Paula Zahn started with CNN almost 6 years ago with an incredible breaking story- September 11th.
It seems fitting that her last broadcast with CNN was also dominated by a breaking story – the Minnesota bridge collapse.

During the hand off between The Situation Room and Paula Zshn Now, Wolf Blitzer commended Zahn on her work at CNN.

At the end of the broadcast, they showed a great retrospective of her time at CNN.
And of course, Larry King had a few kind words to say to Zahn.

Two of her children were in the studio with her tonight (hiding behind a few computer screens on set.) Here are some of Zahn's final words as she signed off:
I came here in 2001 determined to report the news honestly, accurately, and without biased. ... I hope you have found this program interesting, useful, and fair. I hope I served you well. Again, thank you so much for the privilege of being welcomed into your home. Thank you for trusting me to bring you the news.
Professional and classy right up to the end. We wish her the best of luck!
Can you name this CNN journalist?
Post your guess in the comments. The identity of the Mystery Journalist will be revealed in Sunday night's post.
Wait a minute- it's not Friday, yet! Well, no, it's not. We've shuffled the schedule a little bit this week & Sapphire will be posting tomorrow night about the Minnesota bridge collapse coverage. I'll be back on Sunday night. Have a great weekend!
How ironical is that or is just a coincidence that she started with CNN in covering a tragedy and leaving the station covering another tragedy? Anyhow in her short stint with the network, I think she had done a good job.
It's been quite some time that I missed this game. I think the lips belong to Ms. Randi Kaye.
I think the mystery journalist is Randi Kaye.
It's Randi Kaye!
Oh, and how sad about Paula Zahn!! I've always really liked her. Wishing her all the best :)
Those lips are undoubtedly Randi Kaye's :) She is a fantastic journalist
I watched Paula's sign off. It was so touching, and it was indeed ironic that she bookended her CNN career with tragedies. So professional, all the best of luck to her.
BA - great post! I am really going to miss Paula Zahn. I really liked her and her show and I don't know what I am going to do with my 8 o'clock hour :P The retrospective was really moving. It is amazing to see just some of the things that have happened over the past 6 years.
It was really nice goodbye from Wolf and Larry. You can tell the all really liked working together and that they are sad to see her go. The reporters at CNN have such a bond created by the stories they cover.
The mystery journalist....yeah I am going with Randi Kaye too :P
Ditto on the Randi's lips!
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