SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Airs Saturday 4:30PM – 5:00PM
11:00pm – 12:00am Global Lessons: Putting America to Work
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6:18 PM
From September's Men's Journal:
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1:18 AM
Labels: Rob Marciano
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10:19 PM
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2:25 AM
On Wednesday night Anderson Cooper announced 360 had obtained exclusive information about the climate that lead up to Ambassador Chris Steven's death in Benghazi. Little did viewers know at the time that the source was the deceased Ambassador's own journal. Here's the video from Wednesday's AC360:
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9:16 AM
Labels: Anderson Cooper, Phillippe Reines
SATURDAY, September 22, 2012
SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Airs Saturday 4:30PM – 5:00PM
The head of the country’s biggest cancer center announced on Friday that they’re ready to radically cut deaths from cancer, in the next few years. This week on ‘Sanjay Gupta MD’, Sanjay has an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at this vow – the first part in a series at MD Anderson. Also, a discouraging study about the most popular diet supplements is claiming that supplements like Omega-3 fatty acids do not help prevent heard disease. Sanjay talks with Physician Nutrition Specialist Dr. Melina Jampolis, who tells him: don’t drop those pills just yet.
Topic: Politics
Guest: Ron Brownstein, CNN Senior Political Analyst; Editorial Director, The National Journal
Topic: Middle East
Guest: Fran Townsend, CNN National Security Contributor
Topic: Middle East
Guest: Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst; Author, Manhunt
Anchor: Wolf Blitzer
CRUISE TO DISASTER – Airs Saturday 8:00PM – 9:00PM and 11:00PM (Sunday 2:00AM)
CNN senior international correspondent Dan Rivers investigates safety issues within the cruise industry – specifically focusing on the January 13, 2012, Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster off the Italian coast, which claimed the lives of 32 passengers and crew members. Rivers takes an in-depth look at the multiple failures and consequences of that night by interviewing several surviving passengers as well as Costa CEO Pier Luigi Foschi and ship captain Francesco Schettino’s lawyer. International Maritime Organization Secretary General Koji Sekimizu and U.S. Senator Jay Rockefeller speak about the safety issues raised by the disaster.
SUNDAY, September 23, 2012
SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Airs Sunday 7:30AM – 8:00AM
The head of the country’s biggest cancer center announced on Friday that they’re ready to radically cut deaths from cancer, in the next few years. This week on ‘Sanjay Gupta MD’, Sanjay has an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at this vow – the first part in a series at MD Anderson. Also, a discouraging study about the most popular diet supplements is claiming that supplements like Omega-3 fatty acids do not help prevent heard disease. Sanjay talks with Physician Nutrition Specialist Dr. Melina Jampolis, who tells him: don’t drop those pills just yet.
Topics: 2012 Politics; Democratic Agenda; Immigration Reform; U.S. Troop Drawdown in Afghanistan
Guest: Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Majority Whip
Topics: 2012 Politics; Republican Agenda; Agenda; Immigration Reform; U.S. Troop Drawdown in Afghanistan
Guest: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), member, Armed Services Committee
Topics: State Dept. Ad Campaign in Pakistan; Libya; Anti-American Violence; Congressional Fight Over Foreign Aid
Guest: Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), chairman, House Intelligence Committee
Anchor: Candy Crowley
FAREED ZAKARIA GPS – Airs 10:00AM – 11:00AM and 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Topic: Why should voters give President Obama a second term? What should the U.S. and the international community do about Syria? What should the U.S. do about the recent rise in “green on blue” attacks in Afghanistan? Will Israel strike Iran? What is the appropriate response to the violent reactions to the anti-Muslim film in Libya, Egypt and in other countries across the Muslim World?
Guest: Bill Clinton, former President of the United States
Topics: Religious extremism – have we reached a tipping point for the current crisis? Will the current reactions to the anti-Muslim film change the way future anti-Muslim insults are managed by Middle East governments – and extremist groups?
Guest: Salman Rushdie, author Critical Insights: Salman Rushdie (2013)
Anchor: Fareed Zakaria
Topics: Media Coverage of Romney Hidden Camera Tape; New Book
Guest: Bob Woodward, The Washington Post; author, “The Price of Politics”
Topics: Media Coverage of Romney Hidden Camera Tape
Guest: Peter Baker, The New York Times
Guest: Lynn Sweet, The Chicago Sun-Times
Topics: Partisan Split Over the Romney Tape, Fall Out for the Campaign and Media
Guest: Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post’s “Right Turn” Blog
Guest: Bill Press, host, “The Bill Press Show”
Host: Howard Kurtz
THE NEXT LIST – Sunday 2:00PM – 2:30PM
This week ‘The Next List’ profiles neuroscientist and best selling author David Eagleman who is wrestling with some of the most profound questions of our existence: What is time? What is consciousness? How does the human brain construct reality? Whether he’s peering into the mind of a mass murderer or spinning tales of the afterlife, as head of the Laboratory for Perception and Action at Baylor Medical College in Houston, Eagleman and his students are pursuing some 50 different projects on the human brain.
GLOBAL LESSONS: PUTTING AMERICA TO WORK – Airs Sunday 8:00PM – 9:00PM and 11:00PM (Monday 2:00AM)
The 2012 U.S. election will pivot, in large part, on perceptions of the status of the economic recovery, which most people view in terms of improved jobs numbers. Economic experts now predict it may take as long as 60 months for America to return to pre-2008 employment levels. CNN’s and Time’s Fareed Zakaria says a “patchwork system of job training programs” are why the U.S. has 3.5 million unfilled jobs and takes an in-depth look at public-private partnerships and industrial policies in Germany, the Netherlands, Charlotte, NC, Chicago, IL, and Albany, NY, for models of job engines. Zakaria interviews Philips CEO Frans van Houten, Dr. Alain Kaloyeros, CEO of the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at The University at Albany-SUNY, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Frits Van Paasschen, president & CEO of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., discusses growth prospects for perhaps the ultimate “un-outsourcable” American industry: tourism.
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SATURDAY, September 15, 2012
SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Airs Saturday 4:30PM – 5:00PM
This week Sanjay Gupta MD is live from Malibu ahead of this year’s finale of Fit Nation. Sanjay and the “Lucky 7” viewers, who have trained all year, will compete in the Nautica Malibu Triathlon. Sanjay will talk with 4-time world Ironman champion Chrissie Wellington about her advice to athletes on how to get better results by training less. Also, New York mayor Michael Bloomberg talks with Sanjay about the city’s just-passed ban on selling large-size sodas – 20 ounces or more
Topic: Mideast Turmoil
Guest: Nick Kristof, columnist, New York Times
Topic: Libya fallout
Guest: Peter Bergen, CNN national security analyst
Anchor: Wolf Blitzer
SUNDAY, September 16, 2012
SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Airs Sunday 7:30AM – 8:00AM
This week Sanjay Gupta MD is live from Malibu ahead of this year’s finale of Fit Nation. Sanjay and the “Lucky 7” viewers, who have trained all year, will compete in the Nautica Malibu Triathlon. Sanjay will talk with 4-time world Ironman champion Chrissie Wellington about her advice to athletes on how to get better results by training less. Also, New York mayor Michael Bloomberg talks with Sanjay about the city’s just-passed ban on selling large-size sodas – 20 ounces or more
Topics: Democratic Agenda; Campaign 2012
Guest: Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Minority Leader
Anchor: Candy Crowley
FAREED ZAKARIA GPS – Airs 10:00AM – 11:00AM and 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Topics: Is there a danger events in the Middle East and North Africa will escalate and we’ll see a repeat of 1979 in Tehran? What can the U.S. be doing in the region? What should it be doing?
Guest: Zbigniew Brzezinski, PhD, former National Security Advisor (Carter Administration), Presidential Medal of Freedom Honoree (1981), counselor and trustee, Center for Strategic & International Studies
Topics: Foreign policy panel: What should the U.S. do about the violent protests on American consulates and embassies in Libya, Yemen, Egypt, etc.? Are the protestors – or more organized extremist groups to blame for the violence? Why won’t the moderates criticize the extremists? Are these events a negative by-product of President Bush’s “freedom agenda”? Has President Obama’s response been the right one?
Guest: Tariq Ramadan, professor of contemporary Islamic studies, Oxford University
Guest: Bernard-Henri Lévy, French philosopher, author Public Enemies (2011)
Guest: Paul Wolfowitz, former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense (George W Bush Administration)
Topics: Obama’s Way: how the President makes decisions, what day-to-day Presidential life is likeGuest: Michael Lewis, former Wall Street bond trader, Vanity Fair contributing editor, best-selling author – The New New Thing: A Silicon Valley Story (2013)
Anchor: Fareed Zakaria
Topics: Political and Media Fallout from Events in the Middle East
Guest: Amy Holmes, Glenn Beck TV
Guest: Ryan Lizza, New Yorker; CNN contributor
Guest: Clarence Page, Chicago Tribune
Topics: Covering Libya
Guest: Paul Farhi, The Washington Post
Topics: Debut of Katie Couric’s New Daytime Talk Show
Guest: Gail Shister, TVNewser
Guest: Adam Buckman, TV critic, Xfinity and TV Howl
Host: Howard Kurtz
THE NEXT LIST – Sunday 2:00PM – 2:30PM
This week “The Next List” profiles Juan Sostheim, a pioneer in scalable sustainable living. As founder of Rancho Margot, a luxury eco-tourist resort, educational facility and organic farm in Costa Rica, he’s demonstrating that “living off the grid” is not only possible, but practical for large scale communities.
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3:45 PM
Sara Sidner is moving to CNN’s Jerusalem bureau as senior international correspondent, the network announced today.
Sidner will join CNN’s contingent of correspondents across the region, as the network underlines its commitment to Israel and the Middle East. In addition to its Jerusalem bureau, CNN has a production hub in Abu Dhabi as well as major operations in Amman, Cairo, Baghdad, Dubai and Beirut, where just last week the network added both a correspondent and producer/shooter.
Parisa Khosravi, Senior Vice President for CNN Worldwide in charge of International Newsgathering, said: “Sara’s drive, commitment, bravery and intelligence shines through in her reporting. Her work in Libya last year was truly inspiring, and I know that she will bring many valuable qualities to our Jerusalem bureau.”
Sidner shared the Achievement of the Year award at the 2011 Sky Women in Film & TV Awards for her reporting during the conflict in Libya. The WFT panel praised the example she had set to colleagues by taking to the streets alongside rebel fighters and reporting under fire in Tripoli.
With more than 15 years of television journalism experience, she has covered many stories of national and international importance, including the Mumbai terrorist attacks, the Pakistan floods, the Chile and Haiti earthquakes and Afghanistan’s elections. Most recently she has been based in New Delhi, where she was responsible for CNN’s coverage of India and South Asia.
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4:58 PM
Labels: Parisa Khosravi, Sara Sidner
*denotes special programming one or more nights
Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
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10:25 PM
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10:20 PM
Labels: Anderson Cooper, Tom Foreman, Wolf Blitzer
SATURDAY, September 08, 2012
SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Airs Saturday 4:30PM – 5:00PM
This week on Sanjay Gupta MD, more than 3,000 former NFL players and their families are suing the league over head injuries. Sanjay looks at evidence and discusses the side effects of concussions. In addition, Sanjay speaks to a mother whose daughter was killed while texting and driving, one day before high school graduation. Finally, Sanjay will be looking at the “Surrogate Sisters” to explain how surrogacy works.
Topic: Economics, New Jobs Numbers
Guest: Stephen Moore, Sr. Economics Writer, Wall Street Journal
Topic: Economics, New Jobs Numbers
Guest: Neera Tanden, President, Center for American Progress
Topic: What’s To Come in Race for White House
Guest: Ryan Lizza, CNN Contributor/Washington Correspondent, The New Yorker
Topic: What’s To Come in Race for White House
Guest: Jeff Zeleny, National Political Correspondent, The New York Times
Anchor: Wolf Blitzer
CRISIS IN SYRIA: INSIDE ALEPPO – Airs Saturday 7:30PM – 8:00PM
CNN’s Nick Paton Walsh takes us on a journey to see what people living in the most populated Syrian city, Aleppo, are facing day to day. As the death toll from the civil war continues to climb, danger and many times death seem inevitable. In this rebel held territory, the sounds of gunfire and bombs haunt the streets. It’s hard to sleep at night when you don’t know when the next attack is coming or whom the next victim may be. And for those suffering with injuries, the hospitals seem ill-equipped to handle their wounds. This is their new reality. This is life inside Aleppo.
FOOTNOTES OF 9/11 – Airs Saturday 8:00PM – 10:00PM and 11:00PM – 12:00AM (Sunday 2:00AM)
CNN investigative correspondent Drew Griffin reports on the people who went to work on 9/11 – and unexpectedly became part of history. Each of the eight people profiled by investigative correspondent Drew Griffin for this documentary is mentioned in The 9/11 Commission Report – their unique experiences are drawn from the 1,742 footnotes of that report and offer critical detail to the tragic events of that day – they are literal and figurative footnotes to one of America’s darkest days. They include ticket agents who checked in some of the terrorists, a maintenance technician who answered a call from one of the planes under attack, and the Lt. Col. in the Massachusetts Air National Guard – also a United Airlines pilot – who scrambled to provide defense to New York, and faced possibly having to shoot down a passenger plane.
SUNDAY, September 09, 2012
SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Airs Sunday 7:30AM – 8:00AM
This week on Sanjay Gupta MD, more than 3,000 former NFL players and their families are suing the league over head injuries. Sanjay looks at evidence and discusses the side effects of concussions. In addition, Sanjay speaks to a mother whose daughter was killed while texting and driving, one day before high school graduation. Finally, Sanjay will be looking at the “Surrogate Sisters” to explain how surrogacy works.
Topic: Debriefing the DNC
Guest: Gov. Jerry Brown, D-CA State of the Union exclusive
Topic: The role of government in American life
Guest: Newt Gingrich, former GOP presidential candidate State of the Union exclusive
Topic: Building the economy
Guest: Carlos Guiterrez, former U.S. Secretary of Commerce (George W. Bush Administration)
Guest: Austin Ligon, co-founder / former CEO, CarMax, Inc. and private equity investor
Topic: This week’s DNC – and looking ahead to the November elections
Guest: Peter Baker, The New York Times
Guest: A.B. Stoddard, The Hill
Anchor: Candy Crowley
FAREED ZAKARIA GPS – Airs 10:00AM – 11:00AM and 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Topic: Foreign policy panel: What does the green on blue violence mean in Afghanistan? What should the U.S. and the international community do about Syria? Will Israel strike Iran? Will Iran submit to comprehensive nuclear inspections? Is Iran aiding the Syrian regime?
Guest: Richard Haass, PhD, president of the Council on Foreign Relations
Guest: Ambassador Martin Indyk, PhD, vice president and director, foreign policy program, Brookings Institution
Guest: Anne-Marie Slaughter, D.Phil, dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, former Director of Policy Planning for the U.S. State Department of State (Barack Obama Administration)
Topics: Economics panel: will Americans be better off four years from now? Is the economy on the upswing?
Guest: Roger Altman, American private equity investor
Guest: Niall Ferguson, D.Phil, professor, Harvard University; Newsweek columnist
Topic: Red and Blue math: which party will prevail in the U.S. elections this November? What are the determining factors?
Guest: Nate Silver, political statistician
Anchor: Fareed Zakaria
Topics: Convention Coverage – including how President Obama’s speech played out in the media
Guest: Bob Cusack, managing editor, The Hill
Guest: Jane Hall, associate professor, American University School of Communications
Guest: Jackie Kucinich, political reporter, USA Today
Topic: Convention Coverage – political angles
Guest: Matt Lewis, senior contributor,
Guest: Michelle Cottle, Washington correspondent, Newsweek/The Daily Beast
Topic: Are campaign reporters becoming to whiny?
Guest: Lois Romano, Politico
Guest: Erik Wemple, The Washington Post
Host: Howard Kurtz
THE NEXT LIST – Sunday 2:00PM – 2:30PM
This week on “The Next List”: Brian O’Hanlon, Founder and President of Open Blue. The lure of the open ocean has long been the stuff of poetry. For Brian O’Hanlon, it led to his life’s work. Open Blue is the largest open ocean fish farm in the world. In fact, O’Hanlon is a pioneer in raising fish far out at sea. O’Hanlon believes that the depth of the water and swift currents make for a much healthier environment to raise fish than traditional farms near shore or on land.
ROMNEY REVEALED: FAMILY, FAITH AND THE ROAD TO POWER – Airs Sunday 8:00PM – 9:30PM and 11:00PM – 12:30AM (Monday 2:00AM)
CNN chief political analyst Gloria Borger reports for Romney Revealed, speaking with Ann and Mitt Romney, and eldest son, Tagg, exploring the lessons Mitt Romney learned while growing up in a family that has been in the public eye for the last 50 years – and the 2012 presidential candidate. George Romney was a three-term Republican governor of Michigan who ran unsuccessfully for the presidency in 1968. Romney’s mother, Lenore, ran for the U.S. Senate in 1970, with the young Mitt Romney by her side. Borger looks beyond Mitt Romney’s political biography into the key chapters of his personal and business life, speaking with Romney’s childhood friends, traveling to France to retrace his days as a Mormon missionary, and to Belmont, Massachusetts, where he was a church leader. In additional interviews, she speaks with fellow 2002 Olympics organizers and former Bain colleagues, such as Fraser Bullock, an early member of Bain and COO of the Salt Lake City games, and to Beth Myers, Romney’s chief of staff during his tenure as Massachusetts governor, the head of his 2008 campaign, and the person who vetted his vice-presidential pick. Also interviewed are current and former political figures such as former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), who discusses Romney’s 1994 U.S. Senate challenge to his father, Ted Kennedy. Discussing Romney’s presidential races are 2012 senior campaign adviser Eric Fehrnstrom, 2008 campaign media adviser and CNN contributor Alex Castellanos, and CNN contributor Erick Erickson, among others.
OBAMA REVEALED: The Man, The President – Airs Sunday 9:30PM – 11:00PM and 12:30AM – 2:00AM (Monday 3:30AM)
When President Barack Obama came into office he faced towering expectations, a severe economic crisis, and a bitterly divided nation. Obama Revealed, reported by CNN chief White House correspondent Jessica Yellin, looks at the pros and cons of President Obama’s cool demeanor and what happened when his lofty goals met the realities of Washington. In an exclusive interview, Yellin speaks with President Barack Obama about his time in office, the challenges he faced, and his ambitions for a second term. Included are interviews with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, former director of the White House Economic Council Dr. Larry Summers, and former chairs of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers Austan Goolsbee and Dr. Christina Romer. Yellin also interviews members of the president’s inner circle of confidantes including senior campaign strategist David Axelrod, senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, and long-time personal aide Reggie Love. These voices tell the inside story behind the president’s efforts to solve the nation’s economic crisis, push for health care reform, and kill Osama bin Laden. In separate exclusive interviews, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) offer their sharp perspectives on working with the president and the failure to bring Republicans and Democrats together in Washington. Obama biographer and Washington Post associate editor David Maraniss, Rice University professor and historian Douglas Brinkley, and New York Times chief White House correspondent David Sanger add independent insights from their research.
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* denotes special programming one or more nights
Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
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9:58 PM
Thanks to an anonymous tipster here's a sneak peak at CNN's new DC studio, courtesy of We've paraphrased a bit of the article below but please follow the link for the entire read.
CNN’s D.C. Bureau is about to debut its new, 2,200-square-foot HD studio, featuring three large video walls and two “magic walls,” plus a glass divider to create two smaller studios, the new digs were constructed to accommodate various configurations and programming. It holds 109 monitors and 2,000 feet of cabling— upon entrance from the left side is the first “magic wall,” which is one of CNN’s two 82- inch touch screens from Perceptive Pixel.
It also has a Christie Digital Systems Video Wall that will be used for glamour shots of D.C. landmarks, various video images and moving graphics accents.
The studio includes a 32-monitor video wall that can be divided in halves via the retractable glass wall (with a built-in shade) at the studio’s midsection, thus creating separate 1,100-square-foot production areas.
On the right side of Studio A/B is the other magic wall, plus an 18-monitor video wall that will be used to display the electoral vote on election night, among other news items. Two moveable monitors round out the assemblage of screens in A/B and give CNN options for an “infinite” number of configurations.
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3:56 PM