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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Don Lemon Weeknights on CNN

According to FTVLive Don Lemon will be getting the 11PM time slot at CNN starting in December.  They write:
Lemon's show will be produced  by Piers Morgan's team, led by EP Jonathan Wald, with a few staffers added. The 11PM time slot at CNN is currently running reruns of Erin Burnett's OutFront.
Word is that Lemon will also fill in for Burrnett on her show when she goes on maternity leave. 
CNN has tried other shows at 11PM that have failed and have not lasted very long. Word is that Zucker has high hopes for Lemon and according to one source the show "will be given ample time to try and draw and audience".

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Anonymous said...

Bad move CNN.

Anonymous said...

Last night Colbert slammed Don Lemon for insanely comparing President Obama to Toronto mayor Rob Ford. Say stupid things and you get promoted at CNN.
Erin Burnett, Piers Morgan, Don Lemon, Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer are all reason to channel block CNN.

Anonymous said...

Before Lemon started throwing black folks under the bus (possibly to get this new show) I would've been ok with him getting more airtime, but not anymore. He's lost a lot of support and is constantly being mocked on Twitter for his inane and simplistic commentaries.

Phebe said...

I've always enjoyed Lemon on weekends so I'm going to be open minded about his tryout. Any change at this point is better than what's currently on CNN's schedule.

Anonymous said...

Agreed Phebe. Lemon has detractors but I think he is alright. He would be wise to not let this opportunity go to his head. I like Tapper as well and his ratings are actually pretty good for CNN standards.