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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jim Murphy Lands At CNN

Brian Stelter reports, in the NYT,  that Jim Murphy will produce the new CNN morning program with Chris Cuomo and a yet to be announced co-host.  Stelter writes:

In 2011 Mr. Murphy left “G.M.A.” and helped start “Anderson,” the daytime talk show hosted by the CNN anchor Anderson Cooper. Amid behind-the-scenes turmoil over the ratings of the talk show, he stepped down in early 2012.

Blogger's Commentary:

'Stepping down' is being polite, we've heard that Murphy was fired (or maybe we should say forced out?).  But then most realize that Anderson and its reincarnation Anderson Live have been a train wreck from the start and cutting Jim Murphy loose in favor of the current executive producer Terence Noonan is just one of the program's numerous missteps. 
CNN and Jeff Zucker, unlike those calling the shots for Anderson's talker, are making a smart move with Murphy.  But he will have his hands full trying to make CNN relevant in the early morning. Good luck Mr. Murphy and welcome aboard.

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Anonymous said...

This is a good decision from Jeff Zucker. Jim Murphy figured out how to take on Today. However, this is just one show, what about the rest of CNN. He can't ignore the elephant in the room much longer.

Anonymous said...

All of the morning shows on CNN are awful and unwatchable. First you have annoying pundits then viewers have to be subjected to a whinny anchor for two hours named Carol Costello.CNN clearly does not want viewers or else they would treat us better.

Anonymous said...

Now that's some interesting news. Murphy was fired from Anderson Live?!?! So, I wonder how Andy feels about this move. I guess those little rumors about Andy going morning are officially dead. Do you get the sense Cooper is being squeezed out?

Anonymous said...

If CNN had did what the CBS Morning Show is doing a year ago, they would not have this mess. This was all caused by a bad move to go with Ali Velshi, Christine Romans and Carol Costello as the morning team. That is when the morning show ratings tanked. The damage was continued with Starting Point and a cast of pundits.

Anonymous said...

I agree that "Anderson" and "Anderson Live" have been a train wreck from the get go. I have a feeling Anderson was sold a bill of goods to get him to sign the talk show contract with TP thinking they could make a ton of money off him/a successful talk show. Unfortunately, they spent heavily in a couple of areas and cut costs in critical areas. It was clear that Anderson didn't get to do the talk show he thought he was going to get to do given his pre-launch press promotion vs. the product that showed up on television. While he has to shoulder some of the responsibility (and I'm sure he does) for being naive about the process, I don't think TP/TW was honest with him from the beginning.

I'm glad Jim Murphy is joining CNN and hope he has some success, but I think it's going to be a big uphill climb and it's going to take more than one person/EP to turn CNN around.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Zucker needs to really start hiring people who care about facts. CNN got the Bob Woodward story wrong. CNN implied there was a White House threat. Those claims are falling apart. CNN clearly has the worst political team on television. CNN is a joke . You can't trust the network anymore. RIP CNN. That's what happens when you hire pundits instead of reporters.

Anonymous said...

According to TDS, Jon Stewart had the exact transpcripts of the supposedly 'threatening e-mails,' that Bob Woodward claimed were sent to him.
And while they were not threatening at all, CNN did not get it wrong. Woodward indeed told Wolf Blitzer that he was in fact "threatened.'
The Daily Show had the clip of what was said and exactly what transpired.
It was Mr.Woodward who seems to have interpreted this as a threat, when in actuality, the exchange of e-mails, reflects just the opposite.
Some of us here are too eager to jump to conclusions about CNN, when the fault lies else where.

Anonymous said...

It's Wolf Blitzer's job to put it all into perspective. CNN continued with the threat silliness beyond Situation Room. You can't ignore the shoddy reporting at CNN. Too often CNN does not have good journalism ethics.

Until CNN takes care of content, story-telling, delivery and presentation, the problems will never be solved. Start developing segments that give the viewers something to walk a way with. Right now CNN has too much useless, and pointless chatter.
You can just randomly go out on the street and ask people questions . That requires zero talent. So why does CNN do this all of the time with talking heads.
That is not good journalism nor does it make any sense. The conversation should not lack meaning.
Much of CNN looks staged or fake. Not to mention at times stupid.

CNN does need a brand new management team. The people in charge are making bad decisions. Jim Murphy is a good hire but that means that Jeff Zucker is concentrating on the morning show and not focusing on the bigger problems at CNN. If he wants the new morning show to work, he has to fix the bigger issues first and foremost.

Anonymous said...

Both CNN and Bob Woodward are being widely mocked.
It speaks volumes about how bad journalism has become. CNN seems to have forgotten they used to be a channel of solid journalism. Not anymore. Most people get that Woodward is starving for attention but for CNN to claim they were mislead is a joke. CNN is always to quick to jump on the bandwagon of anyone who makes claims about the Obama White House. You can't be mislead without your consent. CNN's political coverage stinks. It's that simple. CNN's reputation takes another hit. They have to wonder why they are continuously losing viewers.

Anonymous said...

CNN needs to pay attention to what Jon Stewart
is saying. CNN is his best source for dysfunctional
news organizations. CNN botched the SCOTUS
healthcare ruling and has yet to recover.We expect
that from FNC but that is no excuse for CNN.

Anonymous said...

The NY Post says Erin Burnett is refusing to be assigned to the mornings unless she gets more money.
I say just fire her. Out Front is not doing anything for CNN anyway so moving her to the mornings will only make matters worse for CNN. She is not that good and I doubt CNN viewers would miss her. CNN would be justified in canceling Out Front. Boy would they be dong a huge favor for viewers.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:47 PM, that's why TSR should only be on for just 1 hour. CNN seems to have forgotten that there was an election and Americans did not vote for austerity but a balanced approach. There are many of
us who have no idea who this Bob Woodward character is or even matters. Who. Oh just another ginned up made up CNN story. So CNN is giving a free pass to people who actually had 1,000,000 fewer votes only to keep power through rigging districts. If the American people said no to austerity, who can they demand their
polices go into place.

Anonymous said...

There is lots of buzz about what's going to happen to Burnett. NY Post now reporting the big holdup with the news morning show... Princess Erin wants mo' money. Everyone knew she was a shallow, greedy wench so I don't know why this caught CNN execs off guard. Why don't they buy out her contract and fire this sorry excuse for a journalist? Please, she ain't worth it. She certainly isn't worth the 2.5mil they are giving her now!

Anonymous said...

At least Jeff Zucker realizes that Outfront has to go. For that kind of money he could hire several journos , who shoot,edit and write their own news stories. That would be more value for CNN than Erin Burnett.

Anonymous said...

Did you guys notice that Isha Sesay was the co-host
with Anderson Cooper on Anderson Live yesterday ?
Good chemistry.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to believe about CNN anymore. The original 360 had a much looser format and a lot more fun with many different guests. It is so funny that people think Anderson and Isha are married. It would be cool if 360 had the 15 minutes on CNN with Isha Sesay at the end of the show. Heck, use the Anderson set and have Anderson and Isha in the same studio.
They looked good together. It is all in the TW family.
Could Isha Sesay be a better fit with Chris Cuomo.
CNN could also throw Conor Knighton into the mix.
He has some really good segments on CBS Sunday Morning . Let's face it CNN needs help with pop culture and modern America.

Anonymous said...

@11:39AM: "there are many of us who don't even know who this Bob Woodward character is."
Well, shame on you.
While I do think Woodward made a fool out of himself most recently,
'Woodstein' will go down in history as the two journalists who brought down the Nixon Adminstration, before computers and before the internet and before your generation was born.
YOU WILL STUDY THEM IN JOURNO 101 for sure, so I would not be proud of the fact that you don't know two bits about real investigative journalism and foot reporting before cyberspace.
I didn't know Lincoln personally, but I studied him, as you will Bob Woodward, even though this time, he was dead wrong.