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Friday, August 16, 2013

Sunday Morning Programming 8/18/13

SUNDAY, August 18, 2013


Topic:     Crisis in Egypt
Guest:    Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)

Topic:     NSA/FISA Latest
Guest:    Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI)

Topic:     Latest on the events in Egypt
Guest:    Ned Walker, former U.S. ambassador to Egypt 
Guest:    Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies

Topic:     Political Panel
Guest:    Donna Brazile, CNN political commentator
Guest:    Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform
Guest:    Mo Elleithee, DNC communications director
Guest:    Cheri Jacobus, Republican strategist

Anchor:  Candy Crowley

FAREED ZAKARIA GPS – Airs 10:00AM – 11:00AM and 1:00PM – 2:00PM

Topic:     U.S. policy towards Egypt – what it should have been, what it should be; democracy in the Middle East
Guest:     Peter Beinart, Schwartz Senior Fellow - New America Foundation; Associate Professor of Journalism & Political Science at The City University of New York, Contributor – TIME
Guest:     Bret Stephens, Global View columnist, The Wall Street Journal

Topic:      Is the Obama administration over-regulating the country?  Are regulations hindering American’s growth potential?
Guest:     Cass Sunstein,former administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (Barack Obama Administration); Harvard University professor

 Topics:    Is the next Silicon Valley blooming in the Middle East?
Guest:     Christopher Schroeder, entrepreneur 

Topic:     The perils and power of personal choices
Guest:     Kent Greenfield, author, (The Myth of Choice 2012); professor, Boston College Law School
Guest:     Sheena Iyengar, PhD, author, (The Art of Choosing 2011); professor of business, Columbia Business School

Anchor:   Fareed Zakaria


Topic: Deadly week in Egypt which claimed the lives of several journalists and put many others in the middle of the chaos
Guest: Rajiv Chandrasekaran, senior correspondent and former Cairo reporter and Baghdad bureau chief for The Washington Post
Guest: Sherif Mansour, Committee to Protect Journalists

Topic: Launch of Al Jazeera America
Guest: Michael Calderone, The Huffington Post
Guest: Edward Felsenthal, Managing Editor of

Topic: USA Today one year after digital redesign and relaunch
Guest: David Callaway, editor-in-chief, USA Today

Topic: How can crowd-sourced information and video help news organizations?
Guest: Walt Mossberg, The Wall Street Journal tech columnist
Guest: Melinda Wittstock, CEO and founder of Verifeed

Topic: Criticism of New York Times and Margaret Sullivan’s role as internal watchdog
Guest: Margaret Sullivan, The New York Times public editor

Topic: The President goes on vacation, and the press goes along. 
Guest: CNN White House correspondent Dan Lothian

Guest host:  Joanne Lipman, former managing editor of the The Wall Street Journal and former editor-in-chief of Conde Nast Portfolio and co-author of forthcoming book, “Strings Attached”

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CNN is about to regret not investing in an evening newscast. Here comes AlJazeera with American Tonight at 9 PM. That hour has been going down in cable news Aj will tell us what happened in America that day. Content and news driven rather than opinion. CNN never had to deal with AJ. They do now and AJ does not care about ratings due to deep pockets. AJ will take the time to build an audience. It's no secret that cable news largely ignores minorities. AJ hired diverse anchors for this very reason. AJ will fill the void that CNN refused to fill with news given the programming on FNC & MSNBC.