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Friday, March 28, 2014

Sunday Morning Programs (Updated) 3/30/14

SUNDAY, March 30, 2014

INSIDE POLITICS – Sunday 8:30AM – 9:00AM

Topic:     New ACA Numbers and a Pope Francis Photo-op—Are These the Seeds of an Obama Recovery?; Biden’s Illegal Immigration “American Citizens” Comment; 2014— is the GOP Expanding the Map?; The Power of Palin
Guest:    Maggie Haberman, senior reporter, POLITICO
Guest:    Margaret Talev, white house correspondent, Bloomberg
Guest:    Manu Raju, senior congressional reporter, POLITICO
Guest:    Molly Ball, politics writer, The Atlantic

Anchor:  John King


Topic:     Her Feud with the CIA; NSA Metadata Recommendations; Ukraine
Guest:    Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), chair, Senate Intelligence Committee

Topic:     MH370 Disaster Aftermath for Victims’ Families
Guest:    Kenneth Feinberg, victim compensation expert

Topic:     Political Panel: Obamacare; Chris Christie
Guest:    Bill Burton, former deputy white house press secretary (Obama Administration)
Guest:    Kevin Madden, CNN contributor; republican strategist
Guest:    Darlene Superville, white house reporter, The Associated Press

*** 12:00 PM SHOW ***

Topic:     Using Satellites and Sonar as the MH370 Search Area Continues to Shift
Guest:    Chad Sweet, CEO & Co-Founder, The Chertoff Group; former CIA Clandestine Service
Guest:    Ken Christensen, aviation consultant; president, Integrated Aviation Solutions
Guest:    Arnold Carr, Sonar Expert

Topic:     Ukraine-Russia Relations
Guest:    John Negroponte, former Director of National Intelligence

Topic:     The Tragic Aftermath of the Washington Mudslide
Guest:    Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA)

Anchor: Candy Crowley

FAREED ZAKARIA GPS – Airs LIVE 10:00AM – 11:00AM and 1:00PM – 2:00PM     

Topic:     What the Missing Plane Says about China’s Power or Lack Thereof
Guest:    Evan Osnos, staff writer, The New Yorker; author, Age of Ambition Chasing Fortune, Truth and Faith in New China (May 2014)

Topic:     What Would Happen if Women Ran the World?
Guest:    Tina Brown, president and CEO, Tina Brown Live Media; Founder, Women in the
Guest:    Arianna Huffington, president and editor-in-chief, Huffington Post Media Group
Guest:    Joseph Nye, former dean of John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University; author, The Future of Power (2010)
Guest:    Steven Pinker, experimental psychologist; Johnstone Family Professor at Harvard University; author & columnist

Anchor:  Fareed Zakaria


Topic:      Malaysia Flight 370: What Lessons are Learned about the Media- and for the Media- from Three Weeks of Missing Plane Coverage?
Guest:    James Fallows, national correspondent, The Atlantic
Guest:    Andrew Beaujon, media reporter, Poynter

Topic:      Malaysia Flight 370: The Demand for Plane News Goes On: a New Study by Pew Research Center Shows 60 Percent of People Think News Organizations are Giving the Proper Amount of Coverage of the Missing Plane—or Should Be Providing Even More Coverage! Also This Week, Pew Releases Its Annual “State of the News Media” Report Describing Reasons for Optimism in the Beleaguered News Business.
Guest:     Alan Murray, president, Pew Research Center

Topic:      Malaysia Flight 370: Families were Stunned This Week When They Received a Text Message Alerting Them About the Likely Demise of Their Loved Ones Aboard Flight 370. It Was a Case of Crisis Mis-Management by Malaysia Airlines. So How Should Corporations and Officials Manage the Flow of Information to the Media and Public While Protecting Their Public Image? We Talk to an Expert in the Field of Crisis Management About What Has Been Done Right and Wrong.
Guest:     Carreen Winters, executive vice president, MWW Group, JetBlue’s P.R. agency of record

Topic:      Just 16 Days Ago, the Objective Associated Press Said, “the White House needs something close to a miracle to meet its goal of enrolling 6 million people by the end of this month.” Conservative Media Outlets Have Been Undermining the Administration from the Get-Go. Now That the Six Million Mark Has Been Reached, Will It Get the Press Attention That it Deserves, or is This Another Case of Good News Not Being News At All?
Guest:     Elise Viebeck, staff writer, The Hill
Guest:     Sarah Kliff, senior editor, Vox Media

Topic:      Ben Richardson is the Latest Bloomberg Employee to Leave the Company in Response to the Spiking of a Story about Corruption Inside the Chinese Government. We Talk With Richardson About Why He Left and What This Situation Says About the Challenges of Covering China.
Guest:     Ben Richardson, former Bloomberg editor

Anchor:   Brian Stelter

All content, unless otherwise cited, is © All Things CNN and may not be used without consent of the blog administrator.


Anonymous said...

Hey you guys, check out the Wrap. The List is out for TV anchors and many CNN'ers are on the list. It's about most liked and least. Anderson Cooper finished just 1 point behind Scott Pelley for #1 when it comes to likability.

Anonymous said...

This is the last week for March 2014 ratings.
TV Newser has ratings that show Chicagoland
hurt CNN last night. CNN had fewer viewers
than MSNBC. However, CNN should finish
ahead of MSNBC for this month.

Anonymous said...

The missing Malaysia jet saved CNN this month. April is just around the corner so we don't know how long viewers with stick with the story. They could chose to tune out until there is new news about the story.

Anonymous said...

Sunday morning political shows are getting old really fast. Right now CBS Sunday Morning beats all of the political shows soundly. Sunday needs to be a day to give viewers a break from politics all of the time. For goodness sake, they do that too much already,it's not like we are getting much news from CNN.

Anonymous said...

March 2014 is already on the books. The networks know the ratings already. We will likely find out sometime tomorrow. What happened to the people who would crunch the numbers. They were pretty accurate with the ratings.

Ironically, CNN & AJAM will both be launching new shows on April 13, 2014 at 9 PM. CNN will begin the 3rd season of Parts Unknown while AJAM will start airing Borderland. Pretty sure that Anthony Bourdain will continue to be a hit for CNN. Not sure about Borderland.

Anonymous said...

The hottest story circulating is Lebron meet Ebony. Thanks to Twitter Ebony Nettles Bey, a high school basketball player battling stage 4 cancer was able to meet Lebron James. It' was simply beautiful. The Miami Heat organization rose to the occasion. She lead the team out on to the court, participated in the shoot around, was hanging out with Dwayne Wade. At the end of the game, Lebron gave her his shoes, jersey and headband. People care more about this story than Chris Christie or any other politician. ESPN was was the only major network to pick up on this story. Where is the humanity on cable news? We never get the stories that have meaning but plenty of ideology, which means nothing. Cable news has become a vast wasteland and not worth watching. Social media can lead to wonderful social action, Cable news can't do this. It choses to divide and spread hate.

Anonymous said...

This is to the over 65er who felt the need to inform us of the supposedly superior boomers. Here are a few lessons...

"Seniors have money. Some of us were lucky enough to have pensions and earned status the hard way, WORKING in one job for many years."

Do you know how many younger folks would love the stability of a job for life WITH a pension? It is not being offered to us because companies blew it all on seniors. We don't get the job for life because we are often downsized, right-sized, or economized out of a job. Don't get me started on how few offer pensions any more...

" It is NOT, an entitlement, though it is called that by the Republicans AND SOME lazy ignorant Democrats."

Well call me an ignorant Democrat. Put on your reading glasses and get on the Google and look it up. "Entitlement: noun - the fact of having a right to something." Another definition..."a right to benefits specified especially by law or contract" Btw, as a GenXer, I would like to have access to those entitlements in my retirement too so quit sucking it all up for yourself!! So let's talk about Medicare. Today's retirees will consume 3 TIMES MORE medical care than what they paid for. That's right. For every dollar you put in the system, you are taking out 3 dollars in medical care.

"In fact, we possibly are the richest retired generation of people ever before."
And you have the GALL to brag you are the richest generation?!?! After talking about all your pensions, social security, and medicare, WHICH IS NOT BEING MADE AVAILABLE TO THE REST OF US.

And the scariest part of all... "And here's something everyone is afraid of: We will live longer than former generations and WE VOTE....with our pocketbooks."
Now that is something that we agree on. However, I think you may be mistaken about the living longer part. Boomers are the most obese, most dependent on prescription pills, and the least physically active. Fact is, the life expectancy of Americans has been stalling out - mostly because of boomers who don't take care of themselves and then expect us young folks to pick up the tab for it.

So, stick to the talk of CNN and stop the inane lectures on Boomer superiority. As my paychek gets eaten up by SS and Medicare that I won't get, I don't want to hear about entitlements from the person who is spending that money.

Anonymous said...

Get ready for a series of battles between CNN &
AJAM. Both networks just won some National
Headliner Awards. CNN could use some serious
news competition. CNN better up it's game. Not
sure how long AJAM will remain under the radar
as the win some journalism awards.

Anonymous said...

TVN says the ratings come out tomorrow. They predict a 2nd place finish for CNN. Already Jeff Zucker is touting CNN Digital numbers. I'm telling you, someone needs to start a 24/7 live streaming news channel that is not a part of television. Make it so you don't have to even subscribe but can just go to and watch at anytime anywhere on multiple devices
Laptops, desktops) people can watch at work, smarphones, tablets. Heck you can even download apps with your smart TV.

Anonymous said...

I posted two well written replies to someone who accused me of "boomer superiority" and neither one was posted as an answer to this anons comment.
The only reason I posted the 65+
comment was to reply to another post which demeaned the 65 an older crowd.
It would be nice if at least one of my replies to 5:49 accusations
about Boomers in General, was posted.
This person made many generalities about a large group of people that was absolutely untrue, and I should be given the opportunity to "set the record straight."
I am a regular contributor to ATC.