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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New Day Walks The Walk (to the couch)

The Daily Show / Jon Stewart's take on CNN's New Day couch walk:

And BTW Jon we see your 'Best Walk Ever' and raise you with  Anderson Cooper's 'Best Week Ever':

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Anonymous said...

Jon Stewart speaks the truth about CNN. His criticism of CNN expresses the frustrations that viewers have with the network. Good. JS never let up on CNN. The network is underperforming badly and becoming a constant 3rd place finisher. The days of CNN being intelligent and informative are ancient history, None of the shows currently on CNN are working. Viewers are not stupid. You know something just is not right with what you will see or hear on CNN.

Anonymous said...

Love TDS. Stewart mocked the media again for
all of the silly speculation about 2016. He says
it best, who cares ?

Anonymous said...

Down goes CNN. Yikes, CNN is having another week of bad ratings. Run viewers run. CNN should take Jon Stewart's warnings more seriously. Looking at the ratings on TVN, show that CNN is in a constant ratings dive. It has been a brutal week.