didn't have to strain yourself to hear her. Maybe it's me and I'm losing my hearing, but half of what she said was lost in translation, and Im pretty certain Erin was speaking English.
It is after all, her native tongue.