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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fareed Zakaria talks about terrorism

This morning on GPS, Fareed Zakaria gave an interesting opinion about how we react to terrorism events. Definitely worth a watch:

Interestingly, Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Tom Toles (syndicated by the Washington Post) had this in today's paper:

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Anonymous said...

As Jon Stewart so aptly put it,"The only foreign countries Americans know about, are the ones who try to attack us."

Anonymous said...

I say we watch and learn from Israel. Israel knows how to deal with terrorism on a daily basis and for the most part, she has survived because of her strength and resistance.
Terrorism is only new to us and if 9/11 had never occurred we'd still be in denial. Now is the time to watch and study how other successful democracies have handled it and learn from them.

Cyn said...

I am so tired of the hide-under-your-beds attitude. Where has American courage gone? Not the "We'll get him, dead or alive" and "Bring it on" bravado garbage, but just the "No one is going to make me cower in fear" strength of character.

We have given the terrorists exactly what they wanted. What a shame.