Cooper will anchor AC360° from Ukraine Monday night and will report on
escalating tensions in the region.
airs at 8pm ET on CNN.
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12:10 AM
Anderson's efforts in the Ukraine
may be too little too late.
He will now be competing with the weather channel, at least until
mid-week for those who have lucked out and have power here on the East coast and mid-Atlantic states.
This does not surprise me. So far IMHO, New Republic, BBC & AJA has done the best journalism on this story. All seem to really understand the complexity of Russia and Europe. President Obama and our European allies have to resolve this crisis. CNN seems to be using this as an opportunity to bash Obama. Really CNN. Soe This is serious news and can't be dumbed down with the usual silliness on CNN. This is a major news story that needs to be covered in real time. Thank goodness that there are alternatives to CNN so that perspective is out there for viewers. MSNBC has not done a decent job with this story either. The big question is : will AJA be bold enough to challenge CNN on a major international news story like this ? Live and real time is of major league importance. Does any network have the ability to be live 24/7 anymore ?
Somehow I don't think CNN has the resources,seriousness or intellect to cover complex stories on the level of BBC & AJA. This is the type of story that makes AJA essential and necessary since they are more widely available than BBC in America.. In the end this could be a huge breakthrough for AJA They are the new kid in town but will AJA boldly challenge CNN by being a true alternative for serious news . It will be interesting to see the bump for CNN and AJA or if there even is a ratings bump.
It's true that AJAM was covering Kiev, Ukraine
and Crimea before ABC,CBS,NBC, CNN, MSNBC
& FOX. Real Time reporting, live footage and
carrying live events is at the heart of Ukraine
coverage. This is the 1st major news event for
2014. It is the 1st time AJAM has a huge chance
to outperform CNN. If viewers think AJAM has
the best coverage, that is where they will go.
AJAM has to capture the moment. Does AJAM
want to be CNN or beat CNN ? The news does
not get any bigger than this international event.
Finally, TVN has included AJAM reporters in a
post about all of the networks coverage.
Watching Wolf and guess who is on, McCain doesn't that guy have anything better to do than slam the president and his administration and of course Wolf is playing the Yes man. CNN how about a Dem for counter balance.
I like Anderson Cooper but CNN just aired the worst
piece of propaganda with John McCain. Goodbye CNN
and they deserve crappy ratings Guess John McCain their new Ted Nugent. No one cares what they have to say except CNN.
John McCain must get off CNN and stop criticizing President Obama.
He is a selfish old man who never
got over losing to a popular Afro-American.
How can he, in good faith, blame the POTUS for the unrest in the UKraine? How dare he praise Putin
over the President of this Country, supposedly HIS Country.
The country that didn't want him to be its leader because he was just too old and a war monger.
And CNN should stop giving him a podium.
Is Eric Cantor the only sensible Republican who said in a statement released today, that Congress has the responsiblity to work together to help solve the problem between Russia and the US?
Maybe Cantor should be the next GOP nominee? Even Lawrence O'Donnell praised his bipartisan
statement, as something straight out of the eighties.
If there were just more Republicans like him.
CNN is losing sight of what the real story is when it comes to their Ukraine coverage. It lacks substance because CNN has decided to give the floor to a sore loser, aka John McCain. The should have Christiane Amanpour on more than a grumpy old man. Looks like John McCain is Ted Nugent this week for CNN. Take a look at the ratings on Friday for CNN. Viewers are not liking the way CNN does news or doing news.
Jon Stewart summed up CNN best again last night.
CNN's coverage is terrible. Keep in mind that it
took both FNC & MSNBC 10 years to catch CNN.
Al Jazeera can add viewers but not enough to
be a threat to CNN just yet. According to TV
Newser, Al Jazeera had 15,000 viewers for Feb
2014. Al Jazeera is likely looking to catch FBN
before CNN. All they need is steady growth. TV
Newser does a cable ranker every Tuesday. It
will be interesting to see if the Ukraine crisis
gives Al Jazeera a bump in ratings.
Only CNN would mess up the news on Ukraine. We are witnessing the consequences of Jeff Zucker being in charge of CNN. Zucker destroyed the news apparatus that Ted Turner built and replaced real news with talking heads that don't matter. You can't dumb down the news on a big international news story. This is not a domestic political story. Did CNN not get the memo ? Does anyone in CNN management have a brain ? Of course not.
Michael Smerconish's new program on CNN "Smerconish" premiers this Saturday March 8th at 9:00AM.
"Making The Case" with Sunny Hostin & Mark Geregos premieres Monday, March 10th at 10:00PM on CNN.
I agree with all the comments about the excessive fawning over John McCain on CNN and other networks. The man has been wrong on the majority of the foreign policy judgement calls he's made and yet he's trotted out on these programs like he's some sort of expert. He's on AC360 far too much and without any challenge from Anderson. They seem to have a cozy relationship so any objectivity or balance goes out the window. McCain is a war monger who is filled with resentment towards President Obama, who I am sure doesn't give him and his petty ranting a second thought.
Will Zucker give Geragos and Hostin's new show the promotion that he never bothered to give to AC360 Later?
Making The Case will actually be a half hour show at 10:30PM ONCE a week, every Monday, for five weeks.
"The Don Lemon Show" premiers Monday, March 10th at 10:00PM.
Why would Zucker give 360 Later promotion if 360 at 8PM is doing poorly?
Yes, it is the top rated show on CNN....which says "I really suck less than the others."
No way is Cooper actually winning his timeslot because CNN's standards have sunk so low.
Anderson Cooper could give Liz Wahl lessons in the art of "bashing."
He does it every chance he can with John McCain at the helm.
No he does not bash the US per say, but he does bash the POTUS.
Sorry, but the truth must be said and when he comes back from the UKraine he should kiss the ground that allows him his rhetoric.
So Don Lemon became a sellout who regularly denigrates African-Americans and says what teabaggers love to hear about them in order to get this new CNN show?
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