Rating calculations are weekly averages based on nightly ratings provided by TVNewser with data by Nielsen Media Research. Numbers reflect Live and same day (DVR) data.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Ratings For the Week of January 23 - 27
Posted by
9:02 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
Tuesday's Election Coverage
7:00PM – 11:00PM: America's Choice 2012: The Florida Primary (Live)
11:00PM – Midnight: Anderson Cooper 360 - Special Edition (Live)
Midnight – 1:00AM: Piers Morgan Tonight (Live)
1:00AM – 2:00AM Anderson Cooper 360 - Special Edition
2:00AM – 3:00AM Piers Morgan Tonight
3:00AM – 4:00AM Anderson Cooper 360 - Special Edition
4:00AM – 5:00AM Piers Morgan Tonight
Posted by
8:00 AM
Friday, January 27, 2012
This Weekend's Programming 1/28/12
SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Saturday and Sunday 7:30AM – 8:00AM
CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta focuses on concussion in two sports Americans love – football and soccer. Dr. Gupta interviews former NFL Detroit Lion Lamar Campbell about his multiple concussions throughout his playing days. He now suffers memory loss and chronic migraines and is dedicated to helping other former professional athletes find life after the NFL. Dr. Gupta also interviews professional soccer player Brandi Chastain about her experiences playing the sport she loves despite sustaining concussions during the course of play.
CNN PRESENTS (SATURDAY at 8:00pm, 11:00pm, and 2:00am)
CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Brooke Baldwin host a 2-story magazine program. Correspondent Kaj Larson reports from Honduras with a rare behind-the-scenes look at US Drug Enforcement Administration operations there trying to stem the flow of an estimated 25 tons a month of cocaine bound for the US. Also, correspondent Deb Feyerick tries to untangle the extremely complicated case of a former NYC police officer convicted of murder – but in a series of twists and emerging information, and the officer’s overturned conviction – the case continues to raise questions about evidence suppression, witness tampering, justified defense, and judicial fairness.
SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Saturday and Sunday 7:30AM – 8:00AM
CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta focuses on concussion in two sports Americans love – football and soccer. Dr. Gupta interviews former NFL Detroit Lion Lamar Campbell about his multiple concussions throughout his playing days. He now suffers memory loss and chronic migraines and is dedicated to helping other former professional athletes find life after the NFL. Dr. Gupta also interviews professional soccer player Brandi Chastain about her experiences playing the sport she loves despite sustaining concussions during the course of play.
Topic: 2012 Politics
Guest: Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), presidential candidate
Topics: Florida GOP Politics; Preview of Tuesday’s Primary
Guest: Gov. Rick Scott: (R) Florida
Topic: The Latino Vote
Guest: Carlos Gutierrez: Former Commerce Secretary
Guest: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa: (D) Los Angeles
Topics: State of the Union Address Reaction; Senate Agenda; State of the GOP; 2012 Politics
Guest: Sen. Mitch McConnell
Anchor: Candy Crowley
FAREED ZAKARIA GPS – Airs 10:00AM – 11:00AM and 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Topics: Will the U.S. economy grow, and unemployment drop, in 2012? Was Mr. Geithner’s decision not to serve a second term with President Obama his own – or the President’s? Will China reform its economy?
Guest: Timothy Geithner, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury -- A Fareed Zakaria GPS Sunday Exclusive
Topics: Is the U.S. economy rebounding? What will happen with the euro? What is the state of the Arab world, a little over one year since the ‘Arab Spring’ began? Does China need to bail out Europe? How should the GOP deal with the economic inequality problem?
Guest: Niall Ferguson, PhD, professor, Harvard University School of Business; Newsweek columnist
Guest: Wadah Khanfar, President of the Sharq Forum, former Director General of the Al Jazeera Network
Guest: Kishore Mahbubani, Dean and Professor in Public Policy for The Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore
Anchor: Fareed Zakaria
Topics: Gingrich Takes on the Media; State of the Union Speech Reaction
Guest: Jeff Greenfield, PBS
Guest: Jackie Kucinich, USA Today
Guest: Mark Barabak, The Los Angeles Times
Topic: Florida Primary Preview
Guest: Kathleen Parker, The Washington Post
Guest: Clarence Page, Chicago Tribune
Topic: Google Changes Privacy Policy
Guest: Mark Potts, Internet media consultant
Host: Howard Kurtz
THE NEXT LIST – Sunday 2:00PM – 2:30PM
Anchor Dr. Sanjay Gupta meets Ubaldo Vitali, a fourth generation master silversmith and recent recipient of a Macarthur genius grant. Vitali is teaching the world to stop, listen, and look at unparalleled pieces of art. As new technology permeates our daily lives, Vitali is working hard to push forward a centuries old practice.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Reports: Big Hits, Broken Dreams (SUNDAY at 8:00pm, 11:00pm, and 2:00am)
Football is a way of life at many high schools across America, and that’s true at JH Rose High School in Greenville, North Carolina, as well. But football glory has come at a cost for JH Rose. In the fall of 2008, Jaquan Waller, a JH Rose junior, died from "second impact syndrome," a fatal swelling of the brain that occurred when he took a blow to his head before his first concussion injury had healed, just weeks later Matt Gfeller, a sophomore at Reynolds High School in neighboring Winston-Salem, NC, died from a single concussion. And even last year, the J.H. Rose Rampants lost their star quarterback when his fourth football-related concussion took him out of the game forever. CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta speaks with the coaches, parents and kids trying to learn how to prevent this danger in youth sports.
Posted by
9:47 PM
CNN's GOP FL. Debate Was #1 Last Night
CNN.com page views & video highest of last five CNN debates
According to Nielsen Fast National data, CNN's Florida debate (8-10p, ET), moderated by Wolf Blitzer delivered 5.4 million total viewers and 1.7 million in the key target demographic 25-54 last night, Thursday, January 26. This represents CNN's best debate yet this election cycle in the key demo and second best among total viewers (behind the Las Vegas GOP debate on 10/18). Last night's debate ranked fourth among all primary debates so far this cycle in the key demo (including broadcast) and second among cable-only debates (behind only FNC's 12/15 debate).
CNN was, by far, top rated during the 8-10p, ET time period last night among the cable news networks in both total viewers and the key demo. CNN topped FNC among total viewers by 160% (5.4m vs. 2.1m) and MSNBC by 444% (5.4m vs. 985k). In the target demo CNN topped FNC by 330% (1.7m vs. 405k) and MSNBC by 702% (1.7m vs. 217k).
During the west coast primetime airing (8-10p, PT/11p-1a, ET replay), CNN had an additional 1.2 million total viewers and 562k in the key demographic 25-54.
With post-debate analysis, Anderson Cooper 360 easily outperformed its cable news competition at 10p. AC360 topped FNC’s On the Record among total viewers by 30% (2.5m vs. 1.9m) and MSNBC’s Last Word by 130% (2.5m vs. 1.1m). In the target demo AC360 topped FNC by 88% (895k vs. 477k) and MSNBC by 261% (895k vs. 248k).
Posted by
8:26 PM
Dr. Gupta's ‘Big Hits, Broken Dreams’ on Sunday Night
‘Dr. Sanjay Gupta Reports’ documentary debuts Sunday, January 29, 8:00pm ET
Posted by
12:11 AM
Thursday, January 26, 2012
CNN's Florida Republican Debate
All Images David S. Holloway / CNN
Highlight from Debate - Newt Gingrich criticizes Wolf Blitzer's question about wealth, and Wolf responds back during the CNN GOP debate in Jacksonville, Florida
BLITZER: We're continuing the debate here in Jacksonville, Florida.
Let's get to the issue of transparency, because voters out there, they want to know as much about you four gentlemen as possible before they vote.
Tax returns -- let me bring this to Speaker Gingrich.
Earlier this week, you said Governor Romney, after he released his taxes, you said that you were satisfied with the level of transparency of his personal finances when it comes to this. And I just want to reiterate and ask you, are you satisfied right now with the level of transparency as far as his personal finances?
GINGRICH: Wolf, you and I have a great relationship, it goes back a long way. I'm with him. This is a nonsense question.
GINGRICH: Look, how about if the four of us agree for the rest of the evening, we'll actually talk about issues that relate to governing America?
BLITZER: But, Mr. Speaker, you made an issue of this, this week, when you said that, "He lives in a world of Swiss bank and Cayman Island bank accounts." I didn't say that. You did.
GINGRICH: I did. And I'm perfectly happy to say that on an interview on some TV show. But this is a national debate, where you have a chance to get the four of us to talk about a whole range of issues.
BLITZER: But if you make a serious accusation against Governor Romney like that, you need to explain that.

Posted by
10:47 PM
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
CNN's Florida Republican Debate
Just days before Florida Republicans go to the polls to choose their nominee, the GOP presidential hopefuls will meet for a final debate hosted by CNN, the Republican Party of Florida and the Hispanic Leadership Network. CNN lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer will moderate the two-hour presidential debate which will take place at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville on Thursday, January 26 at 8 p.m. ET.
Blitzer, John King, Erin Burnett and Soledad O’Brien will anchor their respective programs live and in Jacksonville on the days surrounding the CNN debate. Anderson Cooper will anchor special, post-debate coverage.
Reporting from Florida in the final days before the primary will be chief political correspondent Candy Crowley, anchor Brooke Baldwin, national political correspondent Jim Acosta, senior political correspondent Joe Johns, correspondent Ed Lavandera, Miami-based correspondent John Zarrella, and CNN Radio’s Bob Costantini. On the campaign trail covering the GOP candidates are reporter-at-large Peter Hamby, political reporter Shannon Travis, and political producers Rachel Streitfeld and Shawna Shepherd. CNN chief political analyst Gloria Borger, senior political analyst David Gergen and CNN political contributors Alex Castellanos, Donna Brazile, Ari Fleisher, John Avlon will be on hand in Jacksonville to offer insight and analysis for all programming.
Four presidential contenders will participate in Thursday’s debate: former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum. In addition to questions posed to the candidates by Blitzer and Florida Republicans in the audience, CNN will solicit questions and comments submitted in real-time from CNN.com, the CNN Politics fan page on Facebook and by using the #CNNDebate hashtag on Twitter.
Posted by
4:22 PM
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
TDS, Newt's Win & John King
We're big John King fans around here so this wasn't our favorite TDS moment. Since we are ALL Things CNN we need to share the good, the bad and the ugly.
Posted by
3:26 PM
Labels: John King
CNN Coverage of Tonight's SOTU
State of the Union Address and GOP Response
Special Edition of AC 360 to Follow
Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer will lead CNN’s coverage of the State of the Union beginning at 8 pm tonight along with John King and Candy Crowley. President Obama’s State of the Union Address will begin at 9:00 pm. The GOP response with Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels will follow.
Blitzer and King will anchor the special coverage live from Capitol Hill, where chief political analyst Gloria Borger and senior political analyst David Gergen will provide analysis immediately following the address. In addition, senior congressional correspondent Dana Bash will report live from inside the Capitol surrounding the address while chief White House correspondent Jessica Yellin provides the latest reports and insights of the president’s remarks from the White House. Political contributors participating in tonight’s special coverage include Paul Begala, Ari Fleisher and Roland Martin.
A special edition of AC 360 will follow CNN’s State of the union coverage and analysis, and will air live until midnight.
CNNPolitics.com will offer extensive coverage and real-time analysis of the State of the Union address with live-blogging on the Political Ticker and reader interaction on CNN iReport. Additionally, the address will be live-streamed on CNN.com/Live, via the CNN App for, iPhone and Android.
CNN Worldwide, a division of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., a Time Warner Company, is the most trusted source for news and information. Its reach extends to nine cable and satellite television networks; one private place-based network; two radio networks; wireless devices around the world; CNN Digital Network, the No. 1 network of news Web sites in the United States; CNN Newsource, the world's most extensively syndicated news service; and strategic international partnerships within both television and the digital media.
All Times Eastern
For more information, visit www.CNNPressroom.com.
Posted by
1:59 PM
Monday, January 23, 2012
Ratings For the Week of January 16th-20th
Posted by
11:33 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
Friday, January 20, 2012
This Weekend's Programming 1/21/12
SATURDAY, January 21, 2012
SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Saturday and Sunday 7:30AM – 8:00AM
CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta will take a look at the positions of GOP Presidential candidates Newt Gingrich and Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) on health care. He also previews his upcoming documentary on concussion in high school football with a discussion with one of the foremost research experts on the topic, Kevin Guskiewicz, PhD. Also included, a report on toxic air in schools.
Live coverage of the South Carolina primary from CNN Election Center.
Live coverage of the South Carolina primary from CNN Election Center.
Live coverage of the South Carolina primary from CNN Election Center.
Live coverage of the South Carolina primary from CNN Election Center.
SUNDAY, January 22, 2012
SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Saturday and Sunday 7:30AM – 8:00AM
CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta will take a look at the positions of GOP Presidential candidates Newt Gingrich and Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) on health care. He also previews his upcoming documentary on concussion in high school football with a discussion with one of the foremost research experts on the topic, Kevin Guskiewicz, PhD. Also included, a report on toxic air in schools.
Topics: South Carolina Primary; Plans for Florida
Guest: Rick Santorum, GOP presidential candidate
Topics: South Carolina Primary Results
Guest: Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC)
Topics: Democratic Reaction to South Carolina Primary Results
Guest: Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC)
Anchor: Candy Crowley
FAREED ZAKARIA GPS – Airs 10:00AM – 11:00AM and 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Topic: Is private equity “looting” America? Do private equity executives pay their fair share of taxes? Why is Rubenstein paying to fix the Washington monument?
Guest: David Rubenstein, co-founder, The Carlyle Group global venture capital firm
Topic: Is Pakistan in danger of a military coup? What will stop the violence along the Afghanistan Pakistan border?
Guest: Imran Khan, Pakistani political activist
Topic: Is the Tea Party dead? Is the economy improving? What will happen with the euro? What should President Obama do about Iran?
Guest: David Frum, Republican analyst, columnist for Newsweek / The Daily Beast
Guest: Arianna Huffington, founder, The Huffington Post
Guest: Steven Rattner, former Obama administration “car czar” and author of Overhaul: An Insider's Account of the Obama Administration's Emergency Rescue of the Auto Industry
Guest: Mort Zuckerman, publisher, The New York Daily News and editor-in-chief, U.S. News & World Report
Anchor: Fareed Zakaria
Topics: Interview with Marianne Gingrich
Guest: Brian Ross, chief investigative correspondent, ABC News
Topics: Coverage of South Carolina Primary; Gingrich’s Surge; Romney’s Tax Troubles
Guest: Mark Barabak, Los Angeles Times
Guest: Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post
Guest: Ryan Lizza, The New Yorker
Topics: New York Times Truth Vigilante Controversy
Guest: Arthur Brisbane, public editor, New York Times
Host: Howard Kurtz
THE NEXT LIST – Sunday 2:00PM – 2:30PM
Anchor Dr. Sanjay Gupta meets a rising star in the world of architecture – Bjarke Ingels, whose bold, innovative ideas are pushing the boundaries of design around the globe -- from his native Denmark to Asia and now the Manhattan skyline and beyond.
CNN PRESENTS – Airs Sunday 8:00PM, 11:00PM, and 2:00AM
CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Brooke Baldwin host a two-story magazine program. Correspondent Kaj Larsen reports from Honduras with a rare behind-the-scenes look at US Drug Enforcement Administration operations there trying to stem the flow of an estimated 25 tons a month of cocaine bound for the US. Also, correspondent Deb Feyerick tries to untangle the extremely complicated case of a former NYC police officer convicted of murder – but in a series of twists and emerging information, and the officer’s overturned conviction – the case continues to raise questions about evidence suppression, witness tampering, justified defense, and judicial fairness.
Posted by
9:08 PM
The Opening Question of the South Carolina Debate
Photographer: David S. Holloway
© 2011. Cable News Network. A Time Warner CompanyThe first question of last night's debate resulted in an attack on John King and the mainstream media by Newt Gingrich. John King had asked the Speaker about his second marriage and the claims of his ex-wife, which was the elephant in the room to many viewers but apparently not to Newt.
Here's the exchange between Gingrich and John King:
And CNN's political panel's take on the question and answer:

Posted by
4:32 PM
CNN Fast National Ratings for SC Debate
AC 360 Top-Rated at 10 pm
CNN's South Carolina debate outperformed FNC's South Carolina debate earlier this week (1/16) in the key demo (1.719m vs. 1.573m). Last night's debate was CNN's best yet in this election cycle among the key demo (25-54) and its second best among total viewers (behind the Las Vegas GOP debate).
From 8-10pm, CNN topped FNC by +157% among total viewers (5.03m vs. 1.96m) and by +312% in the target demo 25-54 (1.72m vs. 417k). CNN also topped MSNBC by +512% (5.03m vs. 821k) in total viewers and by +1061% in the key demo (1.72m vs. 148k).
Following the debate, CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 ranked first in cable news at 10pm in total viewers, averaging 2.58 million, FNC followed with 2.15m and MSNBC posted 885k. In the key demographic 25-54 CNN delivered 892k at 10pm, while FNC trailed with 564k and MSNBC averaged 187k.
Fast National data is representative of 8:00-10:00pm. Final data will reflect actual debate time of 8:00pm-9:58pm.
Posted by
4:16 PM
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
CNN to Host Final Debate Ahead of Crucial South Carolina Primary
Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Erin Burnett, John King and Soledad O’Brien will anchor their respective programs live and on-location in Charleston on Thursday. Then, on Saturday, Jan. 21, the anchors will be live beginning at 6 p.m. from the CNN Election Center for America’s Choice 2012: South Carolina Primary. A special edition of Anderson Cooper 360° will air at 11 p.m. followed by a special live midnight edition of Piers Morgan Tonight. Candy Crowley will report from South Carolina throughout Saturday evening and will anchor State of the Union on Sunday, Jan. 22.
Reporting from the field in the days leading up to the debate and primary in the Palmetto State will be national political correspondent Jim Acosta, senior congressional correspondent Dana Bash, CNN Radio Capitol Hill correspondent Lisa Desjardins, senior political correspondent Joe Johns, anchor Don Lemon, and national correspondents David Mattingly and Gary Tuchman. On the trail with the GOP candidates are reporter-at-large Peter Hamby, political producer Rachel Streitfeld, political reporter Shannon Travis and South Carolina-based political producer Shawna Shepherd.
The following five presidential contenders will participate in Thursday’s debate: former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum. In addition to questions posed to the candidates by King and southern Republicans in the audience, CNN will solicit questions and comments submitted in real-time from CNN.com, the CNN Politics fan page on Facebook and by using the #CNNDebate hashtag on Twitter.
In the days leading up to the South Carolina primary, CNNPolitics.com will be the online destination for all news and analysis related to the 2012 Elections. New for the South Carolina primary, CNN has launched the GOP Delegate Calculator. After each caucus or primary, users can try their hand at predicting which candidates will win each state and eventually, the Republican presidential nomination. CNN.com will also provide a CNN Electoral Map with the most recent predictions on battleground states as updated by CNN’s political experts as well as the 2012 Primary Caucus Calendar, an interactive datebook where users can slide over a specific month to see when states will hold their primaries and caucuses throughout the year.
On the day of the primary, CNN.com will live stream the events in South Carolina and live blog the night’s developments. As the primary results come in, users will be able to track them in real-time at the CNN Election Center. To engage and comment on election night news as it happens, users can view the CNN Politics Facebook page for political stories and photos of CNN’s favorite faces and also follow @CNNPolitics on Twitter for breaking developments all night.
CNN iReport, the network’s global participatory news community, will be asking for submissions related to the South Carolina primary, some of which will be shown on CNN.com and broadcast on CNN.
Across CNN’s mobile platforms, the latest election stories and opinion pieces will be available via CNN’s mobile website and on the CNN apps for iPhone, iPad, Android phone and Android tablet. The new Election Center section can also be accessed on CNN’s mobile platforms. Additionally, all apps will carry live video of candidate speeches and events. On election night, live results can be viewed on CNN's mobile website and in the CNN App for iPad.
CNN en Español and CNN International
Starting at 7:45 p.m. on Thursday, CNN en Español anchor Juan Carlos López will be joined by the network’s team of political contributors Maria Cardona, Roberto Izurieta and Juan Hernandez for pre-debate analysis. At 8 p.m., CNN en Español will take the debate live with simultaneous interpretation followed by 30 minutes of post-debate analysis.
The debate will also be carried live on CNN International.
CNN Worldwide, a division of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., a Time Warner Company, is the most trusted source for news and information. Its reach extends to nine cable and satellite television networks; one private place-based network; two radio networks; wireless devices around the world; CNN Digital Network, the No. 1 network of news Web sites in the United States; CNN Newsource, the world’s most extensively syndicated news service; and strategic international partnerships within both television and the digital media.
Posted by
3:30 PM
South Carolina Republican Presidential Debate
Thursday, January 19, 2012
8:00pm – 10:00pm South Carolina Republican Presidential Debate
11:00pm – 1:00am South Carolina Republican Presidential Debate
Friday, January 20, 2012
2:00am – 4:00am South Carolina Republican Presidential Debate
Posted by
8:05 AM
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Ratings For the Week of January 9th-13th
Posted by
11:15 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
Friday, January 13, 2012
This Weekend's Programming 1/14/12
SATURDAY, January 14, 2012
SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Saturday and Sunday 7:30AM – 8:00AM
CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta will explain the key points of “Romneycare” vs. “Obamacare” – sure to be a topic throughout the 2012 political season. He also talks to NFL football players who are choosing to donate their brains to research on concussion, and Dr. Gupta reports on toxic air in schools and also on progress being made in Haiti since the devastating earthquake that ravaged the nation in 2010.
SOUNDCHECK– Saturday 2:30PM
CNN introduces the best music right now with artists from every genre. Hosted by CNN Newsroom anchor Brooke Baldwin.
Topic: Political wrap
Guest: Ron Brownstein & Gloria Borger, senior political analysts
Anchor: Wolf Blitzer
CNN PRESENTS – Airs Saturday at 8:00PM, 11:00PM, and 2:00AM
CNN’s Sanjay Gupta and Brooke Baldwin host a 3-story magazine show including a story reported by correspondent Amber Lyon on the elusive international movement, “Anonymous,” a leaderless collective of computer hackers, and street and video activists who view democracy as corrupt and greedy. Using the Internet, Anonymous has flooded and crashed corporate and government websites, exposed embarrassing photos of a San Francisco Bay area public transportation employee after the system began blocking cell phone signals of regional anti police protestors, and joined and supported ‘Arab Spring’ and Occupy Wall Street demonstrations with various disruptions. Chief medical correspondent Dr. Gupta reports on how indoor pollution may be impacting kids in schools, and investigative correspondent Drew Griffin reports on how teaching practices for the medical board certification of radiologists may be inadvertently encouraging cheating.
HOMS: CITY UNDER SIEGE – Airs Saturday 10:30PM – 11:00PM ET AND PT
CNN Presents a journalists’ video from the frontlines of a city under siege in Syria's civil war.
SUNDAY, January 15, 2012
SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Saturday and Sunday 7:30AM – 8:00AM
CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta will explain the key points of “Romneycare” vs. “Obamacare” – sure to be a topic throughout the 2012 political season. He also talks to NFL football players who are choosing to donate their brains to research on concussion, and Dr. Gupta reports on toxic air in schools and also on progress being made in Haiti since the devastating earthquake that ravaged the nation in 2010.
Topics: South Carolina; 2012 Politics
Guest: Gov. Rick Perry, GOP presidential candidate
Topics: President Obama’s 2012 Campaign
Guest: David Axelrod, senior strategist; Obama re-election campaign
Topics: State of GOP Race
Guest: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), former presidential candidate; Romney supporter
Topic: Analyzing the Evangelical Vote in South Carolina
Guest: Rev. Brad Atkins, President, South Carolina Baptist Convention
Guest: Bob Jones III, Chancellor, Bob Jones University
Anchor: Candy Crowley
FAREED ZAKARIA GPS – Airs 10:00AM – 11:00AM and 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Topic: The state of the U.S. economy & the state of the euro; advice to Presidential candidates on what to do about the economy
Guest: Paul Krugman, columnist, The New York Times and Professor of Economics & International Affairs, Princeton University; Nobel laureate in economics
Guest: Kenneth Rogoff, PhD, professor of economics and public policy at Harvard University
Topic: Iraq on the brink of disaster
Guest: Ayad Allawi, former interim Prime Minister of Iraq
Topic: Was the Iraq war worth it?
Guest: Max Boot, Senior Fellow for National Security Studies, Council on Foreign Relations
Guest: Peter Galbraith, PhD, former U.S. Ambassador to Croatia, former Deputy UN Envoy to Afghanistan, author Unintended Consequences: How War in Iraq Strengthened America’s Enemies (2009)
Anchor: Fareed Zakaria
Topics: Coverage of GOP Presidential Race; Romney’s’ Bain Controversy
Guest: Nia-Malika Henderson, Washington Post
Guest: Maggie Haberman, Politico
Guest: Glynnis MacNicol, Business Insider
Topics: New Book on the Obama’s; Michelle Obama’s Media Image
Guest: David Shuster, Current TV
Guest: Amy Holmes, Glenn Beck TV’s “The Blaze”
Topics: CBS’ New Morning Show
Guest: Eric Deggans, St. Petersburg Times
Guest: Verne Gay, Newsday
Host: Howard Kurtz
CNN PRESENTS – Airs Sunday at 8:00PM, 11:00PM, and 2:00AM
CNN’s Sanjay Gupta and Brooke Baldwin host a 3-story magazine show including a story reported by correspondent Amber Lyon on the elusive international movement, “Anonymous,” a leaderless collective of computer hackers, and street and video activists who view democracy as corrupt and greedy. Using the Internet, Anonymous has flooded and crashed corporate and government websites, exposed embarrassing photos of a San Francisco Bay area public transportation employee after the system began blocking cell phone signals of regional anti police protestors, and joined and supported ‘Arab Spring’ and Occupy Wall Street demonstrations with various disruptions. Chief medical correspondent Dr. Gupta reports on how indoor pollution may be impacting kids in schools, and investigative correspondent Drew Griffin reports on how teaching practices for the medical board certification of radiologists may be inadvertently encouraging cheating.
THE NEXT LIST – Sunday 2:00PM – 2:30PM
Anchor Dr. Sanjay Gupta meets musician Jake Shimabukuro, who believes his instrument of choice, the ukulele, is the instrument of peace. Shimabukuro, makes the ukulele cool by stretching the limits of the tiny, 4-stringed instrument through combining elements of jazz and rock in his playing and has recorded several albums and performed with Jimmy Buffett, Yo-Yo Ma, Ziggy Marley, Bette Midler and Cyndi Lauper.
Posted by
3:56 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
TDS 'Ragging' on CNN......Again
CNN's 'Early Start' with Ashley Banfield and Zoraida Sambolin was mentioned on The Daily Show earlier this week. Here's Jon Stewart's report:
Posted by
11:26 PM
Fast Nationals for Tuesday, January 10 (New Hampshire Primary):
CNN tops MSNBC in primetime in both total viewers and key demo
CNN has a +64% advantage over MSNBC in the target demo
FNC has only a slight bump compared to regular night of programming
During last night’s coverage of the GOP New Hampshire primary, CNN topped MSNBC in primetime (8-11pm) in both total viewers and in the key demo adults 25-54. In total viewers CNN averaged 1.11 million vs. MSNBC’s 1.05m and in the key demo 25-54 CNN had 401k a +64% advantage over MSNBC’s 245k.
Comparing the New Hampshire primary to the prior four Tuesdays (excl. 1/3 Iowa), FNC’s audience was relatively unchanged in total viewers, increasing just 4% (2.25m vs. 2.16m), while CNN grew triple digits +106% (1.11m vs. 541k) and MSNBC was up 17% (1.05m vs. 903k). In the key demo 25-54 CNN increased even more, up +164% (401k vs. 152k), MSNBC increased 21% (245k vs. 203k) and FNC only grew 15% (550k vs. 478k).
Posted by
4:07 PM
Monday, January 9, 2012
Ratings For The Week of January 2nd -6th
Posted by
11:10 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
Sunday, January 8, 2012
CNN's New Hampshire Primary Coverage
Also reporting from New Hampshire will be CNN senior political analyst Ron Brownstein, along with CNN political contributors, Donna Brazile, Erick Erickson, David Frum, Mary Matalin and Hilary Rosen.
CNN correspondents on the ground in New Hampshire will be national political correspondent Jim Acosta, senior political correspondent Joe Johns, senior congressional correspondent Dana Bash, chief White House correspondent Jessica Yellin, and CNN Radio correspondents Bob Costantini and Steve Kastenbaum. CNN reporters embedded in early primary voting states over the last several months will also be in New Hampshire to play a role in coverage, including New Hampshire-based political producer Rachel Streitfeld, political reporter Shannon Travis and political producer Shawna Shepherd. Reporter-at-large Peter Hamby will look one step ahead in the primary contest, live from South Carolina.
Anchors Candy Crowley, John King, Soledad O’Brien, along with Reliable Sources host Howard Kurtz, will report and anchor their respective programs from New Hampshire in the days leading up to the New Hampshire primary. Crowley and O’Brien will remain in New Hampshire through the primary to anchor coverage from the ground the evening of Jan. 10. Through the weekend and primary day, CNN will give viewers an unfiltered look at GOP candidates by airing extensive live events from the campaign trail.
Programming on Tuesday, Jan. 10 – New Hampshire Primary Day
5 a.m. – 7 a.m. Early Start with Ashleigh Banfield and Zoraida Sambolin– live from Atlanta
7 a.m. – 9 a.m. Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien– live from N.H.
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. CNN Newsroom – live from CNN Election Center
4 p.m. – 6 p.m. The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer – live from CNN Election Center
6 p.m. – 7 p.m. John King, USA – live from CNN Election Center
7 p.m. – 12 a.m. CNN America’s Choice 2012: New Hampshire Primary – live from N.H. & CNN Election Center
12 a.m. – 1 a.m. Piers Morgan Tonight – live from CNN Election Center
Posted by
11:35 AM
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Your Views on the News 1/7/12
CNN issued a press release earlier this week announcing Amy Entelis as Senior Vice President for Talent and Content Development. You can read it after the jump. Feel free to give us you opinion on this or any other CNN related topic that has your attention.
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9:30 AM
Friday, January 6, 2012
This Weekend's Programming 1/7/12
SATURDAY, January 7, 2012
SANJAY GUPTA MD – Airs Saturday & Sunday – 7:30AM – 8:00AM
CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta announces the six 2012 CNN Fit Nation participants for the 6-month triathlon challenge. This year, the “six pack” will join Atlanta radio host Bert Weiss to train for the 2012 Nautica Malibu Triathlon in California. He also interviews former NFL great Dorsey Levens (Green Bay Packers, Philadelphia Eagles) about his lasting physical injuries and 2008 Olympic swimmer Cullen Jones about his fitness regimen and inspiring others to take up swimming.
Topic: GOP Fighting
Guest: Reince Priebus: Chair, Republican National Committee
Topic: Political Wrap
Guest: Ron Brownstein and Gloria Borger
Anchor: Wolf Blitzer
American primary and secondary education were once envied by much of the world, but over the last few decades U.S. students have fallen behind – while students in other countries have benefitted from improvements to their educational systems. CNN and TIME magazine’s Fareed Zakaria interviews innovative and creative leaders working on solutions to fix what ails American education. Zakaria guides viewers through tours of what is working in education in countries with high rankings – to South Korea where students have more classroom time; and Finland, where professionalization of the teacher workforce has improved educators – in order to mine ideas for what could put U.S. education back on the right track. Featured in the special are: Microsoft founder and education philanthropist Bill Gates, founder of the online Khan Academy Salman Khan, NYU Professor, former Assistant U.S. Secretary of Education, and author (The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education, 2010) Diane Ravitch, and Michelle Rhee, former chancellor of D.C. Public Schools, who now leads StudentsFirst.
SUNDAY, January 8, 2012
SANJAY GUPTA MD – Airs Saturday & Sunday – 7:30AM – 8:00AM
CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta announces the six 2012 CNN Fit Nation participants for the 6-month triathlon challenge. This year, the “six pack” will join Atlanta radio host Bert Weiss to train for the 2012 Nautica Malibu Triathlon in California. He also interviews former NFL great Dorsey Levens (Green Bay Packers, Philadelphia Eagles) about his lasting physical injuries and 2008 Olympic swimmer Cullen Jones about his fitness regimen and inspiring others to take up swimming.
Topics: New Hampshire Primary; Huntsman’s Strategy
Guest: Jon Huntsman, GOP presidential candidate
Topics: Dems Legislative Agenda for 2012; Race for the White House
Guest: Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Minority Leader
Topics: Romney vs. Gingrich in New Hampshire
Guest: John Sununu, former New Hampshire Governor; Romney surrogate
Guest: Bob Walker, former U.S. Congressman; Gingrich surrogate
Topics: New Hampshire Primary
Guest: Phil Rucker, The Washington Post
Guest: Neil King, The Wall Street Journal
Anchor: Candy Crowley
FAREED ZAKARIA GPS – Airs Sunday 10:00AM – 11:00AM and 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Topics: Election 2012: does the former Senator think the GOP race is Mitt Romney’s to lose? Is Simpson ready to endorse Romney? Has the Tea Party played much of a role in election 2012? What about the GOP candidates pledge to not raise taxes? Can the math work?
Guest: Alan Simpson, former U.S. Senator (R-WY)
Topic: Evolving the Pentagon: Is Secretary Panetta’s strategy to downsize the armed forces one whose time has come – or is it too much, too fast?
Guest: Michael O’Hanlon, PhD, director of research and senior fellow, foreign policy, 21st Century Defense Initiative, The Brookings Institution
Guest: Lawrence Korb, PhD, senior fellow, Center for American Progress; senior advisor to the Center for Defense Information
Topic: The verbal war between the U.S. and Iran – will it ultimately lead to military conflict?
Guest: Hillary Mann Leverett, CEO, Strategic Energy and Global Analysis (STRATEGA) and lecturer for Yale University Jackson Institute for Global Affairs
Guest: Hooman Majd, writer/author The Ayatollahs’ Democracy: An Iranian Challenge (2011)
Guest: Vali Nasr, PhD, U.S. State Department Foreign Affairs Policy Advisory Board
Guest: Bret Stephens, deputy editorial page editor, The Wall Street Journal (European and Asian Editions)
Anchor: Fareed Zakaria
Topics: Santorum’s Surge Coverage; Iowa Caucus Coverage and Romney’s 8-Vote Win
Guest: Jonathan Karl, ABC News
Guest: Lynn Sweet, Chicago Sun-Times
Guest: Roger Simon, POLITICO
Topic: Fair Game Reporting
Guest: Robert Costa, National Review
Guest: Dana Milbank, The Washington Post
Topic: Covering the New Hampshire Primary
Guest: James Pindell, WMUR
Host: Howard Kurtz
THE NEXT LIST – Airs Sunday 2:00PM – 2:30PM
Anchor Dr. Sanjay Gupta revisits profiles of cyber illusionist Marco Tempest, graffiti artist and illustrator Tristan Eaton, perfume designer Christopher Brosius, experimental gastronomer Homaro Cantu, computer applications developer and filmmaker Scott Snibbe, and social roboticist Heather Knight.
Posted by
9:26 PM
Thursday, January 5, 2012
CNN After Dark
Tom Foreman took a look at late night election coverage by the Best Political Team on Television for AC360 Tuesday night. Enjoy!
Anderson Cooper had it right when he said The Daily Show would be mocking CNN's weeble technology. Here's Jon Stewart's Moment of Zen Wednesday night.
But I think the funniest look back at CNN's Iowa Caucus coverage with Stephen Colbert's take on Erin Burnett's flicking.
On Thursday night Ms. Burnett had the last word? Well maybe......
Posted by
11:13 PM
Labels: Anderson Cooper, Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Erin Burnett, Stephen Colbert
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Fast Nationals for Tuesday, January 3 (Iowa Caucuses)
As the only news organization that doesn’t take sides, CNN had a strong performance during Tuesday’s Republican Iowa caucuses topping MSNBC in both total viewers and the key demo 25-54 during all key day parts.
CNN also showed the most growth among total viewers compared to the prior four Tuesdays, increasing +142% (1.310m vs. 541k), while FNC increased just 22% (2.631m vs. 2.158m) and MSNBC was up 32% (1.195m vs. 903k) during primetime. In the target demo 25-54, CNN also grew the most, increasing +220% (486k vs. 152k), while FNC was up 43% (684k vs. 478k) and MSNBC grew 49% (303k vs. 203k) vs. the prior four Tuesdays.
Primetime: (8-11p)
CNN: 1.31m total viewers/486k target demo 25-54
FNC: 2.63m/684k
MSNBC: 1.20m/303k
Late Night: (11p-3a)
CNN: 839k total viewers/347k target demo 25-54
FNC: 1.82m/645k
MSNBC: 693k/228k
Full Block: (7p-3a)
CNN: 1.0m total viewers/390k target demo 25-54
FNC: 2.15m/637k
MSNBC: 932k/259k
Posted by
4:46 PM
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Ratings for the Week of December 26th-30th
Posted by
9:57 PM
Labels: Ratings At A Glance
CNN's Coverage of Iowa Caucuses
On Jan. 3, the night of the Iowa caucuses, CNN anchors Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Erin Burnett, Candy Crowley and John King will lead CNN’s election night coverage from 7 p.m.-midnight from the CNN Election Center and live from Iowa. Chief political analyst Gloria Borger, senior political analyst David Gergen, along with political contributors James Carville, Ari Fleischer, Dana Loesch and Roland Martin, will be on hand to offer expert analysis. Piers Morgan will broadcast a special edition of Piers Morgan Tonight at midnight.
CNN will have more reporters on the ground in Iowa this year than in past Republican primary elections. On the ground in Iowa will be national political correspondent Jim Acosta, senior political correspondent Joe Johns, senior congressional correspondent Dana Bash, chief White House correspondent Jessica Yellin and CNN Radio Capitol Hill correspondent Lisa Desjardins. In addition, reporting from Iowa will be CNN senior political analyst Ron Brownstein, along with CNN political contributors Paul Begala, Donna Brazile, Alex Castellanos, Erick Erickson, David Frum and Mary Matalin.
CNN reporters who have been embedded in key, early voting states for the past several months including political reporter Shannon Travis, political producers Shawna Shepherd and Rachel Streitfeld and CNN’s political reporter-at-large Peter Hamby will all be in Iowa playing a role in caucus night coverage.
Technology and Social Media (#CNNElections):
On caucus night, Tuesday, Jan. 3, CNN will unveil a brand new Election Center studio, complete with new technology and data visualization capabilities. Anchor and chief national correspondent John King will utilize new features on CNN’s Magic Wall to explore the incoming results more in-depth than in the past. CNN will also utilize dual-screen technology to examine demographics and to track how voters cast their votes via CNN’s entrance polls. In addition, the network will aggregate social media conversations, by using #CNNElections, and display users’ sentiments about particular candidates or issues in real time.
Online on the day of the Iowa caucuses, CNNPolitics.com will host real-time reports from the network’s political correspondents and anchors on the ground in Iowa and the region throughout the weeks leading up to the voting there.
On caucus night, CNN.com will live stream the events in Iowa. Users will also be able to track results by county as they come in at the CNN Election Center and through the CNN Apps for iPad, iPhone and Android. Also launching in time for the Iowa caucus is the CNN GOP Delegate Calculator. After each caucus or primary, users can submit their best guesses for which presidential candidates will win each state and compare their predictions to those of the CNN political experts.
CNN iReport, the network’s global participatory news community, will be asking for submissions related to the Iowa caucus, some of which will be shown across CNN.com and broadcast on CNN.
CNN en Español and CNN International:
CNN en Español will offer extensive coverage of the Jan. 3 Iowa Caucuses with correspondent Ione Molinares reporting live from Iowa throughout the day. Starting at 7 p.m., Washington D.C. anchor Juan Carlos López will host a special edition of Directo USA and will be joined by a panel of political contributors Maria Cardona, Juan Hernandez and Roberto Izurieta to offer analysis of the events of the day and the perspectives for this primary election process. CNN International will simulcast the domestic network’s coverage beginning at 7 p.m.
Posted by
10:54 AM