1 - Special programming was aired on one night during the week.
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reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
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12:14 AM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
Joe Scarborough is so right about cable news.
I agree 100 % with what he says about CNN. Too
much ideological fighting. There's no news.
CNN hire George Stroumboulopoulos. He
understands Occupy Wall St and even knew
about a place in the states where you can
turn your loved ones ashes into bullets. Each
night at 9 CNN. The Debrief alone is killer.It
will easily beat Maddow.
I have some ideas to help CNN become bigger on
multiple platforms. Content, content & more and
then some content. be as real time as possible,
Fresh and current.Do social television the right
way. Can you say crowdsourcing. Television,
internet, social media, live streaming, mobile.
Find a way to incorporate these entities into a
21st century news network that is accessible
and wanted anywhere and everywhere.
People here have talked about CBC shows. All CNN
has to do is purchase the broadcast rights to air the
shows in the U.S. Just make a deal with the CBC to
broadcast Connect with Mark Kelley & Strombo at
11 PM & midnight. Let them air live in Canada and
later on CNN in the U.S. It is no different than what
ABC News is doing with Yahoo & Bloomberg.
Now Strombo is just 30 minutes so at 12:30 AM
go with highlights from CNN.dot.com with no
anchor. Go with the entire web look. At 1 AM do
the 360 rerun. Afterwards the Outfront rerun.
At 3 AM do a best of CNN, CNN i and CNN on
the web until 5 AM when a new round of news
New biz models and partnerships are needed.
People just can't seem to get enough content
and CNN needs to be in on this game. You can
form Partnerships with Vimeo as well, you have
so many filmmakers getting their work out.
There are artists, musicians, writers,poets.
animators, etc Not to mention all of the web
properties that Time Warner owns, CNN has got
to get away from the talk and be all about the
video,story-telling and originality. Get rid of
the pundits. They make you look like you can't
deal with modern society. You can either lead
the revolution or be overrun by it. Either way
it is coming wether CNN likes it or not. The
Fiore cartoon blog does more to explain
politics than CNN does in an entire day.
WOW! Look at Erin go. She got a 164
for Tuesday nite in the demos.
Real hot lead in for 360 and everyone on CNN was congratulating her on her debut! Duh?
She's utterly annoying and a little too cute for words.
Anderson Cooper did an amazing job handling
the passing of Steve Jobs. I was concerned that
360 would go heavy with Palin but they made the
right decision to devote both hours to one of the
greatest visionaries of mankind. Steve Jobs really
did change lives with his inventions. Kudos to
Team 360 for the way they handled the breaking
news.CNN does need to devote more coverage to
Silicon Valley and the digital world. You can't put
Wall St and Silicon Valley in the same categories.
The innovation is in Silicon Valley not Wall St.
Wall St is money & power.
Yesterday on CNN's News Pulse, there was a
fascinating article about how news orgs did
not get the OWS movement. Basically, he was
saying that news organizations are still in a
20th century mindset and if they don't wake
up soon they will be out of business. They
have built this fake empire in many ways.
Last night I watched Nightline and noticed
someone in an ad for the Think Different
campaign for Apple.It was Ted Turner, the
founder of CNN. It made me wonder that if
Steve Jobs considered him to be in this
group of rebels who think they can change
the world, what happened to CNN.
Somewhere along the way CNN lost it's
creativity and innovation. Just yesterday,
CNN announced that it hired 2 more
pundits.CNN is clearly stuck in a 20th
century mindset.CNN is not evolving.
You can see that CNN just does not get it
when they try to frame the 2012 election
as an ideological one. The only people
who think like that are on cable news.
CNN can't even think independently.
CNN needs to find the rebels who can
reform and transform CNN. I don't see
anything about CNN that says next gen
news. I don't see creativity or originality,
I hope CNN gets back it's rebel mindset
and has the courage to do what is not
being done in the news business and
reform and modernize an industry that
is speeding up their downfall. How does
CNN expect to be around if the don't
cover the news. Isn't that why we tune
in for CNN. The problem is that CNN is
not offering much news but it is no
shortage of talking heads. Wow, I was
just online and saw some news I thought
I would learn more about on CNN.Boy
was I ever wrong. So back to the internet
because CNN has no news.
Thank goodness for Facebook, Twitter &
Youtube that are now broadcast networks.
I can go on and on with Google, Yahoo,etc.
I can stream live events myself.It is the Digital
World. Obviously CNN is afraid to go outside
and find out the world has changed.CNN
forgot about what it stands for and decided
that the people didn't matter. Big mistake.
Unfortunately, there was a new breed of media
innovators that changed the world. There is
no turning back.Peoples/Communities are at
the center of social media. But there is 1
connecting thread with social media. It is
something for the people, Anybody is welcome.
It is not just for people with connections to
get on cable news and stories are discovered
and passed along even though it is invisible
on cable news.
I am still waiting for the Cable News Revolution.
360 was phenomenal last night with it's Jobs death
coverage. The piece they put together on Steve Jobs
actually talking to you was beautifully stunning and
yes engaging. No 1 person could have done that and
you could see a lot of labor went into the feature.
To me that is modern story-telling at it's best. It
is on my DVR and runs for some 7 minutes. I don't
know how something like that came together but
it blows you away. I almost did not record 360
last night but I'm glad I did. Anderson Cooper did
a great job. It was poignant , informative and
amazing. When the news broke I was at work
so until I got home I did not see the full editions
of 360 until this morning. 360 has quite a team.
Ironically, at work we were on computers and
Iphones when we found out about the news.
There are a lot of televisions in the building
and right away we turned to CNN. The network
serves a purpose. That is to bring the news to
masses. You turn to CNN to experience the news.
It would not surprise me one bit to find out
that Apple products are flying off the store
shelfs.360 struck the right chord.I was so
down then I heard the news about Steve Jobs
but 360 changed my mood because their
coverage was a celebration of his incredible
life. I am a cancer survivor so watching this
is not easy.
Fox News won the night for a valid reason on Wednesday.
They DID acknowledge Steve Jobs' death, but they didn't beat it to death.
What they did was appropriate and they won the nite.
Did I really want to hear about Sarah Palin's decision not to run for the Presidency?
Of course not, she's too stupid to tie her shoelaces, however, Fox News knows not to beat a dead horse
and they were able to read their demographics correctly.
CNN came in second, but a very distant second and they "play," their viewership.
They wanted soooo much to be the winner with this breaking news, but they were plain annoying.
That does not mean that Steve Jobs doesn't deserve the recognition, but it should be done with restraint, as well as dignity, and CNN lacked this RESTRAINT.
Steve Jobs wouldn't have appreciated their using his death for their own advantage, and with CNN it is ALWAYS ratings, their only motive.
Hi we are back. We have some assessments
about how CNN is faring with the changes.
It has only been 3 days, so there is not much
to go with. However. we are noticing that JK,
USA goes down from TSR. So far we think
that OutFront is going down in the demo of
it's lead in. We can't say if she gets a minor
bump from 360, which seems to have an
uptick in viewers/demo so far this week at
8 & 10 PM. Considering the firestorm over
Erin Burnett's behavior towards protesters,
she may not last long. Right now we give
the show an F. OutFront is a disaster. First
impressions matter to viewers. There is a
growing consensus that this is a train wreck.
Can CNN fix this ? We don't know.
360 is driving CNN right now and MSNBC is
not looking too good.We hope that CNN will
eventually find the right shows to compliment
360.We don't know if OutFront survives so
we will keep tracking the ratings for 2 weeks
to see if Erin Burnett has a huge tumble or
remains steady. Perhaps OutFront can get
better.We are not too optimistic though we
could be wrong.
360 is back to being the talking head
snoozefest and tea party themed news.
Click. So not watching.
CNN did a great job with Steve Jobs' death?
360 did ONE SHOW three times.
That's not a great job.
Research should have been done weeks ago when Jobs stepped down.
As usual, they deserved to be a distant second.
Some viewers have really low standards.
I think it's important to note that CNN MAY be listening.
Job's death was announced in the 7 o'clock hour, going straight into 360 with breaking news. However, in the past few months, they would have PMT take over breaking news looking like an idiot, and then back to 360. This time, they brought Wolf back in to moderate the coverage....
If they had an opportunity to find Wolf and have him come back in, I assume they could have done the same to Piers (even though the show was a pre-taped one with Seth Macfarlane)
Hopefully that means they've finally figured out that Piers is no good with breaking news and at some point soon they will move him to HLN where he belongs.
Erin Burnett is the latest bad hire for CNN.
News clearly is not her thing,There are so
many articles out critical of CNN, Erin Burnett
and Alison Kosik. CNN can't turn this around
the damage is already done.
The articles point to a much larger problem
at CNN they are out of ideas. While there is
a lot of anger at Burnett, there is just as much
for CNN. She is not well informed and what
happens with breaking news. Steve Jobs died
and CNN numbers were not bigger at 7. I said
long ago that CNN should never have her solo.
Outfront is a joke. They are not out front in
anything. If you think the press is harsh the
public backlash is going to be worse for CNN.
Viewers don't watch CNN for FOX. If they
want to watch FOX, they know were to find
it and obviously the people who watched CNN
did not want to watch FOX.. These articles also
have a warning for CNN not to become FNC.
CNN needs to do what works for CNN.
I don't know how 360 gets the ratings it does.
It is not like they have any help from Piers
Morgan, Erin Burnett and John King.
If CNN wants to understand OWS , they should
interview author Don Tapscott. He has written
books on mass collaboration. Books : Growing
Up Digital & Macrowilinomics. Pundits are not
qualified to have an intelligent conversation
about what is going on. Nothing is different
between the bickering in Washington and the
partisan pundits on CNN. Why is CNN hiring
so many pundits. They are not qualified to
talk about the complex issues of our time.
In the last couple of weeks both NBC & ABC
have been focusing on American companies
that are coming back home because they are
finding out that the cost of doing business in
China is not worth it. Not to long ago there
was a book out how the rising cost of doing
business overseas would lead to businesses
becoming more localized due to costs.CNN
looks like media morons. No facts but a
bunch of fiction and mindless chatter.CNN
has to be one of the worst run companies.
Heads need to roll. Any brains at CNN ?
I'm going with NO. TEANN is a failure and
CNN is an insult to viewers intelligence. You
don't let people come on and lie to viewers.
In this day and time any media company
still hiring pundits are clueless.
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