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Monday, October 3, 2011

The Premiere of Out Front with Erin Burnett

We'll leave the opinions to you the viewer. Here is a sampling of segments from the premiere of Out Front.

Tonight's opening segments, topics from the Wall Street protests to Gov. Cristie:

Seriously Protesters?

Leon Panetta interview:

Part 1:

Part 2:

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Anonymous said...

I gave OutFront a shot, but I won't be watching it again. Erin Burnett completely turned me off when she disrespectfully referred to President Obama only as "Barack" and on top of that, her incredibly biased, condescending, shallow, agenda-filled "reporting" on OccupyWallStreet. Wouldn't you know it that when someone from CNN finally deigns to cover this genuine grassroots protest against the crooks and liars who are strangling the poor and the middle class, they would choose to not go in depth but to just look at the surface and the "side show" and mock it. This is why so many people have no use for the MSM. They coddle and cheer on the Tea Party, ignoring THEIR costumes, silly hats and poorly-spelled signs because they are supposedly "real Americans" who dislike the current President. The people who make up the OccupyWallStreet protestors are intelligent, passionate people who are distressed by the direction this country has taken. They are NOT a manufactured, paid-for movement like the Tea Party who is made up of bigoted and ignorant people who vote against their own best interests. I am disgusted with Burnett - I saw her a few times on AC360 and thought for a minute she might have something to offer, but sadly, she doesn't. I won't be watching again.

Anonymous said...

Here's a suggestion CNN.
Don't put Ms Burnett opposite The Daily Show at 11PM, not wise.
And no, I had no intention of watching her opposite my favorite show, but if you want her to get any ratings at all, you'd think twice about this spot.
So how did she do at 7PM?
Don't have a clue. Didn't watch her and really don't care.
John King should have stayed right where he was and my prediction is, she wouldn't make one bit of difference.

Anonymous said...

I too was turned off by the show. I don't think
I will be watching again. If CNN wants a Daily
Show at 7 now that Comedy Central is not,
you have to go with someone like an Aisha
Tyler,who used to do this type of stuff on Talk
Soup. Tyler was on The Talk last week. She is
smart,funny and knows when to be serious.
Now that Stewart is no longer on at 7, CNN
needs to make a serious play for younger
viewers. You need a show that can give a
boost to the prime time lineup. If I am not
mistaken did Aisha come to Talk Soup after
Jon left Talk Soup ?

Anonymous said...

Tough crowd. You can't reach any conclusions
from 1 show but the show needs some work.
OFRNT should have run the Panetta interview
full without the interruptions of Erin Burnett
globe trekking. It seems more like a business
than a news show. I'm confused. If this is the
show that CNN is hoping to draw news viewers
who are younger, why did they hire someone
from CNBC ? Maybe the show will get better.
Definitely work on the format and flow of the
show.I am trying to give her the benefit of the
doubt since I never watched her on tv but I'm
not feeling the show. If the show performs
worse than JK, USA, CNN has a problem.

Anonymous said...

Only Aisha Tyler could match Stewart & Colbert
each night. Man, can you imagine the skit she
would have come up with for the name of the
Perry ranch. Ironically, 360 took the same route
as Stewart & Colbert, they let Herman Cain say
it. Smart comedy works.

Earlier today, Russell Simmons took CNN to task
for ridiculing the protesters. Outfront offended
the very viewers that CNN hopes to attract. If
you look at the ratings for CNBC, the demos
are low. Erin Burnett needs a team of reporters
to go out and file reports. The show is boring.
It didn't have energy or personality. Donald
Trump on Amanda Knox. Seriously ?

CNN at least has some preliminary ratings for
the show.So they know if it was hit or miss.

Anonymous said...

It's not the flow or form of the show I object to, it's her callous, snide and lazy reporting on Occupy Wall Street. Had she approached that in a more balanced, fair manner, I'd be willing to give the show a second chance, but as far as I'm concerned, she blew it with that awful "Seriously?" segment. I couldn't be bothered to watch the rest of the program.

Anonymous said...

LOL yeah tough room!

I dont know, I liked her! I DIDNT think I would watch because I use to swing between John King and Chris Matthews and when King moved for her, I figure I could just watch Hardball fully now and didnt think her show would attract me.

BUT have to say I liked her first show a lot. It seems more of a mix between John King and Anderson Cooper so she does fit right in between them. Will do a bit of hard politics like King usually does and more broad stuff and fun segments like Cooper and do a bit of world trekking like him as well. People wanted a reporter to get out into the field and not just sit in a studio...well it sounds like she will do that. But yes, needs other reporters as well.

I know people didnt like her segment on the Wall Street people and thats fine. Its her take though, not everyone is going to have the same view. I hate to think what Fox News says about them lol.

Anyway, didnt know much about her before, but she's young, smart, pretty and dont take herself too seriously. I still miss Eliot Spitzer and I loved that show, but I will be watching her now as well.

As for the format problems, like everything, what works will stay, what doesnt will every show. Its been 2 days, give it time people!

Anonymous said...

Okay. I have had it with Erin Burnett. The
Apple store was not too busy because the
new Iphone is not available yet. It makes
Erin Burnett look like she doesn't do her
homework. How are we suppose to trust
her with breaking news when she appears
to have some fact issues.

Anonymous said...

8:56PM: You think it's OK to take one hour away from Wolf Blitzer even though he hit over one million on Monday, ERIN'S DEBUT DAY??
Well so was Campbell Brown and Paula Zahn.
How is she different?
She's not.
Here's her history in a nutshell.
CNBC let her go. That's her history.
And what she doesn't know about finance could fill Expedia.
She's friends with "THE DONALD," but he wouldn't hire her.
So why then would she get Wolf's hour?
I do agree about Eliot Spitzer, however, but HE WAS NOT YOUNG OR PRETTY.
One out three's not bad, for CNN.

Anonymous said...

OutFront will not be around much longer.
A backlash is developing against Burnett,
Alison Kosik , and CNN. Countdown called
them out last night for being irresponsible.
Kosik tried to eliminate a tweet about weed
and bongos about Occupy Wall Street.

Anonymous said...

I love how both Stewart and Colbert took
the media to task for a made up frenzy
over Chris Christie. What part of NO did
they not understand. It just shows how
lame CNN is and will always be. Wolf
Blitzer,John King, Anderson Cooper, Erin
Burnett and the worst political team made
up a news story that was basically fed to
them by Republicans. Does anyone at CNN
have a brain. Of course not. It's CNN. You
can only cry wolf so many times before
the public grows tired.I am at that point
with CNN. TOO much speculation and just
throw the facts out the window.

Anonymous said...

Younger viewers watch Bloomberg West &
their Gamechangers for business news.
We trust Emily Chang & Corey Johnson,
It's a myth that Erin Burnett can attract
younger viewers, just like CNN is unbiased
in politics. Viewers aren't stupid CNN. We
believe our lying eyes. Erin Burnett and
Alison Kosik shows how dumb CNN has
become and why it is unwatchable.
Boycott CNN and Time Warner.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that CNN is corporate media. They
don't like Occupy Wall St. You really didn't think
that Outfront was aimed at younger viewers ?
It is a show for Wall St types. Like younger folks
care if Christie is running for President. She
insulted those younger viewers again with the
Iphone 4s story. Erin Burnett know nothing
about Silicon Valley. It is a show for Wall St fat
cats. It will be lower than John King.

Anonymous said...

There's been so much scorn shown by certain CNN anchors for the Occupy Wall Street protests that they wouldn't DARE put on the Tea Party. Either CNN's ignoring OWS completely or they're taking on this mocking, dismissive tone about it. How is that the least bit balanced? The bias is so blatant and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Anonymous said...

LOL 1:53, take a breath please!

This blog LOVES to work on hyperbole. First off Wolf Blizter DIDNT lose a hour. The guy got bumped up, to his PREVIOUS hours btw. Maybe whatever country you are living in they took away an hour, I dont know, but in America he just moved up an hour but still has a two hour block! And I LOVE Wolf! Watching him right now lol.

What's wrong with being young and pretty? I also said she was smart as well. I liked Paula Zahn when AM first debuted. I never got into Campbell Brown but I like her too--fesity!

Anyway, I will be watching Erin, at least for now. I'm sorry I dont make impulse snap judgements on a show I seen once or twice like people on these boards. She'll be there a year minimum, things go well, more, so will give it a chance. I know I'm pure evil!

If I dont like her or she get cancelled, will turn somewhere else, problem solved lol. I LOVE CNN but its not my only news source, nor should it be.

Anyway will be watching her tonight! And yes, I miss Eliott Spitzer...which I recall MANY people here hated him when he was announce to come on CNN and NOW seem to praise the guy and people miss him ONCE they got to know him and gave him a chance, right? Snap judgements and all of that ;).

Anonymous said...

I'm no Chris Christies fan, but he did have to hold a news conference to emphatically declare he was not a candidate because the Republican Party would not take HIS NO for an answer.
They really need Christie because those that have declared are not credible enough to win a general election and Christie is the strongest amongst a bad bunch of losers.

Anonymous said...

Glen Greenwald of Salon did a blistering take down of Erin Burnett's horrible reporting on Occupy Wall Street - he said her close ties to Wall Street big shots informed her snide, dismissive attitude towards their concerns. She was the wrong choice to do that story and I'm so glad to see her being picked apart for it.

Burnett's shoddy, biased reporting was ample reason for me to make a snap decision to not watch her again - it's clear there's nothing she could say that I'd ever want to hear. Once was plenty.

Anonymous said...

I for one, ALWAYS praised Eliot, with one t, Spitzer.
And the "country" I live in happens to be New York.
AND, the only reason I liked Eliot was because he was a great governor of a great state, or is it country or were you just being sarcastic because most of us know Erin will fail.
We aren't making snap judgements.
CNN makes foolish choices and foolish mistakes and that's why they continue to be ratings challenged. Duh?

Anonymous said...

David Zuralnick of the Baltimore Sun is expressing the same disgust with Erin Burnett as some of us here, she has left a bad taste in many mouths after that one OWS report.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to help Erin understand that
she is not on CNBC anymore. CNN has a more
diverse audience. It may not be a bad idea for
he to focus more on the tech sector to bring in
younger viewers. They care more about tech
than banks.CNN has a huge disconnect issue.
No problem with her talking with Geithner
or Panetta; interviews are important. Ben
Bernanke understood more than Burnett
and he is the Fed Chairman.

Something is wrong when CNN disses Occupy
Wall St. They clearly have a double standard.
Jon Stewart pointed this out last night. Did
you hear what he said about CNN. He said all
the major networks and CNN. JS is right about
blackout & circus. Where's the reporting ?

Anonymous said...

When your fellow pressmates start taking you
to task, you know you are in trouble. CNN is
sadly mistaken to think that Erin Burnett can
get away with stuff because she is pretty. If
you rub people the wrong way. it won't fly.
Erin Burnett & Alison Kosick messed up big
time. Where is the CNN management.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 3:30, I saw the show and you are so right and as usual, so is the man, Jon Stewart.
He was right, they either are ignoring the demonstators, THEIR OWN DEMOS, or calling, THEIR OWN DEMOS, a circus!!
Not a good way to make friends, CNN.

Anonymous said...

I tried watching her first week. At one opening segment of the Wall Street protesters, she muttered (off camera and kind of as an aside) "Kumbaya," to mock the way they were grouped together. I found it patronizing and insulting. I had no idea who she was before "Out Front" but her whole persona is insipid, supercilious and condescending. I won't watch again. Next!

Anonymous said...

Disrespectful, biased, condescending and shallow. I couldn't have said it better. I just saw Soledad O'Brien, Anderson Cooper, so I kept watching until this dumb Out Front show. I hate Burnett's attitude. I would like to see O'Brien in that time slot. She is mature, respectful, and interesting to listen to; she is not full of herself.
CNN probably needs better viewership with the younger crowd, but I'll take anyone else over her and that flippy attitude that I have to deal with, with teenage daughters. That is the last thing I want to see at 10:00 at night.

Anonymous said...

Erin Burnett needs to go work for FOX News. As a result of her obvious bias I no longer watch CNN.

Anonymous said...

Give Americans some credit for knowing the difference between Piss and rain. Erin actually had the nerve to pretend that Mitt Romney didn't cross the line by telling business owners to bully their employees about their very personal right to vote for who they please. Mitt Romney may have carefully walked that fine legal line with his words but this is unethical and evil no matter how much she sugar coats it. Voting is that last small piece of true power and voice we have as Americans. Don't like Erin Burnett's show, part of why I don't watch CNN anymore.