This Friday, George Stroumboulopoulos guests are the legendary Larry King, actress Aisha Tyler, and UFC president Dana White.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
This Friday on Stroumboulopoulos
This Friday, George Stroumboulopoulos guests are the legendary Larry King, actress Aisha Tyler, and UFC president Dana White.
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4:49 PM
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Looking forward to seeing this episode.
Whatever happened to the CNN sports show. ESPN ratings are down significantly and FOX is starting a channel to take them on in 3 weeks. I would guess that ESPN is down because of too much chatter and not enough highlights. If CNN is smart. Jeff Zucker would at least do a sports highlights show weekends and have plenty of sports highlights during the day. Sports is increasingly becoming the in home experience. It's rather simple for CNN to provide sports highlights they already do for their affiliates. It is about to get more crowded. Soon we will have AL Jazeera, Fusion and a brand new FOX Sports.
@12:58 don't forget Al Jazeera's sports channel also expanding in America called 'Be In Sport'.
I just saw a trailer for the movie RED 2. Ironically, the trailer uses clips from President Obama speaking on the NSA situation. It's a pretty decent mash up. It's funny because it is a movie about CIA agents who are retired and considered to be extremely dangerous. Personally, I find that more interesting than pundits. CNN needs to develop a new approach to politics. There has to bee an interesting story behind this.
CNN needs to develop relatable news. Not too long ago on New Day Christine Romans said something about gas prices affecting consumers is the main issue. How about food prices ? This is the age of the consumer and bargains is where it's at . People are interested in sales daily. not how things are on Wall Street. Each day there are bargains but you would never know this by watching cable news. When is the best day to go grocery shopping. The grocery market wars are really heating up. CNN needs to play to the consumers. Who does not like a bargain a free slupree or double/triple coupon savings. You can bet that if New Day did this the show would easily pass Morning Joe and Fox & Friends. Same thing happens with technology, which CNN barely covers. The PC market is tanking because of mobile. Look at what is going on with Microsoft. Also, no mention of Sharknado. New Day has potential since it is providing more content. but the content needs to increase and be more relatable.. Bloomberg has really stepped up it's game and is modernizing. CNN could learn some things from Bloomberg.
At first I thought things would change at CNN with Jeff Zucker but now I'm skeptical. Once the Zimmerman trial is over I hope that CNN does some journalistic soul searching. This trial has brought out the worst behavior in CNN talent and the talking heads. Why not just provide a highlight reel of what actually happened in court. 4 or more talking head jerks , really CNN. What happened to expanding the definition of news. Last I checked I don't think it involved personal attacks, being rude and obnoxious.A 17 year old is dead and they find this funny. CNN needs to grow up and quit imitating HLN. One HLN is too many.
All you have to do is to look at the ratings for MSNBC and political shows lately and you will realize that the last thing CNN needs to do is bring back Crossfire. MSNBC went to a talking head format and look at what is happening. There is a reason why MSNBC is in trouble. It's more noise than news and there is a difference. Ideology is not newsworthy. When Fox is making changes because they realize that their act is getting old, you know the ground is shifting. Fox has some serious demo issues and that's how all networks make money. CNN was the 1st to realize this by going with Stroumboulopoulos and Anthony Bourdain. Why would you concede an advantage that attracts advertisers. News is a hard sale. I don't think Crossfire is going to be appealing to advertisers. Look at Paula Deen. Advertisers are very careful about who they want their products associated with.
Too funny Edward Snowden asks for asylum in Russia. Remember what happened to the rock band for their political music. CNN has yet to say we can not independently confirm his allegations. 3X of CNN getting the story wrong. How about owning you bogus reporting and getting the story wrong. Honesty matters. Benghazi, IRS, Snowdern. Let's see how much longer the list will get for CNN. Tell viewers we got it wrong and are working to fix or errors with the facts.
New Day can be repetitive and that is a problem.
Fox & Friends has been getting just over 1 million
viewers all week long. There could possibly be some
shifting in cable news in the morning. According to
TV BY THE NUMBERS, New Day seems to be holding
it's own against Morning Joe. Morning Joe has been
trying to air more content outside of politics. Maybe
New Day is having some impact but it's too early to
really know. Everybody likes to save money. It would
be smart to mix the business news with consumer
news and bargains.
I have no argument with CNN covering the Zimmerman trial. The problem is the so called analysts. I turn the channel whenever they come on CNN. It would be nice to see the focus on what happens in court, who cares what any of the pundits think. They don't matter. I'm assuming we all know what we saw and heard. Why do they have to put people on to pretend they are involved. Don't like any of them on CNN. You don;t experience real life vicariously. At least being live give us access to a the trail. Leave it at that and knock it off with the endless speculation. Unfiltered would work.
Politics is what is killing MSNBC. 24/7 politics will not have a huge market without a presidential election. Boring.
CNN could make the news more sociable by offering news content in all categories. What if I am interested in global news. You could be on a mobile device, computer or TV. All you do is sync up the time when the stories will air. For this to work the segments should be 5-15 minutes long. If there is an interview, let it breathe. It's a way to market the news that interest you by letting you decide when you will tune in to CNN. It can be news,sports, tech,arts, entertainment, authors, musicians, etc. That is the best way to interact with viewers. It has to be real time and viewer oriented. Relying heavily on the talking heads ignores viewers. What about your customer/consumers/viewers ? Let me know when I can tune in to see the news that matters to me. Treat me like I matter to CNN. Crossfire does not cut it. Former politicians & pundits have too much control over the news. Treat me like I am in the room and that you are talking to me. Please, respect my intelligence. If I am coming to CNN, obviously I want some news.
In fairness to CNN, New Day is sort of planting the seeds to change the game but it could be so much more content,interesting stories and guests. Is it possible that some day New Day could averaging more than 400, 000 viewers daily or get closer to 500,000 ? They are not very far from 400,000. This is the first month of New Day and Morning Joe going head to head. Surprisingly, it is close. So far New Day might be outperforming Starting Point.
It will be interesting to see if cable news gets upgraded and modernized. If Jeff Zucker does not know how to pull this off, he can hire management that knows how to evolve/revolutionize the news. When Ted Turner founded CNN, it was innovative. Where are the innovators in cable news ? It's more like let's do what everyone else is doing. Dare to be original and different. The ratings reflect saturation.
The audience has maxxed out unless you can bring in new viewers. Tell me on television, mobile, internet,social the time I can see my interests.
Unfortunately, 360's coverage of the George Zimmerman trial has too much of a game show atmosphere. This is a very serious story. To see
laughing and lawyer critiques is wrong. They are
not in the court room nor on the jury. Being in a
court room and being far far away are different. Not watching Asleigh Banfield any longer. The behavior is appalling on CNN.
CNN decided not to air Stroumboulopoulos and decided to go with 360 instead. Why are the talking heads trying to compare this case to OJ Simpson or Robert Blake. That is quite a stretch. You are talking about 2 celebrity murder trials. Zimmerman is a high profile trial. Both Simpson and Blake denied killing people. It's as if CNN wants this to be payback for OJ Simpson. Has anyone bothered to do research on self defense murder trials. No because CNN is going with the OJ Simpson narrative. Given CNN's track record, expect a conviction because the talking heads are always wrong.
Wtf??? What happened to Strombo?? I had it set to record and all I get is the stupid AC360 trial coverage repeat! Anon11:50, I am glad you posted something because I came here first to find out if it was just my dvr screwing up. So, are they gonna air the Strombo episode with Aisha Tyler? Ugh, darn you CNN!!! I am so sick of Zimmerman. At this point, I want to throw him in jail just to get him off my tv screen.
I watched "Strombo" for the first and only time tonite and he was interviewing Larry King, who looked his age, near ninety.
King might have the energy he once had, but he did have to retire.
Once people start to look "drained"
it makes the viewer feel, tired.
Strombo was nervous and he kept fiddling with his cards and fingers
and he was too skinny to be sitting on those bright red chairs.
Two people could have sat in that one chair.
Something is wrong with the show, the host, and the set.
May it get better,CNN.
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