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Posted by
12:01 AM
My prediction. Anderson Cooper will end AC360ยบ after the Election to focus more on his talk show which he seems to care more about. He will however stay with CNN part time (like CBS) and file special reports, continue hosting New Years Eve and CNN Hero's yearly, and be part of major events. Is it just me, or has his CNN show become boring? It was better years ago. Now it's just sad.
Anon @12:35pm
Its not just you, AC360 has gotten stale and boring. I watched from the beginning and it has completely deterioriated, along with the rest of CNN primetime. I'm not so sure he is leaving anytime soon though. Current management seems very pleased with Anderson, Piers, and Erin. Clearly the sinking ratings haven't changed their minds about this. Sad is the best way to describe CNN from 7pm through midnight ET. It bounces between sad, boring, awful, and cringe-worthy. The question I always ask is this: if not Anderson, then who? If Cooper leaves, how do they fill primetime? The answer depresses me more than watching Cooper tussle with Star Jones.
I strongly believe if CNN developed a new prime time show for Fareed Zakaria, it would be highly successful, or keep it as GPS. It would also be best for Wolf Blitzer (who I see as the biggest star at CNN) to have the Situation Room block move up an hour and air from 5PM to 8PM instead.
For a woman in primetime, I would be fine with Isha Sesay having her own show (who I feel is the only brit I currently like in primetime) or maybe Ashleigh Banfield, or even Soledad O'Brien IF she developed a new show nothing like her horrible morning show. If not those woman, I would love CNN to hire Ann Curry, but that may be too expensive.
@3:16PM: I had to laugh at your valid descriptions of 360, "it bounces between sad, boring, awful, and cringe-worthy."
Just think, you've killed two birds or shows with one phrase.
It also describes AC's horror, called Anderson Live!
CNN troubles start in the morning, hit rock bottom midday with Brooke Baldwin. Tries to recover with Wolf Blitzer's show only to drop like a lead pipe with the primetime tart Erin Burnett. The slide continues with Daytime Andy and totally dive bombs when CNN ratings king and pumpkin head Piers comes on.
What blows me away is that the expect us to watch these shows.
I like the idea of having Ali Velshi and Zoraida Sambolin host a new 5-7am morning block, and Brooke Baldwin and John Berman host a new 7-9am morning block. I also think it would be great for Newsroom International to extend to two hours and have it hosted by Michael Holmes and Hala Gorani. I love the idea of reverting back to double newsroom anchors. On a side note, I am loving the 6PM hour of The Situation Room co-hosted by Kate Bolduan with Wolf Blitzer.
Absolutely LOVE the suggestion of Fareed Zakaria in prime time! A perfect prime time block for me would be:
7:00P.M. - Wolf Blitzer / Kate Bolduan
8:00P.M. - Fareed Zakaria
9:00P.M. - Soledad O'Brien
10:00P.M. - Tom Foreman
11:00P.M. - Isha Sesay
@11:24PM and to everyone else who has so wisely posted on this thread, I raise my glass to you all and say, HERE HERE!!!!
Unfortunately, CNN is becoming a has-been news network. It saddens me to see this once great news organization fall apart. There is no vision, no ethos, no mission that binds and defines them as a group. Their primetime stars are a conglomeration of self-interested attention whores who are driven entirely on self-promotion. Even Wolf gets in the act when he talks about famous people he meets or who he gets to be with at exclusive sports events. Does this name-checking trash come from higher ups thinking it makes their anchors sound cool and connected? I tune in to CNN less and less now - stupid me, I still check-in just to see if maybe, one day, they'll get better.
I also think Fareed in primetime is a great idea!! I can't wait until Amanpour's contract with ABC is up so she can come back to CNN domestic - she would be great in primetime. Wolf and Kate make a great duo but CNN shouldn't rely on 3 hours of him a day. I'm not so sure about Zoraida Sambolin - she is too bland and timid. If she steps out of her shell, she might be okay for morning. I love Ali Velshi but I would rather see him in a daytime money show instead of the morning. I think he would be great as a market wrap-up show at 5 or 6 ET. Soledad REALLY needs her own primetime show. She was so good as AC replacement and she is one of the best interviewers CNN has right now. Tome Foreman could be a good side-kick or correspondent for Soledad's evening program. The idea of Isha with her own show intrigues me. I would give it a try - she would be better as a night show. I'm not a big fan of Evening Express, but Isha is likeable.
As for the morning, I don't really know why they need two different shows. Why not just have one show from 6-9 ET? I just love that Berman guy. He is friendly, smart, and witty. He is a perfect fit for CNN and he is great in the morning. Whatever changes they make in the morning should revolve around Berman as anchor. Soledad is great but I wish she was on in primetime. Romans is perfect as the money person giving regular updates on the market in the morning - definitely keep her. I don't really care for Brooke but maybe she is better suited for the morning. Problem is, if there is breaking news overnight, she is not the least bit prepared or capable of handling it. I would rather see Brianna Keiler.
I totally agree with making Gorani and Holmes host Newsroom International. Expanding it to 2 hours would be even better.
CNN should listen to the ideas here. Unfortunately right now, 11:24PM and 9:48AM are correct and if management doesn't change soon, CNN will continue to decline with their current lineup. They can make all the movies and reality shows they want, it won't improve things if they don't do the news using pleasant and relatable anchors.
@1:56AM: Oh my, a real honest to goodness listing of alternative anchors and one which does not include Anderson Cooper.
Oh my, what is this world coming to?
No Daytime Andy at nite?
Could this be a dream?
Well I for one, have given up Daytime and Nitetime Andy.
Truthfully, they are both a bore,
a snore and a snooze, and I watched ABC for the debate and it was a welcome relief to see Diane Sawyer who doesn't try to be something she
Calling Daytime Andy and NiteTime Andy!
CNN came in last, after MSNBC.
Oh No!
Have to be what, more charming??
Or will the real Anderson Cooper please stand up or is it,'show up?'
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