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reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
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Posted by
10:45 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
CNN is going to have to make some changes.
The best thing they could do right now would
be to drop all of the pundits. 360 was bored
down by the pundits last night. For goodness
sakes CNN come up with a new model. You
can't just have your talent toss questions to
someone from the left or right. It leads to an
empty conversation that means nothing for
viewers. Morning Joe has become the show
for politics for me because it goes against
the grain for what is normal political shows.
Joe Scarborough learned his lesson after his
10 PM show that covered politics just like 360.
It was a disaster and Joe took a stand against
going with a typical political show. The pundits
make CNN look tired and out of touch. Quit
being a conduit for divisive political bs.
Did anyone at CNN think about the possibility
that Erin Burnett would draw the ratings like
she did at CNBC ? What will CNN do if she falls
under 100,000 ? She is moving in that direction.
CNN has another American Morning at 7 PM.
That's because CNN hired Ari Fleischer and gives
him a free pass to basically cone on and take cheap
shots at Obana.. It was the Bush administration that
created the problems we now have. Yet, CNN lets
him get away with false claims that Obama is some
how responsible for this mess. Joe is not afraid of
right wing media like CNN is. He is honest and CNN
lets people come on and lie to viewers, only going
with Tea Party, Beitbart & Beck employees and all
partisan politics. CNN is bad by choice. CNN has
the worst political team on television. The have
no idea how to cover news,politics or business.
It must really hurt Ted Turner to see what they
have done to CNN.
I think you guys are right. 360 seems to be
picking 4 stories to focus on each night. I hope
that Anderson will invite guests to interview
live in the studio from time to time. When the
ratings come out later today, AC will not even
have 200,000. The 360 ratings take a hit when
pundits are on the show. With ED tanking , 360
needs to get the demos up so the viewers will
go up as well. When you look at 10, 360 is
missing a golden opportunity. The right show
could get them a possible 10 o'clock demo win.
What's wrong with Greta.
Okay, tell me that CNN is not so lazy that
they never bothered to go download the
Teddy Roosevelt Square Deal Speech. Let
alone have an historian come on and talk
about it in historical terms. Wonder if 360
had college professors talk about then and
now. In historical teams not ideological. The
man is all over Youtube. It is not live you
can't find an archive of video, photos and
taped speeches.. Let's see you have Yale,
Dartmouth, Harvard, MIT, NYU, Princeton.
I am guessing there are plenty history
professors who would love to talk. I know
I had my share of them.
What is wrong with CNN. Gloria Bolger just said
President Obama bailed out the banks. Tarp was
signed into law by George W. Bush and continued
by the Obama administration. What is it about
CNN and facts. You can't trust CNN for news.
I was stunned that 360 completely ignored Iran.
Clearly, there is a covert war. About 3 years ago
Marianna Van Zeller did a doc for Current TV
called America's Secret War With Iran.
I am really mad TV Newser says T.J. Holmes
is leaving CNN. I'm betting he has a network
gig probably at CBS. Another big talent that
CNN is letting get away because they refuse
to promote people. They keep hiring lousy
talent like Piers Morgan but fail to give the
young talent a shot. If not watching CNN
weekend mornings once he leaves.
Gloria Bolger was wrong.
W. did start to bail out the banks, but guess who continued the bail out and who didn't regulate the banks and bring anyone in the banks to justice????
Was it HOPE or was it CHANGE or neither?
Well it looks as though "the guy that Anderson doesn't know and met once in passing," just beat him again with a total of 911 to his
Really? Saying you don't know ED Shultz is like saying you don't know Greta on Fox.
How can Anderson keep himself honest.
Defend yourself yes, but please don't tell your viewers a story to
make the other guy seem insignificant.
It isn't becoming and makes Anderson seem insecure, which he just might be.
Viewers just might be growing tired of not being
able to get real news from all of the so-called
cable news networks. If you look at TVN, it looks
like they are all going down. Cable news lacks the
news. They are really 24/7 political channels.
Young Turks has only been on Current for 2
and they worked out the production issues and
has CNN beaten hands down for the hour. DVR
material indeed. 360 could talk to Marianna on
the State Dept deciding to take into consideration
treatment of gays when it comes to foreign aid.
She actually went to Uganda. It was a real eye
opening documentary.
There is something on 360 tonight that really
disturbs me. Anderson Cooper did a story on
a 7 year old girl who was sexually assaulted
and brutally murdered. An horrific story.
What really bothers me is that at the end of
360 Anderson Cooper showed video clips
from Toddlers & Tiaras featuring girls as young
as 2 years old making clearly sexually gestures.
That was a bad decision. Did it ever occur to
Anderson Cooper that shows like this feed into
the fantasies of child predators ?
That was wrong and shows a lack of compassion.
There is truly something wrong with CNN.
I was thinking the same thing about the toddlers and tiaras
Someone recently pointed out that one of Anderson's producers on his day show is connected with TLC distribution.
This all goes back to content and material selection and how many times can AC talk about toddlers and tiaras and think it's amusing.
What is not amusing is that he's a forty-four year old man looking at toddlers dressing as beauty queens and HE SAID: "I've watched this over and over," or something to that affect.
You have to be very careful what you say Mr Cooper. It could all come back and bite you!
Sorry, terribly wrong material and copy.
ANON 1:35 AM that is too far. My post didn't
accuse Anderson Cooper of anything about a
fixation with little girls. He used more clips of
the moms. He also did the topic on his talk
show in daytime. Any other night it would be
fine as the Ridiculist because the parents of
these girls need to be called out. My concern
was of content. Other men in the news have
done news stories on this on all of the nets.
On Infomania, Conor Knighton also joked
about these shows. I don't think for one
second that Anderson Cooper would ever
harm a defenseless child.
Looks like the guy who Anderson Cooper said he doesn't know, beat him again, by more than 400,000 viewers and he was also beaten and came in third place in his own demos last nite, by the same guy.
Guess he better get to know "him."
I didn't say he would "harm a defenseless child."
But HE did say, he couldn't stop watching them," and that in itself is over the top and yes, in some circles, perhaps, a fixation, for whatever reason.
Sorry, enough is enough with little girls dressing like adults.
Not funny and inappropriate content
when sexual scandal is consistently in the news on 360.
CNN's motto is we've got pundits. You don't
need facts or news. CNN just makes stuff up
and manufactures fake topics and give pundits
immunity to spread hate and ignorance .CNN
lets misinformation go unchecked. Who wants
to watch the pundits on CNN all of the time.
You hear the same old crap over and over all
of the time.CNN is a media circus.
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