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11:28 PM
Even though I know that the CNN weather travel update bar on their graphics is temporary, it's still too much!
I absolutely love CNN's New Day flat, light blue colored graphics bar. It is clear to read and all the words are CAPITALIZED. It should be used as the permanent graphics for all CNN's programs. Just simply the light blue bar with the red CNN logo inside the silver box. LIVE bug appears on top only with city name. Get rid of everything else. When there is major breaking news, change it from light blue to red. All very simple and neat. Listen more, read less.
Yes, Alec Baldwin is absolutely right, according to TVN.
And I am no fan of Alec Baldwin.
He did say what he said and people like Andrew Sullivan demanded he be off the air and MSNBC followed Sullivan's rant and fired Baldwin, only after five episodes.
MSNBC didn't do the same for Bashir and he said much worse insulting things about Ms Palin, ON THE AIR!
MSNBS has the right to hire and fire whomever they want. But when they show favoritism and act like the sexists they are, Alec Baldwin is correct.
MSNBC favors gay rights issues and their agenda, and doesn't consider the rights of women, such as Sarah Palin, and I am no fan of Ms Palin.
And now I'm no fan of MSNBC, as well.
Lara Logan has been asked to take a leave of absence from '60 Minutes' after her failed apology on the Benghazi story.
Her producer also said that he would accept part of the blame.
I don't see why either of them have to take a leave of absence.
Lara's apology should have put the tall tale to rest.
Yes, he was an unreliable source and she should have double checked his credibility, which she clearly did not.
However, not all stories come with the same amount of accountability attached to it.
Benghazi was a "hot" story to track, right from the beginning.
And other reporters on 60 Minutes are known to "play it safe," chasing celebs and crocodiles.
Crocs don't talk back and celebs eat up the exposure.
When and if Lara returns, I hope SHE is wise enough to demand equal accountability in reporting
the "softer" tales of woe.
This too, should be fair and balanced.
Alec Baldwin rightfully kicked off MSNBC for being a vile bigot and Lara Logan and producer forced to take a leave of absence for shoddy, fraudulent reporting and taking their cues from the GOP. I hope she's fired like Dan Rather (who shouldn't have been). All in all a good day for news watchers.
Dan Rather sued CBS for firing him and he lost, big time.
He should have been fired and all networks can fire whomever they choose.
Rather has become painfully annoying. I can't stand to listen to him no matter what the topic.
He was the go to person for many decades but he took himself too seriously, and thought he was the answer to all things media.
I'm glad he's gone.
He and Walter Cronkite never got along....maybe because Dan Rather thought he WAS, Walter Cronkite.
Bigotry comes in a lot of forms.
Alec Baldwin was no worse a bigot
than was Martin Bashir, whose language about Sarah Palin was absolutely disgusting, and yet he didn't lose a thing.
Both were vile, but one was on air, Bashir, and one was said randomly.
That does not make it right and it also doesn't make it fair.
Martin Bashir should lose his job as well, as Alec Baldwin...that is the point.
Having had nothing else to watch, there are only hundreds of channels on cable, I tuned to the 'Kelly File' on Fox News.
She was interviewing a panel of recent college graduates
There was background info on all of them and their political status, before they were chosen.
It was a mixture of ethnicity.
Some were more civic minded and politically aligned than others.
Megyn tried her very best to get them to say, that it was hard to find enployment because of President Obama's 'failed' policies including that of Obamacare.
But she failed. Yes, Megyn Kelly failed at something, although we did learn that she was a telemarketer at one time, named Rachel.
Even the parents of these graduates would not commit to actually blaming Obama for their children's lack of employment or underemployment after college.
What was most troubling about Megyn's program was her reference to "entitlements," Social Security and Medicare.
She knew very well that they are NOT entitlements....they are programs that the EMPLOYED pay into so that eventually, they will be ENTITLED to be eligible for collecting a specified amount of their OWN MONEY, in retirement.
Unfortunately this group was not
'savvy' enough, parents included, to actually "take her on," and that's exactly what Fox wanted.
A group that was mixed, somewhat educated, but ill informed.
What we've all come to know as, Americans.
After what seemed like EYONS of decades, Erin Burnett finally gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Surprisingly, he only weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces. It 'seemed' like one of the longest human gestation
periods ever recorded.
I see nothing wrong in Chris Cuomo
interviewing his brother Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the State of NY.
They spoke candidly about the train accident and what could have caused the derailment, operator error, the tracks themselves, or the use of faulty equipment, such as the brake linings on the Metro North.
The Metro-North is a very popular train connecting the regional boroughs of NY City with the city
Nothing was said in the interview that would lead us to believe that the brothers Cuomo did or said, anything improper.
If anything, Andrew was a bit more relaxed and did reveal that tree debris fell into the train, which caused mutiple injuries
because the windows and doors were smashed upon impact.
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