Hi everyone! This is Tedi B. You normally see me over at All Things Anderson on occasion but I've been 'hired' to take over for the departing Sapphire. I'll be keeping you up to date on what CNNers are doing outside of CNN. This week we've got a couple of interesting things going on....
TJ Holmes Becoming An Actor??
Well, not exactly, but he is lending his voice to a character in new animated film for BET. According to the blog, Favorite Media, he will play Lusafo, a leader of a village of bullies. Sounds like a far cry from TJ himself! Here's a small clip from YouTube...
Auction Off Christiane Amanpour? But CNN Needs Her.

You could win a chance to meet Ms. Amanpour and also benefit the National Press Club's scholarship program! For more info check our the video.
Ali Velshi & the Mouth of the South (James Carville) Together at Last!
Both will speak at the Mississippi State University Leadership Summit Sept. 29/30. Mr. Carville's wife, Mary Matalin will also be speaking. More info check out the MSU site.
David Gergen Advices More Than Just Presidents, You Know

Mr. Gergen will be the keynote speaker for the Catholic Charities annual convention in Oregon. Held from Sept. 23-26, will focus on "The Journey to Reduce Poverty". For more information please check out the complete article about the event HERE.
Well, that's it for me today! Have a great week and I'll see you back here next Wednesday.
Welcome to ATC Tedi B. and nice job on your first 'Out of the Box'. I love the TJ cartoon.
Great post Tedi B!
TJ,Betty, Kate, Elaine and other 20 and 30
somethings at CNN need to be more involved.
They have some real talented journalists who
need to be a major part of the big stories. More
so than the pundits.
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