1 - Special programming was aired on one night during the week.
2 - Special programming was aired on two nights during the week.
Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
It is all about content. CNN needs to do a better
job of giving all of their shows uniqueness. Now
all CNN shows are cut from the same mold. You
feel like you have seen this before. One thing CNN
really needs to retire is to just have their anchors
toss questions to a Democrat or Republican to
make it look like an ideological battle. That is a
big turn off with CNN. CNN comes across as
divisive and destructive. You get nothing out of
it and the conversation is useless. That might
have worked in the 90's but with political blogs
political junkies know where to get their fix. No
one is going to watch CNN's left vs right. I like
the 90 seconds idea but you can make it 2 mins.
That is a way to engage your viewers with story
telling. Once you bring on 2 pundits live you
are losing viewers. Then again the production
on CNN is horrible. Moving backgrounds with
words and video is distracting. You don't have
banners with maps. Last night 360 had the
9-1-1 calls on the Florida deadly crash. They
had a little box with words over the video. It
looked bad. CNN's graphics are way too busy.
If you watch ABC, NBC or CBS news you see
just how bad the production of all of the CNN
shows are.
Get ready for some spin the ratings for January
2012 will come out very soon. We will soon find
out how things really turned out for CNN. It is
a primary night so this might just have to wait
until tomorrow. All 3 already know .
Boy did you guys see the CNN press release.
According to CNN 360 is growing at 8 & 10
but PMT is down double digits. In many ways
CNN is admitting , PMT is not performing well.
He is down from last year because viewers
don't care for the show. You kids might get
your wish. If this Stroumboulopoulos can help
CNN, I say go for it. CNN has to be looking.
Until CNN gets complementary shows for 360,
the lineup is going nowhere. Firstly, CNN has
to fix it's political shows. 2012 is a presidential
election and CNN's political shows are performing
badly. What's the matter here ? Something clearly
is wrong for CNN not to be dong better. Besides
360 what else has CNN got ? Throw in content as
well. CNN has to get much better at this. IMHO
the production at CNN suffers because they are
more interested in overusing technology. Nobody
is keeping an eye on all of the elements that make
good visually appealing television.
CNN is showing sings of desperation with PMT.
They are airing a promo saying he will have a
live audience. Like that will get viewers to not
watch Rachel Maddow or Sean Hannity. CNN
the problem is Piers Morgan. He is not that
good of a talent.
It became clear rather early that Florida was
over so after the speeches why so much talk.
Work other news into the mix. CNN will be
3rd behind FNC & MSNBC.
CNN viewers have already made up their minds
about Outfront & PMT. CNN does need a brand
new approach to politics. Strombo is too smart
for CNN. Would you come to CNN ?
Chris Matthews is so right about Mitt Romney.
Last night he said Romney is from a different
world than most Americans. The words about
the poor he made on CNN are appalling. Does
he understand that millions of the current poor
were once middle class, the working poor or
the poor elderly population. There is analysis
that he will raise taxes on wage earners who
make 20,000- 30,000 dollars annually. Food
banks will tell you they are seeing the middle
class come in for help. Not long ago it looked
like Wolf Blitzer was defending him and trying
to say it was being taken out of context. BS.
Soledad offered offered him a chance to try
to clarity his remarks and he doubled down.
Jon Stewart is the only one who is talking about
the words coming out of Mitt Romney's mouth.
The guy is so clueless.
I just spent the last two hours watching Al Jazeera English and once again I was impressed with their US coverage. Everything from the latest headlines to the unconventional stories.
Regarding the headlines which were basically the same, their coverage was far more indepth and informative than any of the coverage I viewed today throughout CNN daytime schedule and up until the 8est broadcast of 360.
It's a shame that a foreign channel can outdo an American channel based in America. I am so fed up with US cable channels and their lack of news. To get proper news, you have to go outside of the US, just like all of our businesses.
Congratulations CNN, you just lost another viewer.
I really don't get the mindset at CNN these
days. Do they even care about viewers. When
you look at the ratings for the FL primary, it
did not hold the viewers interest, NYT reports
that both FOX & MSNBC got higher ratings on
Monday. Know when to stop and move on to
other news. Then again it is hard to find lots
of news on CNN.It is like talking head central.
I must say 360 is the standout on CNN. It can
mess up sometimes but the rest of CNN is so
bad and not watchable. Anderson & Team 360
do a great job most nights.
It would be cool to see Anderson and George
back to back on CNN. George would do much
better opposite Rachel Maddow.
CNN has got to get away from Pundit TV
and come up with unique shows that will
enhance the CNN brand. I hope the Post
is wrong and that CNN is not considering
giving Roland Martin and Will Cain more
time on CNN. Has anyone at the network
noticed the ratings for Starting Point.
It would be a huge mistake to add liberal/conservative pundits to Starting Point. Do something different and smarter. CNN's overrun with pundits and they're a waste of time, they do nothing but spin and not inform. No more pundits, please!
Anon 9:45, yeah, I saw that Page 6 article too that said they are considering adding Cain and Martin as cast to Starting Point. CNN has gone and lost its mind if they think that is how they will save that show. The ratings are abysmal and the execs at CNN in their infinite wisdom want to double down on the pundits. This is professional malpractice!! Wtf!
That is because Anderson Cooper & Isha Sesay
are the best journalists on CNN. Be very afraid
CNN is a lousy track record with creating shows.
Failures : Out Front, American Morning Trio,
Early Start & Starting Point, In The Arena. Heck
they can't even come up with a decent lead in
or 9 PM show. These guys thought PMT would
work. So they aren't too bright. They're ruining
360 with Ari Fleischer. He can't even stay on
topic I keep waiting for Anderson to pull a
Morning Joe move and not let him get away
with that but I think Fleischer has immunity
from the CNN brass.
CNN's political shows are just plain bad. Lets be
honest. There is no point. It s not focused. Zero
analysis. CNN is losing the smart battle with
MSNBC. So CNN thinks opinion should trump
the news. I an not watching because CNN is
giving too much attention to Donald Trump.
Dumb questions that even Stevie Wonder can
see is a sham. CNN is crumbling in phases.
Phase 1 is already done. Starting Point is a
flop. Next crumble : CNN dayside. Phase 2 will
be 9 AM-NOON. Phase 3 NOON-4. Phase 4
will be 4-8 PM. Phase 5 will occur with 8-11
PM. This can be averted is CNN changes course
but that seems unlikely.
No Komen Planned Parenthood. CNN has no
journalistic mindset. Opinion can't save CNN.
Face it folks. The management has convinced
themselves that this is what viewers want. Do
they look at the ratings. Viewers are not just
saying no but hell no. CNN has made a choice.
The pundits get control of CNN and the brand
is destroyed.
Am I mistaken why I assume that the majority of us who frequent this site, are regular viewers of CNN?
So, assuming that the majority of us are regular viewers, it's clear that CNN does not take our comments into consideration. We, the viewers are constantly giving the management suggestions, complaints, alternatives and everything else. Obvious they are not listening which is why so many of us are seeking our news from other sources.
I for one really want to remain a CNN viewer, CNN has some of the best reporters, correspondents and anchors in the business. And to be frank CNN has some of the worst anchors in the business (and most of them are the ones CNN continues to push on their viewers).
But it's not just the less-than anchors, it is also CNN's failure to provide shows with a thorough and complete news package.
It's basically headlines and no in-depth coverage - which is exactly what we are looking for.
I disagree with @9:45 a.m. Yes, AC is good in disaster situations, and he also writes very well. However, he doesn't manage conversations with others on his program well, doesn't read a teleprompter very well, and I sometimes hear his questions to others and end up wondering 'what is he thinking?' He is not balanced as to opinions that he allows others to share, fails to challenge even the most outrageous of statements and often seems lathargic and/or bored.
Isha, on the other hand, has a great personality, reads very well and does her job as though she enjoys it. I can't say that about Anderson anymore, although I was a big fan for quite a while.
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