Happy New Year from ATC!
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12:00 AM
Kathy Griffin, in 2 words, pure torture! She is the single worst New Year's correspondent/co-host I've ever witnessed. CNN, please spare us from anymore of this nonsense. Dick Clark's legacy deserves better than this!
Hi every body. My name Bunthoeun Duong, Worked at GSS company in Cambodia. Well Come and join Happy New Year in the World today. Wish all of them good luck, good health, dream well.
Happy New Year to the All Things CNN team. Thanks for keeping fans updated with everything. I'm optimistically looking forward to what changes occur soon in 2013 for CNN.
It has been awhile since we gave you our thoughts on CNN. It is 2013 and that means that CNN needs a
new look and attitude. New approaches to the news
and how to deliver news to viewers.
Firstly, your network needs to stop being a day late with news stories. Yesterday many NFL coaches and
GM's were fired. It was big enough to make the Big
3 evening newscasts. Why wasn't this on CNN. This
is what is making cable news severely outdated and
completely useless. There is so much news outside
of politics. Nothing else is going on but the so-called Fiscal Cliff, thanks Ben Bernanke. Hope he
trademarked the phrase. CNN is not delivering us
as much news as possible and gives us a very
limited number of they consider to be news. It is
like listening to a broken record that does not go
beyond a certain point.
There is a way cooler fiscal cliff coverage at the
Quartz Newsroom. They have been showing a
wall with the question : has the U.S. gone off the
fiscal cliff ? The wall is updated every 5 minutes
Beats pundits hands down. Certainly would make
the coverage on CNN better by inviting the people
behind this to come on a talk about the fiscal
cliff. CNN hire people like this as contributors.
Look, CNN must do a better job at digging. Be it
Twitter, Face Book, Vimeo, You Tube, etc. There
is so much news.
CNN needs to also develop apps that make their
network visually appealing. Drop all of the junk
off of the screen. How about creating a grid or
cover flow art, news pics instead were you would
have an app designed for TV that would click
on the photo or video and it would give you a
quick story as the video or pic slides to the side
and it is a full split screen. When showing maps,
info-graphics or still photos, no banners please.
Get rid of the crawl and replace it with more news
going in and out of breaks. Let it run the gambit.
It can be montages of international news, the
latest business, sports, etc. You can do real time
news. Breaking News does this on a daily basis.
There are too many times when the crawl on CNN
makes no sense. It is not conversational writing
like Twitter. I can go to 1 website and find out
all of the tweets from journalists all around the
world, same thing with news papers all around
the world. What is wrong with the list of the
most popular tweets about the news.
We are concerned that CNN is trapped in an old
media mentality and that is why nothing new or
authentic comes from CNN. CNN gives us a been
there done that tired old news format that are so
last century. Hire people who can create Apps to
modernize your look on TV. Match up the Google,
Yahoo, Bing searches with the news. Take us into
the news. Have your staff give us teases with
video, tweets, still photos or whatever about the
news we will see all day long on CNN.
Some things will always remain the same when it
comes to writing and story-telling . Have that
conversation/discussion with viewers. Value your
reporters, producers, writers, photographers and
entire news staff more that pundits. Everyone has
smartphones and backpacks that can make any
news reporter a 1 man band. Who can report,
shoot, edit and broadcast live in real time. Ever
hear of Skype. You can connect with people all
around the world. There is no excuse for being
lazy by just putting pundits on CNN. Ask yourself,
do they bring anything to the table other than
ideology that is not newsworthy or relevant.
Why not use music to give up trailers,montages,
video vignettes, info-graphics words on the
screen. mashups with CNN reporters and videos.
It is a big thing now to match up music and the
news by matching the music/news/reporting
together to make some awesome informative
news that catches you eyes.
Same goes for animators, artists or creative minds
who can take their old CD's to create a Hillary
Clinton, the Capitol Building. Hello, Lego.
Dear CNN, please hire George Stroumbouloupolous.
Dude is the best and it would be great to be able to
watch him CNN for an hour each night. Of course, it
would have to be the Hour as the show was originally
called. Dude has some skills . Versatility is not an issue.
He can do news, interviews & docs. Here's to Strombo
coming to CNN in 2013.
Hopefully, the first thing Jeff Zucker will do, is not rehire Kathy Griffin for NYE.
Every year we say the same thing and every we have to look and listen to her filth.
Except for the coat she wore, which did make a nice impression,
she is filthy and if Anderson can't host by himself, it should be good-bye to both of them.
Okay we are back with some more thought about CNN.
We all know we live in the Digital/ Social Media World.
There is no turning back and old media like CNN must
adapt or become irrelevant. So we will continue with
the theme : how do you make CNN a digital newsroom
on TV,mobile, web & social media ?
The answer : make the news go viral by producing
content for all of these platforms. Transmedia is the
current term being used.
Produce videos for TV, mobile, the web and social
media. None should be the same. Make everything
available for free downloads. If someone goes the
Face Book route for a download, it won't be the
same on Twitter, TV or the web. They would all
offer different versions with words,video and song.
On social media, you get short trailers like the CBS
Morning 90 second Eye Opener. 30 secs will do.
On TV?CNN you would get the directors cut. On
the web you would get the extend cuts with all
of the extras. You can go in and create your own
mix of the news by organizing all of the news
trailers to your liking.
At the same time say when you can see these
mini movies on CNN and on which shows. When
Current TV originally started they were the best
at meshing the web & TV. It all synced up. Set
your DVR's too. There are more eyeballs than ever.
They are reachable but you have to think beyond
TV to get potential viewers to turn to your channel.
You have to make a very strong push to the masses.
Expanding the meaning of news and audience for
CNN on TV, the web, social media worldwide.
By making news from CNN go viral you get more
viewers. It's quite simple. You offer content not
commentary. We used the CBS example because
we think it is the best edited/ produced story-teller.
Here is an example of what you cold see on CNN.
Take the song Howlin For You from the Black Keys.
It seems like we have all been caught up in the
fiscal cliff drama. So you put together a piece
with the old school announcer like you see on
You Tube when you watch movie trailers from
the 70's. He could say lawmakers knew this was
coming. now we are experiencing another D.C.
produced drama. All while Howlin is playing in
the background. Pause for the line : the actors
here has not got a clue. mix it in with video and
sound of how things unfolded. Now on social
media you would get the tease not full length
version. All day long you would get teases telling
you what time to tune to CNN to see this, you
last thing you would see would be the words
stay tuned. All day long you would get different
teases/trailers on FB, Twitter , CNN & the web.
Now let's say you talk to a friend and they don't
have the version you have. What will they do ?
Share the version they have with friends. Bingo.
That's how you make the news viral.
Now on social media we would use the song
The Sky Is breaking from Mark Boone for
the fiscal cliff. We could also use Short Change
Hero from The Heavy.
Stay Tuned .
CNN fire Piers Morgan now. The Newton shootings
had nothing to do with England. CNN definitely
needs a better hiring process. This disaster didn't
have to happen. This is what makes viewers angry
about CNN. Where do they find these people.
"the Newton shootings had nothing to do with England."
Somewhere in there is a smart person who made a very, very, stupid remark.
Of course it had nothing to do with England but Piers Morgan is absolutely right and he should keep on saying what he's advocating because nobody on CNN has the nerve, including Anderson Cooper, who should be advocating gun control from the roof tops.
So yes, Piers go on and tell it like it is because it is the truth, but some commenters just don't get it.....not here, not now, not ever!
Their mentality is Kathy Griffin.
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