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Friday, August 15, 2008

John King's Revealed

John King CNN The Situation Room May 21, 2008

CNN's John King was on the Stephanie Miller Show this morning talking about his upcoming 90 minute documentary on John McCain. You can listen to the 10 minute interview below or on the radio show's website.

CNN Revealed John McCain Barak Obama August 20, 2008

McCain Revealed airs on Wednesday, August 20th at 8PM ET. Obama Revealed will air immediately after at 9:30PM ET.

Earlier this week, a report from Fredricka Whitfield aired about her upcoming trip to the Olympics with her father, Mal Whitfield. The report has been posted on and can be seen below:

On this afternoon's CNN NewsRoom, Don Lemon interviewed both Fredricka and her father in the Atlanta studio. Below is a clip from the interview:

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1 comment:

Phebe said...

What a wonderful interview with Mr. Whitfield. I hope CNN airs many reports from Beijing about Fredricka's journey with her father.