Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Getting to Know the New Day Team
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12:14 PM
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12:14 PM
It will be interesting to see what the ratings are like for the premiere. This morning it seemed like they were copying GMA. Memo to CNN : be original. CNN has the opportunity to be news radicals. For me the alternative music is a way of saying they are the news alternative.
Cable news needs to wake up now. Viewers are tired of Snowden/Greenwald. Polls, talking heads and Sarah Palin. TV by the Numbers has the ratings.
CNN could gain viewers by being honest. Don't let people come on your network and lie to viewers. Also, do cleanup. If your original reports are wrong , level with your viewers. Just say we originally said this but now the facts differ. Get the story straight.
I could care less what anyone thinks about this or that give me the facts. What does opinion do for your viewers. Absolutely nothing. Your obligation is to your viewers not ideologues. Put viewers first. Treat us with respect and don't insult our intelligence. Keep the conversation smart by having the right people who are bad you know what. They know their stuff and then some.
New Day messed up again this morning. They said a poll says Americans believe the WH was involved with the IRS. That's all they said nothing else. No one could add the sentence saying as of right not we don't know if that is true. Now evidence has been released showing that it was a conservative Republican who says the WH had no role. Now it seems like Ed Snowden made false allegations. One thing CNN should have learned d after the Boston bombing suspects fiascos is that sources are not always true. It's a myth that Snowden gave up nothing. Where is he getting money from to travel and stay in Hong Kong. How about movie and book deals that can bring him millions. You can only yell wolf so many times before people catch on.
Kate Bolduan is a bit too bubbly in the morning. I think it should have been Michaela paired with Chris. Kate was better alongside Wolf Blitzer in the Situation Room or should have been givin her own dayside hours. Chris seems to be a bit annoyed with Kate's sarcasm at times but hopefully it will all work out. I'm very impressed with Michaela.
As for the graphics, there is too much going on. I think the weather bar should go away. The LIVE bug is still always on. I wish everything would be more simple! Less is more. One thing I love though is that all the words are capitalized in the blue information headline graphic, unlike the other shows.
People should not be assuming that everyone knows
about New Day. People are not constantly glued to
CNN. They have no idea about New Day or Stroumbo.
People need time to discover shows. It took years
for Morning Joe and even Countdown to find viewers.
One criticism I have is the the first stories are not
exactly new or fresh. How about news that happened
while we were sleeping. The opening is dull. Maybe
they could do the micro movie opens like we see on
ESPN for the Sports Center open.
CNN just had a useless panel on to talk about a song from Robin Thicke. Obviously, the panel was clueless about Robin Thicke's music or audience. Robin Thicke
sings about sex all of the time. Really CNN. I guess they have never seen the Radio Shack commercial. CNN has also had to apologize today for using the wrong photo in a Whitey Bolger story. CNN called an FBI agent a mobster. That's just pathetic. You will never see the documents released by Rep. Cummings on CNN. John King just teased an IRS story claiming a scandal.
Of course they won't talk about the released documents because it goes against their agenda. I did send them an email telling them to do their homework before they do a story. And why did they feel the need to just do a segment on an old fire case -waste of time if you ask me. Think I'll watch a movie.
Darrell Issa is a fraudulent joke with a checkered past but CNN treats him as if he's actually credible. He wants to be a big deal taking on the President but all of his scandal mongering has blown up in his face. Elijah Cummings effectively ended the IRS "scandal" by releasing the full IRS documents but here we have CNN trying to extend the controversy. Hey, no need to bother reporting on PROVEN facts, let's just "investigate" whatever the GOP deems crucial to making the Obama Administration look bad so we can post more skewed polling data.
CNN does need to find it's journalistic backbone. The release of the IRS mocks the 2nd time the media has been punked by Republicans giving them selective data to create false narratives that is completely wrong. You can basically manipulate CNN to lie to viewers.
Strike 1 was Benghazi. Strike 2 is the IRS. How can you be trusted when it is apparent that CNN will read whatever script they are handed. CNN owes viewers an apology. I want to see Anderson Cooper, Wolf Biltzer, Jake Tapper, the whole CNN crew. CNN should be held to a much higher standard. They are not right wing media or the Huffington Post. CNN is suppose to be the real deal. They are not a worldwide brand considered to be a pinnacle in the world of journalism. Anon 9:47, you are so right. CNN has become a scandal mongering channel. The most over-hyped word on CNN this year is scandal. Trash people with lies is what tabloids do and now apparently CNN. Go back to journalism school. Either you missed something or you flunked.
Well, day 2 proved much better for New Day.
They were much closer to MJ and topped HLN
in viewers and demo according to TV BY THE
NUMBERS. I know that 2 days means nothing
but challenging MJ in just a second episode
has to be satisfying for Chris, Kate & Michaela.
I liked the show better on the 2nd day. The show
does pack a lot of news and interesting stories.
This morning was really good too.
TEA NN ,aka CNN, is the network that supports the tea party and conspiracy theorists. Make any accusation, especially if it is about President Obama and CNN gives you a free pass and free airtime and manufactures a fake news story that makes no sense trying to fool viewers into thinking it's legit news. Journalistic accountability will never happen at CNN.
With the exception of 360, I had pretty much stopped watching CNN. However, Stroumbo , Parts Unknown and New Day have me watching more. Not a fain of the Lead. It's pretty boring and dull.
Thank you CNN. For the most part cable news has turned into opinion with very little news content. I appreciate that New Day is different. I don't see chemistry issues with the hosts. I wonder if some of the criticism is just from CNN haters.
No matter what anyone says it's all about content, story-telling, presentation,delivery,communicative journalism being used properly to connect with viewers.
I hope CNN is successful and becomes the HBO of cable news with shows like New Day, Stroumbo,etc. HBO's bold programs caused a revolution that has lead to some of the best shows in the history in television. Because of HBO, Showtime, USA, AMC,Discovery ,etc there is a shift to the better shows like Game Of Thrones, True Blood, Homeland,Nurse Jackie, Shameless. Strike Back, Mad Men, Burn Notice and on and on. There are very few broadcast shows that are on the same level.
The only place the revolution has failed to happen is cable news. All of the broadcast news shows are better than cable. Which is kinda crazy when you think about it because they say they are 24/7 news channels. Yet there is so little content. Writing, editing, info graphics/data journalism. Micro news movies helps the news go viral. CNN should become the world's largest news source content. It can be news,interviews,the arts and news from all genres.
Be news centered and oriented. It's about mass appeal not the small numbers for news that is all about politics and punditry. Television is a visual medium. Video maters.
Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer must be on vacation. Wolf has not been on TSR for some 2 weeks now and John King has been anchoring 360. CNN's 2 most popular anchors being absent is likely why those ratings are lower than usual.
Today there are only 2 stories that everyone is taking about. Game 7 of the NBA Finals and the sad news about James Gandolfini. Sopranos was the 1st show I had to see every episode. CNN had a wonderful tribute to the actor. Too bad CNN does not give us more sports. Bleacher Report does not cut it. Where are the highlights CNN ? Gm 6 was epic and CNN really didn't have extended highlights. CNN is missing a golden opportunity for sports. Good work from Rachel Nichols with the LeBron interview but what about the game that decides it all and the series itself. It took them to long to find out about the Aaron Hernandez story. ABC broke the news .
James Gandolfini died way too early and from all the accounts, he died the way he lived, from drugs and alcohol, which evidently effected his heart.
No one however, is talking about the fact that he was over weight.
Only Larry King hinted at it last nite when he was speaking to Erin Burnett. He had actually interviewd James and he said that he was shy, but he wasn't "shy at the table."
Larry should know, because he too had a heart condition and was placed on a special diet.
Maybe Mr Gandolfini should have taken Larry's advice.
We lost a great actor way too soon,
an actor who in his own way, transformed television and the way we view it.
He certainly transformed HBO.
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