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Monday, March 11, 2013

CNN's Rome Team for Papal Conclave

As all 115 cardinal-electors meet at the Vatican this week, Chris Cuomo and Anderson Cooper lead CNN’s coverage of the Papal Conclave live from location in Rome.  Ben Wedeman, Miguel Marquez, Dan Rivers and Becky Anderson report for the network, along with CNN en Español’s Adriana Hauser and Jose Levy.  CNN Vatican Analyst John Allen contributes analysis. offers full coverage of the conclave on with a special interactive that explains how the next Pope will be decided. will also live stream coverage of the smoke that comes from the Vatican's rooftop online and on the CNN Apps.

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Anonymous said...

I know that this is off topic but this needs to be said. Shame on CNN and Carol Costello for attacking Sheryl Sandberg. Costello came across as a bitter jealous woman who is upset with women who earn degrees from Ivy League institutions. Grow up. That does not mean that she can't offer advice to women who are not ivy leaguers ,professional , high school educated ,etc. CNN has just lost all credibility on women's issues. Hating on Sheryl Sandberg is the latest low for CNN.

Anonymous said...

Carol Costello is a graduate of the Soledad O'Brien School of Snarkiness!! She is totally unwatchable because of the very thing you mention @11:39. Before she got her anchor slot, her behavior should have been noticed by CNN management, but alas, they didn't and she just comes off as a sad and bitter know-it-all.

Anonymous said...

"Soledad School of Snarkiness"
I had to comment on the above comment because it always amazes me when women put down other women.
First of all Soledad is a role model for ALL Afro-American women!
She is educated, articulate AND she went to HARVARD!
And not only did she go to Harvard,
ALL her brothers and sisters went to Ivy League schools as well.
So I do not know what the above commenter is talking about.
Further more, it seems to me "snarkiness" Is appealing in some anchors who are white MALES, BUT unappealing in one that is female.
I would say this is blatant sexism, is it not?

Anonymous said...

LOL I guess no one is going to actually mention the Pope here huh? These boards never change.

Annnyway, I loved CNNs coverage of it and it was cool to see Anderson Cooper in Rome (when does this guy have the time??). I'm not Catholic, not even religious but its an exciting event to see. HOPEFULLY the new Pope can address the many issues inside the church but not holding my breath sadly.