CNN Republican Debate Is #1 Last Night; Drawing 5.5 Million Viewers and 1.7 in the Key Demo 25-54
AC 360 is #1 at 10pm
Las Vegas Most Watched Debate on So Far
According to Nielsen Fast National data, CNN's Las Vegas Debate (8:00p-10:00p*), moderated by Anderson Cooper, delivered 5.468 million total viewers and 1.651 million in the key demo 25-54. Last night's debate represents the second highest debate this season among total viewers (FNC’s 9/22 debate averaged 6.107 million).
CNN was, by far, #1 in the 8:00p-10:00p time period last night among cable news networks. CNN was top rated in both total viewers and in the key demo 25-54, topping second-place FNC by 163% among total viewers (5.468 million vs. 2.083 million) and 235% among P25-54 (1.651 million vs. 493k). CNN also out-performed third-place MSNBC by 632% among total viewers (5.468 million vs. 747k) and by 822% among P25-54 (1.651 million vs. 179k).
Compared to CNN’s recent Tampa Debate (9/12/11) this debate was up by +51% among total viewers (5.468 million vs. 3.613 million) and by +46% in the key demo 25-54 (1.651 million vs. 1.132 million).
*Fast National Data is representative of 8:00p-10:00p. Final Data will reflect actual debate time of 8:00p-9:52p.
AC 360 at 10:00pm:
• With a delivery of 2.244 million total viewers and 735k P25-54 viewers, AC 360’s 10:00p hour easily outperformed the cable news competition.
• Among total viewers, AC360’s 10:00p hour topped that of FNC by 13% (2.244 million vs. 1.991 million) and MSNBC by 122% (2.244 million vs. 1.009 million)
• Among P25-54, AC360’s 10:00p hour topped that of FNC by 43% (735k vs. 515k) and MSNBC by 172% (735k vs. 270k).
CNN Digital:
Las Vegas Most Watched Debate on so far
• CNN delivered 601.3 thousand live video streams during the 8:00p-10:00p hours of the debate, 35% higher than Tampa, and over four times as high as New Hampshire.
• For the day, CNN served more than 3.9 million global video starts (live + VOD), a 38% increase over Tampa performance, and a 23% increase over New Hampshire performance.
• During the 8:00p-10:00p hours, CNN’s mobile web video views were 123% higher versus the prior four Tuesdays, 116% higher than Tampa and 60% over the New Hampshire debate.
• #CNNdebate trended globally on Twitter during the Las Vegas debate.
Say what you will about Anderson Cooper & 360,
one thing is for sure MSNBC is scared. It was only
in August when CNN made the decision with 360
and it is causing MSNBC to shuffle their lineup
beginning Monday.I too would like to see 360 do
something to distinguish itself from the rest of
the pack at 8. Right now none of them are all
that great. Flip a coin , they all have opinion for
the hour. As far as the networks are concerned
we are only entitled to opinion. Did 360 really
need to lead with the debate on Wednesday.
The Ohio wildlife story was the only thing that
people were talking about . The debate was
yesterday's news and 360 should have known
this, all you had to do was look at Google, FB
& Twitter.
Anderson owned up to his error and that's good.
Rachel Maddow's ratings haven't been as high since O'Donnell took the 8pm slot and apparently they want to change that by bringing in Ed at that time.
Wow. You guys were the first to realize the
problems for MSNBC. Right now it's a chess
game between CNN and MSNBC. 360 is the
best thing going for CNN right now. Is this
more about 360 at 10 or 8 PM ? 360 gets
higher ratings at 10 than 8 . With the big
news today being Khaddafy killed in Libya,
do you really want ED going up against AC
when there is a huge international story ?
Granted the move is not happening until
Monday but that's an issue for MSNBC.
Here we go again with CNN. Just like Anderson
Cooper repeated the Republican talking points
on taxes, Suzanne Malveaux is doing the same
thing with LIbya. Leading from behind is yet
another talking point from the right. That is
their opinion on Libya. It does not make it the
truth. That is what happens when you force
so-called journalists to have pundits on the
news. It ends up diverting the real facts. CNN
should be smarter than this.
What is going on at MSNBC shows there is a
limit to opinion. Your viewers shrink and get
older because the baby boomers and older
are the only ones who consider that to be
news. That is why it is a big mistake for 360
to start with talking heads each night.CNN
will never get FNC viewers to flip the channel.
So you have to have a way to build your own
core of loyal viewers.
Okay we know all of the major anchors will soon
be making their way to Libya. This is that huge
international news story that just keeps breaking
this year. What concerns me is Erin Burnett &
Piers Morgan.CNN should bering in someone
from CNN I. Erin's voice can't cut it on a major
international news story like this; bring in Wolf
at 9 on CNN. At 11 have Isha Sesay and John
Mann from CNN I to carry CNN until midnight
It goes without saying that Anderson has to be
live at 8 & 10.
CNN's coverage has already taken a turn for the
worst. WHo cares what John McCain and the GOP
think. Khaddafy is dead. Shut up. All of the other
junk means nothing. CNN just wants to slam
President Obama. CNN talking about the stuff
that means nothing again and making up stuff
and ignoring how the administration formed a
coalition and got the job done. CNN also said
that Obama violated the War Powers Act, CNN
should've, would've, could've are the words of
a fool.It is what it is.
Hi, we are back. When we heard the news about
ED moving to 8 on MSNBC, we wondered why.
Well, we ran some numbers and they are interesting
to say the least.
CNN is ahead so far in the primetime demo :
CNN w/debate in primetime : 232,000
MSNBC : 190,000
Minus the debate :
CNN averages 193,000/ MSNBC : 189,000
At 8 things are tight :
360 : 169,000/ MSNBC : 168,000
At 10 360 is ahead by a slightly larger margin :
360 :240,000 / MSNBC :178,000
MSNBC is trying to hold off CNN for 1 more week.
It is safe to say that 360 is powering CNN to
a possible primetime demo victory over MSNBC.
That said , 360 made a bad decision to lead
with more post debate analysis. Anderson had
an incredible interview with Jack Hanna, why
wasn't that the lead ? It was like seeing 360
from the night before after the debate.
360 is not In The Arena and it would be one of
the dumbest moves ever by CNN. Don't bore
down 360 with pundits. That is not what made
360 the most popular show on CNN. Those
younger viewers are not sticking with TLW,
which is heavy with politics or following Keith
to Current. 360 must have diverse content and
widely appealing content if it is to pass TLW
and eventually grows to the point where the
show is getting half the demo of BOR. Besides
it really slows down the pace of 360.
The news about the death of Kadhafi is going
to likely benefit 360 tonight and provide CNN
with a big viewer/demo difference over MSNBC,
Will 360 top FNC in the demo at 8 or 10 ?
Stay tuned.
CNN just can't give Obama any credit so they have to drag in these useless Republicans who did nothing to take down Osama or Gadafi. They're all cranky because these things have happened on Obama's watch and CNN is only too pleased to give these conservatives tons of time to air their sour grapes.
It is simple you don't have KTH with pundits. Like
it or not Anderson Cooper lost some credibility
with that debate mistake. You see where it comes
from. Each night just be lazy and sit back and toss
questions to pundits. Yawn. Next Ron Paul crying
about a debate. So. It is not news or deserves to
be given a full segment on 360. Nobody is going
to trust Anderson Cooper with politics anymore.
360 is very pro right wing. RedState, Dana
Loesh who works for Breitbart and the former
Bush press secretary says it all and it is why
360 is taking a hit. It has become an Obama
bashing show. Nothing newsworthy is on the
show. I tool it off my DVR because I got
tired of seeing talking heads. All of these
people are right wing extremists. It seems
like 360 can't even book any decent guests.
360 supports hate and I am against that.
Erin Burnett had that unabashed bigot Pat Buchanan on her show, of all people. I was hoping he'd never show his grizzled and sour face on CNN again, but they had to go and dig him up. I don't care if he has a new book out, he is someone who doesn't need any exposure, he is a blight on politics and humanity.
What I wonder about 360 is whether or not they can't get a good variety of guests or do they deliberately choose certain people to interview because they want to present only a certain point of view to their audience. They rarely have Democratic politicians on the show, mainly just conservatives - I understand that the action is happening on the conservative side of the aisle right now, but 360's always been like that, even at 10 pm. I thought the earlier time slot would improve their bookings. Ari Fleischer, Eric Erickson and Dana Loesch are the worst, the dregs, the bottom of the barrel and why 360 would want them associated with the show is beyond me. Although I agree with nothing they have to say, Mark McKinnon, Alex Castellanos, Ed Rollins and Nicole Wallace are good and credible reps for the conservative side and should be used more if they're available and if they have to use pundits at all.
All of the pundits need to be fired from cable
news. It is a clear conflict of interest for CNN.
In the age of YouTube, do you really need the
fake analysis on stuff no one cares about. You
know what you saw and heard. Stop wasting
our time with chatter. That is so not cool.
I have a feeling that CNN management makes
360 go with the pundits.CNN looks bad and
lacks innovation and creativity.CNN went out
and hired all of these people. So to cover their
butts they give them so much airtime. They are
on the CNN payroll and the management won't
admit that they have been making bad hires
that in the end really does nothing for CNN.
360 is becoming a real snooze fest. No music,
boring talking heads .
The Huffington Post has a fascinating article
on President Obama. Apparently, he has been
writing personal checks to some Americans
who have written him letters. I'm sure CNN
will find a way to bash him for that too.
I have been with 360 from the start and lately
I'm disappointed. The show moves at a snails
pace and what happened to the awesome
guests that Anderson once had on the show.
What happened ? No more theme song or bump
music. Can we get more segments and guests.
Pundits are last century.
Here is my Wish List for 360 :
Find a theme song that is appropriate each
night for a show open with AC standing at
a screen with moving vid opening 360. Sort
of what he does with Anderson daytime.
Next go to a slickly produced open that
highlights what else is on the show and
the guests for the night.
Anderson walks out and sits in the chair.
As usual he says we begin tonight........
Instead of going to breaks during the news
updates with Isha, have her do it right then
and there. Fit as much as you can in 90 secs.
Design new animated/music graphics for
the various segments on 360.
Right before another break have Isha do a
60 second international news brief. At the
end of that brief have Anderson/ Isha do
a quick 3 min segment on some interesting
thing you might not know.. But have it so
he is now sitting in a chair and Isha is on
a big screen monitor. End with the Shot.
Assign a core of 360 reporters who go all
over the world to discover the news. We need
original content on 360 that we won't see on
the other channels.
Last night Anderson got KTH right. It should
be a stand alone segment. It makes him look
like a serious Stewart or Colbert without the
laughs. It does not make Anderson look bias.
It makes him look like the guys who gets it
right each night.
I would like to see 360 come a unique and
different way to cover politics. Hire someone
like a Brett Erich to do a segment on all of the
political news of the day. While at Current TV
in 2008, he did a segment called Campaign
Update. Once he ever wrote a song for Hillary.
Maybe artists, musicians or poets, comedians
can be contributors for a different way to
cover politics that will appeal to the younger
360 viewers that they seem to be losing.
The Ridiculist is a great way to end the show.
But get rid of the PMT tease. It does not work.
We all know that 360 will lead with U.S. troops
leaving Iraq by the end of the year. After 9 yrs
thousands of Americans are now Iraq War vets,
I hope we see them represented tonight on 360.
Not just officers.
All year long brave Libyans spoke with Anderson
Cooper from Libya and they did so at great risk.
You would think 360 would have connected with
them last night..
CNN has to cut the airtime of the pundits. That
is the best way not to connect with viewers. It
might work for ESPN but the news is different.
The back and forth bickering needs to go away.
That is why CNN has the worst political team on
Memo to 360. Your FB page has been hacked
by a group of paid libertarians who are Ron
Paul supporters. They are paid to create havoc
on websites.360 got punked into covering Ron
Paul. Even the Huffington Post caught on to
this one as well as others. The plants saying
they would watch CNN if the had conservatives
are fake. They don't watch CNN and never will.
By doing so they are getting rid of competition
for FOX. CNN did just what they wanted with
those hires. Sure they are watching CNN. The
only thing it is doing is alienating CNN's once
loyal viewers.
Jon Stewart artfully took apart the GOP for their
reaction to Gadhafi last night. I can't wait for
him to rip apart Romney for the inane Iraq troop
withdrawal statement. It is a joke and CNN is
falling for it yet again. Romney is so detached
from reality. Watch,all day long CNN will keep
going on and on about Romney and not the
real news of the day.CNN is a joke as well. I
am with IS. WTF is wrong with these people
and CNN needs to start asking the same
questions instead of letting the crazies control
CNN and it's content. Does CNN know what
news is anymore.
Well, the ratings are in on TV Newser. Not 1 CNN
show got 1 million viewers. Not good news with a
story like this. The concerns made about Erin
Burnett & Piers Morgan anchoring breaking news
on CNN are valid. Burnett dropped down form JK.
Morgan drooped down from 360 and TRMS had
more than 1 million viewers.360 is still holding
up CNN and got them the pt victory last night.
This was the best edition of 360 in a while and
the ratings are well deserved. I agree about KTH.
Anderson showing some skills that he really
has not been using lately instead of tossing to
the talking heads.
It stinks how CNN is trying to make the Iraq War
about politics. It was a war the U.S. got into
under false pretenses. Americans want this.
Next end the war in Afghanistan. All of those
who made the ultimate sacrifice don't seem
to matter to CNN. CNN has no journalistic soul
and that's sad. CNN is too busy towing the
line of the Neo-Cons about Iran rather than
what really matters. Doe it matter how many
18 & 19 year olds died in Iraq as a result of
these armchair generals ? Thousands have
died in a war of choice by President Bush.
Oh yeah thats right, CNN would be criticizing
all of their employees who worked for Bush.
CNN is an apologist for the Bush administration.
TeaNN is at it again. Bet you won't see
the clip of Bush on the carrier CNN .
MSNBC made a smart decision by moving The Ed Show opposite 360.
For the past two nites in a row, Ed has beaten Cooper in totals and Lawrence O'Donnell has also beaten 360 in totals in the 10PM slot, according to TVN.
Anderson did no body any favors in his demos, spending only a limited amount of time on Gadhafi's slaying which had been sweeping cable news during the day.
Yes, the video of his wounds in the head were shown repeatedly, but only the first 15 minutes of the show was spent on Libya, which was disappointing.
It will be interesting to see how much time AC spends on the pull out of the troops in Iraq tonite.
Lately viewers have been subjected to the dumbed down edited version of CNN's flagship program, 360.
Ha! "TeaNN", perfect.
CNN sees EVERYTHING through the filter of the Republican viewpoint. Doesn't matter if the public is against their obstruction - to CNN, EVERYTHING is President Obama's fault. Of course they won't give the President any credit for taking out Quadafi, but they sure were quick to say he was moving too slow when dealing with Libya.
It would be great if someone from CNN would
talk with J.R. Martinez. Who was on AMC and
now is on DWTS. I saw him on Ellen and I had
never heard his personal story. He is an Iraq
War vet who knows firsthand about war and
sacrifice. Martinez was in a vehicle that was
struck by a landmine and he was burned
and endured so hardship beginning at age
19. How about the families of the ones who
are over in Iraq or who lost loved ones in
iraq. 40,000 vets are coming home and CNN
follows Mitt Romney.
CNN's coverage is missing the point . It does
not matter that not reaching an agreement
lead to Obama saying they troops are coming
home, he should not have let our troops stay
without immunity.CNN sounds just like Mitt
Romney. I actually watched NBC & ABC this
evening and realized how little reporting CNN
did on the Iraq War. How can you not do a
timeline from the beginning to the end of
where we are now. It is as if CNN sets out
to diminish anything Obama does. Too often
CNN gets caught up in politics and nothing
else.. It was a surprise announcement today.
Something just is not right and not passing
the smell test with CNN. Why would you
completely ignore the big picture and go
with a Romney statement.
It is the very reason why CNN will never pass
MSNBC. If you watch MSNBC you know they
are talking head politics and then some all
day long and the ratings are trending down.
Yet CNN wants to do the very same thing.
Jessica Yellin said something about how President Obama's foreign policy successes won't mean much in the grand 2012 scheme of things. I beg to differ. You can't have a record of stopping Qadafhi, Osama Bin Laden and ending the war in Iraq without it having a big impact. These were things that conservatives couldn't get done and it proves how good Obama is without their idiotic obstruction. Instead of reporting that Obama kept one of his major campaign promises in ending the war in Iraq, CNN has to go digging for some "controversy" to diminish the accomplishment somehow. It's really transparent and ridiculous.
You know reading this blog for awhile now many liberals are on here...and I'm a liberal too lol.
But reading these comments how CNN is anti-Obama and its pro-Tea party, etc is a little absurd.
I watch CNN because it TRIES to give a better balance of news than most cable news out there. Its not perfect, but ask any conservative if they think they are too hard on Obama and the liberal agenda and they will laugh at you...this is a sign when a news orgainization is doing it right, when BOTH sides think its biased lol. If you want an Obama cheerleader, watch MSNBC more...which I watch and like, but its clear which one tried an a more even handed approach.
CNN is by no means 'even handed' when it comes to the Obama Administration.
Not one program suggested his administration got it right in foreign affairs or that he has worked diligently, behind the scenes so that his opponents, the GOP, wouldn't obstruct his vision.
He got Bin Lauden, and he did have a hand, in the slaying of Gadhafi, although we don't know exactly how much intervention there actually was.
Whoever shot Gadhafi was a straight shooter who made sure their target aimed right, in strategic locations, head, neck, and back. Bulls Eye.
This administration may be many things, but CNN has not been fair and balanced as far as foreign affairs and President Obama.
To be sure, the demonstrators in Libya just didn't wake up, and get lucky.
They had help.
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